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My h3 playthrough

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Just beat Chapter 12:

Marth      12.24  26   9   0   8  12  15   9   0
Rickard     9.51  28   9   0   4  12   4   7   0

Jagen       7.03   4   1   0   7   1   5   2   0
Wrys       17.26   7   0   4   6   9   9   0   5
Bord    12/01.98   9   9   0   7   2   7   4   0
Lena       13.96   3   0   7   9   9  13   2   3
Roshea     11.30  11   3   0   8   1   5   2   0
Matthis    12.07  12   4   0   3   1   4   3   0
Roger      11.95   7   5   0   3   7   7   2   0
Gordin     10.54   5   0   0   4   2   9   4   0
Draug      11.54   9   3   0   3   7   6   4   0
Darros     12.34  12   6   0   2   2   8   3   0
Vyland      9.52   7   2   0   3   2   3   1   0

Midia       1.00   2   0   0   6   2   7   1   0
Tomas       8.00   6   2   0   3   1   4   0   0

Bord was my Chapter 12 MVP, I promoted him to help me kill Volzhin. I'm generally trying for minimum turncounts with all villages, all gaidens and no Warp use, and obviously I'm going out of my way to use the shittiest units. That being said, I'll probably replace Jagen with Midia and then Gordin with Tomas.

It's not really that hard so far. I'm welcome to any suggestions for who to use of the remaining characters and who to kill off, but I almost certainly won't use Catria and Palla (too good). Even Roger seems a tad too capable for me and he will probably be Gaiden fodder.

EDIT: I just noticed that I missed the boots in Ch12. Really tempted to go back and use Warp to get it...

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Does Wrys has 9 personal Speed? I suppose That He might helpful after promotion with a forge, is Wrys your Garnef Killer?

Since you are doing Gaidens I suppose that you will use Horace but if you see he is too good for the playthrough then you could use some Astram. Etzel can use Excalibur so He might prove useful.

Also post the Weapon Experience so people can get a clearer Idea,,, Wrys could be a Mage and I thinking he is a Curate >.>

Have fun!

Edit: You say you are aiming for the Lowest possible turncount... so you might go back for the boots BUT I would like to encourage you to fiish this without the Boots (or give it to a unit ot named Marth)

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Does Wrys has 9 personal Speed? I suppose That He might helpful after promotion with a forge, is Wrys your Garnef Killer?

Lena will probably be my Gharnef killer.

Edit: You say you are aiming for the Lowest possible turncount... so you might go back for the boots BUT I would like to encourage you to fiish this without the Boots (or give it to a unit ot named Marth)

Yeah, I think that it's a pretty good balance of challenging with 7 move marth. 9 move Marth would probably be too difficult to keep up with.

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