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Looks like it's SOPA all over again... -_-'

Seriously, those idiots just wouldn't stop pushing things that WE DON'T LIKE!

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Why are they still trying to pass this garbage...

They should know that it doesn't benefit much people...angry.gif

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All that really needs to be said about it. They will try to change the name and throw it until it sticks. Hey, at least it isn't involving the children, then the public would blindly vote it in...

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Can't they learn that most people don't what this? :facepalm:

Clearly they don't understand until they start losing money. Or violent riots.

can we haz violent riots if one of these bill pass?

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I just got an email from avaaz, apparently Windows, facebook, and IBM support CISPA.


I'm disappointed...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa, there are two legislative houses here, dude, and even then it still has to get Obama's signature. No tears yet, especially since lots of dumb things get through the House.

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I dunno if Obama's going to veto it; this is an election year after all, and should he veto it he'll get hammered for being "weak on 'national security.'"

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It's true that it's not as certain a veto as we'd like given the year and his whole record, but the bill still has a long way to go before it becomes law.

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I would like to believe him completely, and I could definitely see him vetoing it, but he's passed things that he said he would veto on other occasions. Basically, I think it's still anyone's game (rather, the Senate's, to be specific atm).

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