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No. 3

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I might have been a bit vague earlier. As Othin mentioned, I try and keep the most updated info on the site. Not everything's on the site, but if it's there, it should be correct about 9 out of 10 times (I hope!).

Marriage and children and the children.

Edited by VincentASM
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weapon info from gfaqs

Bronze Axe E 4 80 1   50
Iron Axe   D 7 75 1   40
Hand Axe   D 3 70 1-2 25 

Bronze Lance E 3 90 1   50
Iron Lance   D 6 85 1   40
Javelin      D 2 80 1-2 25

Rank Might Acc Range Usage in that order

Holy Bow 11 pow 70 acc 0 crit 2 range 35 usage note: Every kill with this bow will recover 10 HP for the user.

edit: remembered I could format with code tags...

holy shit, mind blowing information, thanks

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WRT Selena

I'm fairly sure the kanji says merc. 傭兵 means "mercenary" literally while 剣士 has traditionally been the kanji for myrmidons.

So vincent probably made a mistake.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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weapon info from gfaqs

Bronze Axe E 4 80 1   50
Iron Axe   D 7 75 1   40
Hand Axe   D 3 70 1-2 25 

Bronze Lance E 3 90 1   50
Iron Lance   D 6 85 1   40
Javelin      D 2 80 1-2 25

Rank Might Acc Range Usage in that order

Holy Bow 11 pow 70 acc 0 crit 2 range 35 usage note: Every kill with this bow will recover 10 HP for the user.

edit: remembered I could format with code tags...

So we probably finally have linear weapon rank progression of Bronze->Iron->Steel->Silver for basic weapon types, and 1-2 range looks a lot like FE12. I'm alright with this.

In other news most of this stuff looks amazing

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WTB TheEnd

[spoiler=MU Creation - Post Looks]20120418.195700.png This is the screen after the looks during MU creation, any idea what's going on? The second to last option said HP before he changed it, stats related?

Also source:

Video with he MU creation, and some other stuff at the start of the game. (Double spoilers) Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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Emelina is a Sage. Totally didn't see that coming. I hope she gets something unique like, say, light magic? A man can dream cant he?

Will she be playable during the story? Or just a trial map character? Or...what?

Edited by Griffen78
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Emelina is a Sage. Totally didn't see that coming. I hope she gets something unique like, say, light magic? A man can dream cant he?

Unlikely. She could get a prf tome which looks kind of light magic-esque at best but I wouldn't even get your hopes up for that.

Edited by Snix
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The two stats you pick are what they are strong and weak in.

I'm going for a mage

Strong in magic, weak in def.

Ditto. I don't plan on using swords, but it's good to be able to dish out better damage to mages, so defense is the best option to weaken.
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Looking through the wiki site i noticed that the 1st promoted boss you fight is in chapter 9 and he is once again a General (if i translated it correctly)

Now you've got me curious about that place. Link? I remember someone posted it earlier, but it's hard to find things in this thread.

Edited by Othin
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