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Give me my units!

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My goal is just to complete HHM, but I'll try to be efficient as well. I'm also going for all Gaidens.

No Lyn Mode, and I want to only use the units I need in the final Chapter, so Lords are already picked.

So, give me units!

-2. Athos

-1. Nils/Ninian

0. Hector

1. Eliwood

2. Lyn

3. Oswin (Thankyouthankyouthankyou)

4. Bartre (Not adding Karla due to relative uselessness/ one pick per person Nevermind)

5. Nino (Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Well, you'll be fun to train!)

6. Erk (One of my faves!)

7. Wallace (Really? Never used him before... Wait, he's going to be a bitch to recruit, won't he?)

8. Dorcas (Hmm... Five Axe users...)

9. Jaffar (Jaffar x Nino all the way!)

10. Pent (The lord of mages, pretty cool)

11. Isadora (Facepalm_emote_gif.gif, not the best cavalier in the world, but she'll do)

Anyway, I'll try to use the other units since I was reminded in chat afterwards that Nils and Athos are forced.

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