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Greetings, Mortals!!

Doctor Robert

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*Reads sign*


*scratches head*


*clears throat*

Behold, it is I! Doctor Robert! Mortals tremble before meh!! ...Okay, maybe not... Not yet, muhahahahahaha!! Well, I'm a Fire Emblem freak like the rest of you (I'm certain), and it's nearly the only video game series I'm really into. Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda just seem a little too superfluous, a little too normal. I like stuff that's obscure and less known, it appeals to me.

I've played FE7 and 8 on the GameBoy and FE11 on the DS (I'm still rooting for the release of FE12 in my Country, seeing as it's vastly superior to it's predecessor). I've also *cough*cough* har.gif *cough* FE6 through extrodinary means. Because Ima pirate.png like that and Nintendo didn't exactly make it fair for me, me being unable to read Japanese and they being unable to release the sequel to a game I played legally in my backwater country... ( UnitedStates.gif ) If I were in Fire Emblem, I'd be in a GameBoy one ('cus they be my favorite) and I'd start out as a Mage Mercenary (equiping Swords and Anima magic) able to promote to a Sage Hero (adding Axes and Light magic). But yeah, I'm sure you're all thinking that's rather vain (also impossible given the particulars of the coding of the said games), but I can dream, can't I?

I write a lot in real life. I'm working it into being part of my career. But, as an exercise and for fun, I write a whole crap load of Fanfiction about these folk from these games. Fire Emblem is rather unique in that the characters are actually interesting and very easy to write about, even the ones with only bit parts; part of the reason why I like it so much. You can find me over in fanfiction.net if you feel inclined. But I'm here to talk about Fire Emblem, maybe some politics about it, maybe some about my favorite characters and stuff about these games. I'm sure that's what we're all here for.

I'll see you all soon, I'm certain,


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Post your writing in the Written Works section, if you dare. We don't take kindly to Sues/Stus/tasteless humor though. Otherwise, yo~!

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Post your writing in the Written Works section, if you dare. We don't take kindly to Sues/Stus/tasteless humor though. Otherwise, yo~!

I'll assume that means no dirty stuff or senseless deaths for characters? Well, I think the worst I've ever done is a Science Fiction AU story, I'll proceed under the assumption I'll be fine. Seriously, though, I write stories as an escape into the fantastic, not as... you know... some sort of sick *stuff* you see from time to time.

I know a lot of people just love their yoai/yuri when it comes to Fire Emblem, there's a lot of it over on Fanfiction.net. Thus, I should tread lightly when I say I'm kinda sick of yoai/yuri. It's really *not my cup of tea*, so to speak, but even if I was, the shear saturation of it is overwhelming.

Oh yes, and I should say that I have an extremely dry sense of humor... unless I'm talking about something I feel strongly about (which I would say before going into it "seriously" or "I'm serious"). But most of the time, yeah, very dry sense of humor...



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I don't mind dry humor. You'll have to go pretty far before you wander into "tasteless". As for yaoi/yuri, I am of the mind that it takes an amazing writer to pull off romance between two people. . .which is a level that your typical fanfiction.net writer isn't at yet.

If that's how you feel, then I can't wait to see what you write~!

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I'll assume that means no dirty stuff or senseless deaths for characters? Well, I think the worst I've ever done is a Science Fiction AU story, I'll proceed under the assumption I'll be fine. Seriously, though, I write stories as an escape into the fantastic, not as... you know... some sort of sick *stuff* you see from time to time.

You write a lot but you don't know what Sues and Stus are? My my...

A Mary Sue or a Gary Stu is a character who is perfect in whatever they do, are never harmed, always win, can do anything, and typically have some uber sad backstory behind their character. Or they could be a rescue sue/stu and always get kidnapped, but always get rescued without having any harm come to them, or escape from their captors themselves in a rather unbelievable fashion.

Or I could stop trying to explain stuff and you could check the wiki


' x'


Welcome to SF and as long as you stay out of the spriting section we'll never have to argue ~( ' 3')~

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Or they could be a rescue sue/stu and always get kidnapped, but always get rescued without having any harm come to them, or escape from their captors themselves in a rather unbelievable fashion.

I've never actually heard of this variant, interesting.

Anyway, welcome to Serenes!

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I've never actually heard of this variant, interesting.

Peach is a good enough example, though she's nothing extreme, as she never really escapes on her own.

But it's not very common ~( ' 3')~ It just came to mind because that's probably the only variant on sues/stus I've heard of.

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Peach is a good enough example, though she's nothing extreme, as she never really escapes on her own.

But it's not very common ~( ' 3')~ It just came to mind because that's probably the only variant on sues/stus I've heard of.

Ah, never thought of her that way...

Yeah, it does seem semi-rare but maybe it's more common than we might think... Probably a better fit for a new thread, perhaps.

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And a great deal of time totally did not pass between the times the Doctor could get away to this place... >.<

You write a lot but you don't know what Sues and Stus are? My my...

A Mary Sue or a Gary Stu is a character who is perfect in whatever they do, are never harmed, always win, can do anything, and typically have some uber sad backstory behind their character. Or they could be a rescue sue/stu and always get kidnapped, but always get rescued without having any harm come to them, or escape from their captors themselves in a rather unbelievable fashion.

Or I could stop trying to explain stuff and you could check the wiki


' x'


Welcome to SF and as long as you stay out of the spriting section we'll never have to argue ~( ' 3')~

"Hmmm, this new learning amazes me, Sir Belvedere. Explain to me again how sheep's bladers may be used to prevent earthquakes..." - King Aurther to Sir Belvedere on the road to Camelot

In all fairness, I knew not the term, but knew the concept all too very well. Interesting... and I do try very hard to make my characters believably human. Although in the case of fanfiction, the humanity of said characters is already laid out. In that case, all I need to do is elaborate.

welcome to SF =D

take two of these and call me in the morning


You're cute.

Welcome to the forums young man.

Ah, but how young do you suppose I am, good sir??

And thank you all for welcoming me. I feel most welcome, for this is a welcome place to feel welcome. In the spirit of welcomeness, I say Your Welcome, although I'm not welcome to believe I said that term properly and may have exhausted my welcome with the welcomeness of that term.

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