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The earliest Serenes Forest yet?


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So, after reading an interesting article about the date that the original Super Mario Bros. was released in America, I suddenly realised I'm not completely sure when Serenes Forest, the site, was first created. Sure, the "About" page says "1st February 2005", but that's about as far back as I could find.

Now I believe I've found evidence that SF (known as "Angel Sword: Memories" back in the days) has been around earlier than I previously thought... and that's two days earlier on 30th January 2005 (I'm lazy/in a hurry to print screen the file and I could as well have faked the date, so I hope you can take my word for it : P that and there's no guarantee it was uploaded on the same day).

Here's the file I found from that date, which is super bare-bones and yet contains a lot of silly typos. Also, don't bother following the link because it doesn't exist.

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