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First Playthrough of PoR


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Well, I'm too lazy to actually log my playthrough, but I finally got PoR semi-working on Dolphin. It shuts off every couple minutes, but it's okay with copious savestates! So these are the units I'm thinking of using on a long-term basis, based off what I know of the game. As it's my first playthrough, it's on Normal.












Too many units? Too few? Anyone on here I shouldn't bother with? Anyone I should maybe give a shot? I like fielding everyone on most chapters, so if the fielding limit is around 7 or 8, tell me. I also want to use at least 1 Laguz, and at least 1 mage. Rhys will probably sub in for Mist until she is usable.

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Janaff isnt too bad, he starts transformed and he flys. You should drop Ulki though. Lethe or Muarim would probably be better as far as Laguz go.

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Deployment limits toward the end are pretty cozy (IIRC the endgame lets you take in 13 of your choice). Maybe try to squeeze in Soren, Astrid, any one of the Myrmidons, and Volke when you have room.

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Trade off Ulki for Lethe and put in Mia, both are really awesome chicks.Maybe Soren if you want a mage. And you can bring 12 units of your choice (14 total, but Ike and the dragon you get are forced).

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Will see when I get more characters. I'm on Chapter 7 right now, and not very impressed with Soren.






ONE OF THESE FIGHTERS IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER. Seriously, Boyd is a lower level than Oscar and has higher Speed. Also, Shinon crits ridiculously often, and Ike is going to ram his cap hard.

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