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Funny Animal Stories

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About five years ago, I lived in the middle of nowhere in France (Several Hundred kilometers south of Tolouse). There was a big forest with a farm next to it. I used to let my big, heavy, fast (And wimpy. Really wimp) labrador/alsatian cross off the lead there. One summer, he dived under the fence, GRABBED A CHICKEN, came back JUMPING THE FENCE, and dropped the chicken at my feet looking pleased with himself. It ran off into the forest.

We found it ten minutes later. Dead. We think of a heart attack.

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Ha, my black cat's been outdoorsy and kind of a hunter for a while. He went for mice usually, and always deposited them on our front or back doors as per the standard, but at one point a couple years ago, we started finding headless chipmunk bodies just strewn around our yards 8( I never did catch him in the act, but eesh.

I also used to have another cat along with the serial killer, and at one point many years ago the killer henceforth known as Charlie was watching me take a bath, peering over the edge of the tub at he-only-knows-what. The other cat, a spoiled tabby, then came up behind him and bit his tail or something, startling Charlie into jumping into the water, right in my lap. thankfully, nobody, or thing, was further hurt in the making of this story

My dog, a Labrador retriever/Ridgeback mix, is really sweet, but only to us and people she knows, and is generally overprotective and uneasy, if not standoffish with everyone else. Aside from the many times she's barked at somebody or dog for no reason along with the typical mailman phobia, she once wrenched herself away on a nighttime walk and ran off into the forest after a deer or something. It was particularly scary as hell looking into the darkness and seeing absolutely nothing out there, and hearing nothing. Fortunately, she came back on her own later.

Story about somebody else's dog: in my last year of elementary school, while playing outside on the blacktop grounds this (IIRC) border collie, almost my size on all fours, came running up out of nowhere and jumped on top of me, licked my face for a second or so, then ran off around the school in the opposite direction. Trauma avoided?

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Ha, my black cat's been outdoorsy and kind of a hunter for a while. He went for mice usually, and always deposited them on our front or back doors as per the standard, but at one point a couple years ago, we started finding headless chipmunk bodies just strewn around our yards 8( I never did catch him in the act, but eesh.

I also used to have another cat along with the serial killer, and at one point many years ago the killer henceforth known as Charlie was watching me take a bath, peering over the edge of the tub at he-only-knows-what. The other cat, a spoiled tabby, then came up behind him and bit his tail or something, startling Charlie into jumping into the water, right in my lap. thankfully, nobody, or thing, was further hurt in the making of this story

Sounds like something Charlie would do.

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