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Throw a random FE Object at Next Poster

That One Guy

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**Magic Shield around me makes it turn into dust** Me:Woops I didn't mean to turn that into dust...

**Throws Magic Meteors and uhhh naked Tharja cause I threw her bikini at next OP**

Edited by Thy Sea Serpent Girl Arch
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*Catches* Good thing I class changed to Dreadfighter and maxed Axes... *Goes on Axe Rampage*

*Throws enemies killed during Axe Rampage*

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*gets knocked down by a dead pegasus knight* Oooof.

*struggles to get up, and flings a Goddess Staff*

Edited by Paulina
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Henry: Ooh! Sweets! Not easy to come by in Plegia... thanks stranger! [/walks away]

[/from underneath the Deadlord pile] Henry... you have to throw something back...

Henry: Oh yeah, whoops. Here ya go! [/throws a Valflame tome] Can I play with the dead things now?

If you get them off of me, sure.

Henry: Awesome!

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