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[FE4] Rate the Unit XLI

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Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications)

- Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc.

- Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please!

- Make votes easily visible, please and thank you!

- Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST.

-Second Generation Note: Assume that Substitutes are done on a Subs-only run. Any "not ________" will not be accepted.

Units and Ranking (Least to Greatest):

First Generation

Diadora: 1.19

Ardan: 1.39

Tiltyu: 2.00

Briggid: 3.71

Claude: 4.42

Azel: 4.63

Jamka: 5.25

Midir: 5.47

Dew: 5.68

Holyn: 5.90

Lachesis: 6.13

Noish: 6.15

Alec: 6.17

Beowulf: 6.40

Aideen: 6.57

Ayra: 6.79

Levin: 7.87

Fin (First Generation): 7.88

Fury: 8.25

Cuan: 8.41

Lex: 8.83

Ethlin: 9.15

Sylvia: 9.50

Sigurd: 9.96

Second Generation

Roddlevan: 3.33

Radney: 3.44

Amid: 4.85

Dimna: 4.89

Mana: 4.98

Tristan: 5.00

Skasaher: 6.00

Lakche: 6.35

Lester: 6.59

Julia: 7.12

Lana: 8.24

Delmud: 8.45

Oifaye: 8.58

Arthur: 8.67

Fee: 8.86

Celice: 9.54

(Fee better than Arthur my day is made)



Femina actually rocks. She has a crapton of speed (16 base, 50 growth) and a Berserk Sword at the start, two things that are actually great to start with in the Second Generation. She also has decent strength (10 base, 30 growth) so she's gonna be rocking out a decent amount of the time. She has Continue and with that pretty fuckin' broken Speed growth she's got a decent amount of chances to activate it over most other people who have it. She lacks Pursuit... of course.

Like Fee, she can fly around and take out a few enemies near her start position. She can also hold her own somewhat against most enemies, but her Res growth blows (5% whee), despite 9 base. Her defense is better (7 base and 20 growth)... not that better. She's pretty glass cannon.

She becomes a mobile staffer but is relegated to Return, Live, and Relive. I assume she can use some good Return shenanigans because Leaf's gonna be too busy Rescue/Warping the shit out of everyone, so a backup for that is always a plus.

-1 bias because, well, I really, really like Fee and Sety and can't bring myself to kill/not pair one of my favorite FE characters.


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Femina's combat ability would be decent... if she had the Pursuit Ring. But since she's probably not getting it, she's relegated to a flying staffbot and utility. Of course, this is still more than a lot of subs, so... 6? Idunno.

Lol, I'm studying a Streetcar Named Desire in class.

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Lol, I'm studying a Streetcar Named Desire in class.

One of my favorite plays and movies. If you get a chance to watch the movie, do it. The four principals are perfect in their roles. Brando at his finest, and Vivien Leigh is immaculate.

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She has problems just doing basic flyer crap in chapter 6 to rescue villages (you can try to berserk the mountain thieves, which causes them to stop destroying the villages for 5 turns IIRC, but it's obviously very random). After that she needs the pursuit ring (which is certainly on Leaf in all-subs) or the gen 1 hero sword to be able to do the same low-significance missions you'd use Fee on. Without pursuit the hero lance will constantly fail to kill mountain thieves standing on +20 evade tiles. She also has the same Return staff application as Fee, with the bonus that she cannot be RNG screwed out of the magic resistance with a Barrier ring it takes to fly through epilogue status staff zones, while Fee can be.

Since the environment of all-subs creates different incentives (like being able to save extra village gold being more important with less inheritance) Femina is more important than Fee is to non-subs, so:


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Not a bad candidate for the Hero Lance. The lack of pursuit and generally meh stats other than speed hurt, but she still has magical flying powers. Yes, flying does make a difference in FE4!


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Fun Fact: Femina is a generally statistically superior Fury just ...without Pursuit. Which sucks.

BUT, even without Pursuit her offense is *okay* and she has Continue to occasionally do good things. Plus, she's your only flier until Altenna comes up (tbj, I never recruit altenna but I won't reflect that in that rating) and does come with C Staves in the end. So she's like Jeanne, except better.

And she may not be Fee but her hypothetical unused Thracia portrait is pretty damned foxy.

All told, with a point of bias applied, I'm going to land Femina at a solid 8.5/10.

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Not a bad candidate for the Hero Lance. The lack of pursuit and generally meh stats other than speed hurt, but she still has magical flying powers. Yes, flying does make a difference in FE4!


basically that

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She wants the Pursuit Ring or Hero Lance, badly. If she can get one of those, she does just fine. She has decent speed, good weapon access, and eventual staffbot utility. She beats Fury everywhere but having innate Pursuit, really, which ain't bad. Of course, that lack of Pursuit is a killer, but you could do a hell of a lot worse than putting the ring on Femina and giving her the Hero Lance - already something Fee would've gotten anyhow so it's hardly out of the ordinary to say Femina should too - helps a lot as well.


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