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The Epic Path Of Radiance/Radiant Dawn PMU runthrough

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Hai-o. So, as you may be aware of...my laptop went kablooie. See my now-aborted FE8 PMU for more details.

It wasn't fun.

Anyway, these two games are the only two that I've actually proven to be good at in front of other people. Shadow Dragon I sucked, FE3/4/5 I sucked.

FE8, I was in the process of sucking when BOOM. My faithful laptop died.

I guess the third country in five years finally made it give up.

Anyway, in order to make up for the no-more-lulzy-suckiness of my FE8 playthrough, I'm going to let you sadistic bastards choose the units for my full run of FE9/10, with save transfer.

(Please note there will be no screenshots due to playing on a Wii with no capture tech, but I'll copy out unit stats at the end of each chapter with a Restart count and commentary).

So, yes.

Don't go easy on me. Remember, I know this game. Or at least I used to. Haven't played it in about a year.

However, because I'm already aware that you guys are dicks (Or at least Camtech is, he gave me Knoll, and although I hadn't gotten that far yet I looked up his stats and, in the eternal words of Cee Lo Green, FORGET YOU.), I'm going to be playing on Normal.

Yes, that means Normal/Japan!Hard on RD as well. Stop yelling at me.

I shall be using Random to make up for it, so RNG screwage is a possibility. Also, you lot get to assign Bands.

I await your responses with anticipation. And ritual knife for Seppuku.

1. Ike (Duh!)

2. Jill (Yay!)

3. Largo (Boo!)

4. Boyd (Archer Band - also YAY EARLY GAME BRAH!)

5. Tormod (...meh. Celerity is nice.)

6. Gatrie (Knight Ward - ohwhatthehell, seriously? Does he really need that DEF bonus?! Damn you, Joker!)

7. Kieran (...wtf?)

8. Nephenee (Yay! Again!)

9. Mia (Ha, the jokes on you, I LIKE using her! Knight Band)

10. Astrid (Sans Knight Ward. Shiest.)

11. Haar

12. Rhys (Mage Band. Yay for Staffbots...I think?!)

13. Ilyana (EFF YEAH! Paladin Band)

14. Geoffrey


- Titania for earlygame help. She's getting bench'd eventually.

- Sothe for thievery. I asked my girlfriend, she said NO YOU CANNOT USE VOLKE. Sigh.


- Mia/Rhys

- Ilyana/Gatrie

Rest IDK yet. Probably supporting Astrid and Sothe.

Edited by Gone2Ground
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Hmmm....how can I give you mixed blessings here.

Oh yeah.

Have fun with.

Mist and soldier band


Rolf and no bexp

Devdanved and no KW/Arms scroll, or forges

Not sadistic enough.

Oh yeah.

Have fun with Gatrie then.

Give him a Knight Ward.

And for fe10, support him with any GM unit and have him take a Brrraaave axe to endgame for fun!



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Don't want this to be too...Haar'd now. :smug:

...Did you seriously just make that joke? Really? I just...buh...DISSAPOINT, SIR.

The joke is in fact on you Sir. I was not attempting to troll you. Also since I seem to have failed to specify, Knight Band

Huh. Most people seem to be hatin' on the Myrmidons.

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...Did you seriously just make that joke? Really? I just...buh...DISSAPOINT, SIR.

Huh. Most people seem to be hatin' on the Myrmidons.

*points to text in plain sight within Signature*

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Give Bows on Kieran upon promotion, a-okay?

One more, thing... What's with the WTF?

Edited by Frostbite
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Tutorial to CH5 (In which Ike is RES blessed)

Prologue: Ike go smash and drink potions.



Turn One: Ike goes North, Boyd goes East, Oscar goes North-west to deal with a myrmidon. Titania visits house.

Turn Two: Ike finishes the weakened Myrmidon, Boyd punches a fighter to death, Titania saves the second village. Oscar hides due to not being on THE LIST.


Turn Three: Ike/Boyd move up into Bandit attack range.

Turn Four: Boyd kills bandit, Ike engages Myrmidon and kills it in the enemy phase.

Turn Five: Boyd fights the boss


Turn Six: Boyd heals.

Turn Seven: Boss dies, Ike seizes the tile.

(BEXP 160)



Oscar goes west to meet Myrmidon. Ike/Boyd/Rhys go east to fight main army.


IKELV4 +HP +STR +SKL +SPD +DEF +RES (I know, right?)

Ike and Boyd murder two more guys. Rhys staffbots.

Ike moves into enemy AR and Rhys staffbots.

Ike/Boyd move up and murder in the EP.

Ike kills the Myrmidon and weakens Ikanu in the EP.

Ike kills the boss.


(190bexp gained)



Shinon goes to play the Jeigan Game of 'Hit me if you can', Gatrie goes to fight that Myrmidon, Ike crits a bandit, Titania grabs the Elixir.

EP: Shinon crits 2 of his attackers. Gatrie kills a man. Marcia kills 2 of 3 opponents.

Turn two/three can be summed up by: SHINON! STOP CRITTING!

...THANK YOU! Ike finishes one of the leftover bandits.


Turn four is moving up...

Ike gets Marcia out, Gatrie occupies some pirates.

Turn six: Ike kills a man.

Surn seven: Ike kills the boss thanks to archer-chip.

IKELV7: +HP +STR +MAG +LUCK +DEF +RES (Dear god! Were you people making sacrifices to the dark gods of RNG when this happened?)



Soren chips from a bush. Gatrie kills. Titania unequips and hides in a bush, drawing the army to her. Rhys hides on Shinon's back. Ike puts on a Thief Band.


Turn two consists of moving up and MURDER


Ike kills a man, and so does Gatrie. Shinon kills someone to save Soren's imminent death.

Turn four? More MURDER. Titania pulles out an axe, and a soldier promptly dies. She moves to a healthhedge to lure the boss. EP a few things die on her.

Rhys stops hiding, and Titania begins the Game of Dodging.

Staffbotting and maneouvering. EP: Boss takes the bait, attacking Gatrie.

GatrieLV11: +STR (...oh, THAT'S why I got the god-level on Ike last chapter...)

Ike's Regal Sword says hi. The boss dies horribly.




Ike/Boyd/Shinon/Rhys cover the south entrance, Soren/Gatrie/Titania the east.

T2: Murder

T3: Murder and heals


T4: Move down the south slightly

OSCARLV4: +HP +MAG +SKL +SPD +DEF +RES (Dammit internet, you won't let me use him!)



RHYS: +MAG +SPD +DEF (Hard not to be happy with Healer getting DEF)

T5: Move up Shinon to lure boss. EP: Oh wait, he's using a javelin - OH CHRIST, SHINON, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CRITICALS! DON'T DO THEM! OTHER PEOPLE NEED THE EXP!



T6: Fall back, EP Murder.


Right well, that's all so far. I still can't believe Ike got that much Resistance - I suppose Random has its upsides as well as down.

Keep making those child sacrifices, internet!

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I've forgotten to record the events of CH6-11, so I'll just post my current team with stats. I think I might just keep it this way.


Ike - LV18 Ranger

HP 30/30

Strength - 16

Magic - 4

Skill - 17

Speed - 16

Luck - 11

Defense - 14

Resistance - 11


Overall - I like this Ike's Resistance. His speed was lacking, but I used a speedwing to boost it up from 14. Everything else looks fine, although I wish he could cap Skill before promotion (2 levels isn't enough, unfortunately)


Boyd - LV19 Fighter

HP 40/40

Strength - 17

Magic - 0

Skill - 13

Speed - 17

Luck - 8

Defense - 7

Resistance - 6

SKILLS: Tempest


Overall: This Boyd is in serious Skill trouble. He's doubling almost anything, but misses with half of his attacks. I really need a Secret Book to put on him.


Ilyana - LV16 Mage

Strength - 3

Magic - 14

Skill - 15

Speed - 13

Defense - 3

Resistance - 16


Overall: I like her Skill right now, but she could do with some more Speed. Her lack of Magic is made up by a forged Thunder tome with 8 Might. I also used an Arms Scroll to boost her Wind up a level, so she can be of more use in CH12 with all those Ravens.


Nephenee - LV12 Soldier

HP - 25/25

Strength - 10

Magic - 2

Skill - 11

Speed - 16

Luck - 7

Defense - 11

Resistance - 3

SKILLS: Wrath, Counter

Overall: This Nephenee is turning out very promising. Likely to cap Speed shortly, and Skill looks like it could be near-cap by promotion.


Mia - LV14 Myrmidon

HP - 24/24

Strength - 11

Magic - 2

Skill - 15

Speed - 19

Luck - 10

Defense - 11

Resistance - 4

SKILLS: Vantage


Overall: Mia's turning into a very nice Godess of Death. A Dracoshield boosted her survivability. I just hope she gets a bit more Strength in the coming levels. I don't think Skill or Speed is going to be a problem for her.


Rhys - LV15 Priest

Strength - 0

Magic - 17

Skill - 16

Speed - 9

Luck - 13

Defense - 4

Resistance - 17

SKILLS: Serenity, Miracle


Overall: Yeah, I BEXP'd the shit out of him pretty early. I think that he might even be a pretty decent attacker once promoted, too. He's got better Magic than Ilyana, at any rate.


Kieran - LV14 Axe Knight

HP 31/31

Strength - 12

Magic - 1

Skill - 10

Speed - 12

Luck - 10

Defense - 11

Resistance - 1

SKILLS: None (I freaking hate Gamble, so I got rid of it)

Overall: I like my Kieran already. He might not cap anything now, but he's still among my more reliable damage dealers thanks to a Forged Axe with low weight so he can double easily. He just needs some more Speed so he doesn't need to use that axe...


Titania - LV4 Paladin

HP 36/36

Strength - 14

Magic - 5

Skill - 16

Speed - 14

Luck - 14

Defense - 12

Resistance - 8

SKILLS: Counter


Overall: This Titania was pretty good, but with Jill about to enter and Gatrie's return around the corner she can be bench'd for good (until maybe Day Breaks).


Also: I'm stuck on who to support some people with. Astrid's going with Sothe, but the rest I don't have a clue. So yeah...help please?

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