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FE8 custom battle animation problem


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i know this might be a stupid question, but how exactly do you use the custom battle animation editor in FE8. i know how to use it in FE7, but in eight, the number i assign the custom batle animation is too short for me to input it into the battle animation pointer on the class editor.

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I remember the FE8 Character editor was a dropdown box instead of an input box... so you'd have to edit NEHU to NEDU or something like that for the Battle Animation Pointer for the Class Editor.

Now, as for the Battle Animation Module itself and you need more animation options, you either:

A: Edit the module itself to include more slots.

B: You manually hex edit at the same spot.

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ill be completely honest, i dont know how to do what you just said, i just want to know how to input a custom animation into fe8 for a custom class, or at least to figure out how to use the module for fe8. thanks though, its that im still a beginner

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Experiment with the basics first in that case.


Read Chapter 5.

Mess around with the animations first. As in mess around with a class and learn how to make it use certain animations for certain weapon types/items first before trying to tackle a custom class.

Then read Chapter 57 for making your own animation.

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ohh ok, ill keep trying that, but i have already made custom classes for both fe7, and 6, and to an extent, 8, the only problem i have is giving the female sniper class the animation of roy with his sword of seals. i have managed to accomplish this with both of the other games, because the pointer that i assign the animation to fits in the pointer box in the class editor. FE8 on the other hand, has a smaller pointer in the custom battle animation editor, and this when i replace that number into the pointer in the class editor, it adds another zero either in the front or in the back of the pointer. because of this, the animation does not work, or at least doesn't work when i attempt to promote the class into it. again i appreciate your help, and i have read through the ultimate tutorial several times, but the problem with reading that, is that it is mainly orientated in FE7. and i am trying to mess around, giving it certain animation for certain weapons, the problem is i cant get the animations to appear for the class with its respective weapon.

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FE8 on the other hand, has a smaller pointer in the custom battle animation editor, and this when i replace that number into the pointer in the class editor, it adds another zero either in the front or in the back of the pointer.


I don't see how this can happen. You must have screwed up the module when editing it to become an "enter the number" box instead of a "dropdown box".

Unless of course you're using Nightmare 2, in which case you can ignore the above statement. Just give me a screenshot in that case.

The first entry for the Custom Battle Animation Module is 0x8E60010 [for 0xE60010 in the actual ROM]. I don't see how that's any shorter than FE7's.

If you were to let's say go to 0xD2303 (random) which is one digit shorter... you would enter 0x80D2303.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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i apologies, i meant that FE8 battle animation pointer has one more number, not one less, but here is the picture nonetheless

as you can see, the 8 numbers in the fe7 class editor can be replaced with the 8 numbers in the custom battle animation editor (above 2 in the image)

but in fe8, the 9 numbers in the battle animation pointer are not able to be replaced by the 8 in the custom battle animation editor, and if i attempt to replace then, it add a zero

post-4799-070762100 1333946864_thumb.jpg

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...uh... what?

0x08FFF800. I count eight digits on your pointer, which is RIGHT. ON ALL OF THEM. Where's NINE digits? I don't see it. In the ROM, it's reversed: 00 F8 FF 08. That's why you ALWAYS have an 8 in the front. It's a 08, followed by 6 digits for ROM offset... backwards. This is called "Little Endian".

You SERIOUSLY need to read up on pointers. Chapter 4. Read it. CAREFULLY. Look at the screenshot.

A pointer is reversed by little Endian, that formatting thing I talked about. So the first pointer 4CC73408 is 0834C74C. The 08 is added onto every address in the game. I’ll get into that later, but for now, just sort of ignore it. You won’t need to worry about it too much until you get into ASM (assembly) or expansion.

So basically a pointer, since Nightmare reverses it for you... is the format 0x08(offset).

It is the saem as 0x8(offset). No difference between the two.

The location in the ROM for that up there is 0xFFF800, where your data is being written to. If you want Ephraim to use it, put in 0x08FFF800

WHENEVER the game loads something from the ROM, it's at 0x08(offset), unless it's above 16 MB.

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Rey, he's counting the 0x as a number, too. That's how he got 9.

@OP, 0x just means that the entry is in hexadecimal numbers, not in normal decimal number system. S'in the Ultimate Tutorial if you need to read up on that. That means there're only 7 numbers normally, technically. But since bytes are measured in twos, 8FFF800 becomes 08 FF F8 00. Also, like shadowofchaos said, it's byte reversed in the actual hex of the rom. (Although I'm pretty sure you should stick to nightmare for a while)

Edited by Jubby
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Now is when i realized what i had to do, just replace the last 6 digits in the pointer with the ones from th custom batlle animation editor. One more question though. when i do attempt to replace the last 6 digits, it appears to change in the nightmare module, but as soon as i save, close nightmare, and reopen the rom with nightmare, the animation pointer resets itself back to the default female sniper pointer. and thanks for the help, i wouldent have realized that stupid mistake otherwise

Edited by Xkoncept2323
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It's because your pointer isn't in the defined list. As long as you don't click "apply changes" on that specific class AFTER you've set the battle animation pointer, you don't have to reset it again.

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