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More Manaketes


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So whats the word on Manaketes in this game? I know Naga is part of the lore and that Tiki will make a return (which is awesome I love Tiki) but I haven't heard anything else regarding them. I'm hoping for a couple more playable Manaketes, most games just leave it with the Tiki archetype, I'd like to see more playable Manaketes and a wider use of Dragon Stones available to the player. Lets us have two or three manaketes and several different types of Dragon Stones for magical and ranged attack as well as the standard become super powerful. What are your opinions on Manaketes and what is the latest word on their appearance?

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Unless IS are trolling us with their screenshots, Tiki appears to be playable. I have a feeling Nono's going for the Tiki archetype this time and Tiki's going to be the Nagi. It'd be funny if Naga herself appeared, what the heck role would she have?

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Perhaps something akin to the Laguz Kings joining up for the final battle.

Nah. See, fighting the final boss is Tiki's job.

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