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|STARTED BY -sigma-|

This project has been created akin to that of it's predecessor, the FE8 Pixel Project, to create mugs of the existing characters in differing time periods. This is for fun, but on the side it'll help us all delve deeper into the story of Elibe, along with the many characters and stories that reside within these lands.

Unlike the Pixel Project of FE8, this project will hopefully extend to maps as well, and we'll hopefully see more of the layout of Elibe and it's nations. Along with this as well, I'm hoping we can concoct a full timeline, that features births of the characters, details, and hopefully shed light on events that exist between FE7 and FE6, and perhaps after and before the both of them as well.

[i have included the default timeline found on Serenes Forest, along with a few entries by myself]

I know this is the spriting board, but due to the fact the majority of this project is about the graphics, I'd place it here, but another side aspect I was hoping to explore would be stories, those that which would take place as stated in the timeline, but in more detail. Also things like Epilogues, Character relationships and Events would be expanded upon, I hope.

Of course, with attempting to write a story and timeline for a game or story that's already been created, we're going to have small hiccups along the way. So far, It's safe to say that FE7 and FE6 stories take precedence, if you and your story contradict these two games, then what you've written will be considered non-canon, due to impracticality.

If one was to look upon the several Fire Emblem Forums and their hacking sections, one will find many an attempt at a hack which utilizes the story of FE7, one will also find that many of these appear to be nothing more than a "newbie joke". These hacks will not be considered part of the Canon. However, this is not to say that there are nay a good hack out there that utilizes these stories; Elibian Nights is a perfect example of a serious venture riding upon the wings of FE6/7, and it does a good job of it(Story-wise and Graphics-wise). There is also Bwdyeti's project 'Immortal Sword' which is a prequel to FE7, which he's put a godly amount of time and effort into.

These two projects I can safely say are to be considered Canon, but not above the Canon that is FE7 or FE6. So thus forth, the Canon Tree is as follows:


Fire Emblem 6.

Fire Emblem 7.

Elibian Nights/Immortal Sword.


Fire Emblem 6 maintains the highest Canon Priority, due to it being the first and foremost original of all pieces. All subsequential entries to anything graphical or written that will contribute to the 'Stories of Elibe' will fall below the already listed Canon Levels, and must not contradict above levels.

(I have not spoken to Arch or Bwdyeti about this, but I don't really think they'd mind much as it's not really damaging to anything they're doing, if anything it's benefiting because we're in a manner of speaking literally setting up an entire universe. However, if they oppose this, then the third tier of Canon will be removed.)

[spoiler=Elibe Timeline]

Around -20

- A fierce war breaks out between man and dragon, known as the Scouring

- The Ending Winter occurs, distorting nature

- Hartmut and the other Eight Legends defeat the dragons and drive them away from Elibe

Around 480

- Athos and Nergal meet at the Nabata Desert

Around 950

- Renault teaches Wallace the arts of combat


- Kent is born


- Sain is born


- Madelyn of Caelin elopes with Hassar, a Sacaen youth

- Hector is born

- Eliwood is born to Eleanora and Elbert

- Wil is born


- Lyndis is born (according to the Japanese version)


- Rath leaves the Kutolah tribe


- Florina is born


- Nergal and Sonia kill Nino's family


- The lords of Lycia hold oath rites at Ostia

- Priscilla is adopted by Count Caerleon of Etruria

- The Black Fang is formed by Brendan Reed


- Wil leaves his homeland along with his friend Dan

- Dart is rescued by Fargus


- Guy leaves the Kutolah tribe to become a swordsman

- Erk becomes a student of the Mage General, Pent


- Hugh is born


- The Lorca tribe is slain by bandits, Lyndis is the sole survivor

- Farina leaves Ilia

- Lyndis leaves Sacae

- Eliwood and Lyndis become friends

- Lyndis heads to Caelin and defeats Lundgren

- Brendan Reed marries Sonia

- Ephidel appears in front of Lord Darin of Laus


- Elbert, the marquess of Pherae, goes missing

- Eliwood and Hector meet up with Lyndis at Caelin

- King Desmond of Bern plots an assassination attempt on his son, Zephiel, which fails

- The seal on the Divine weapons is removed by Bramimond

- Eliwood and Hector defeat Nergal and the Black Fang

- Rath returns to Sacae and reconciles with Dayan

- Lyndis returns to Lycia with Eliwood and Hector


- Eliwood becomes marquess of Pherae

- Hector becomes marquess of Ostia

- Hector marries Farina

- Lyn entrusts Caelin to Ostia and returns to Sacae with Florina

- Lyn meets up again with Rath

- Florina returns to Ilia

- Klein is born


- Sue is born to Rath and Lyn


- Roy is born to Eliwood and Ninian

- Lilina is born to Hector and Farina

- Dieck saves Klein's life


- Lugh and Ray are born


- Death of King Desmond

- Zephiel's first meeting with Jahn


- "Death" of Prince Mildain of Etruria


- The Kingdom of Bern invades Elibe

- The Etrurian army, led by Roy of Pherae, defeats Bern

- Guinevere is crowned as Queen of Bern

- Formation of the Kingdom of Lycia

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|The Graphical Side of Things.|


//Mugs and Characters//

The main point of this project, the tip of the iceberg if you will, is mugs. I have included this template which is to be used for every character included in this project:



On the left, you'll find the name slot, there are 10 squares for letters, which you'll find above. I'm not sure about the name limit, but I don't recall a name going beyond 10 characters.

Along with the letters, you'll find two sets of numbers. The lower set of numbers go in the Year Slots, which I'll explain later. The higher set of numbers go in the age slot which accompanies each Mug Placement.

As you can see, the template features seven different slots, or Mug Placements if you will.

"Immortal Sword"

With Bwdyeti's game being place before FE7, it was logical to put that time frame first. (If he doesn't want his game featured in this project, and in Elibe Canon, then I will remove the slot.)

I haven't figured out which year the game takes place in, nor am I overly familiar on the plot, but from working with Markus and Isadora's age, I have come to the conclusion that it takes place at least 17 years prior to FE7.

"FE7 - 980"

The second Mug Placement is FE7, this is the slot that will have the default Mug for all of FE7 characters. It is the year 980, which is the year that Eliwood's journey begins.

"FE7 Epilogue - One Year Later"

This slot will feature characters going about the endings of their stories and relationships with other characters. For example, Lyn's Epilogue Mug will have her returning to Sacae or having a daughter with Rath.

"The Intermediary Years"

The next three slots are blank. This may seem weird and incorrect, but it's intentional. These three slots span the years between the Epilogue and FE6, or 'The Intermediary Years'(980-999). The reason these slots don't have any year listed, is so that it's a lot more free, in the means that you pick which year the mug will correspond with. Say you made a story that takes place two years after the Epilogue, you put it in the first of the three slots, and in the white box with three red strips, you'll place the year "983"(981 is the Epilogue Year).

"FE6-999 - 20 Years Later"

As of this moment, the latest time placement in Elibe is FE6, so naturally it shall take the last slot. Mugs that go here will be the default mug for the characters from FE6, or older mugs of characters that originated elsewhere within.

[spoiler=Rules]When you submit a mug, anyone can edit it.

If however, their edit makes the mug worse than the original, we'll keep the original.

You maintain the right to revoke permission for this Project to use your sprites at any time.

Naturally, we will always maintain to pick the better sprite, if someone does it better, then I'm sorry but we'll pick theirs.



*Immortal Sword Markus by Merc.(At least, I think it's by Merc, anybody know for sure?)

[spoiler=Character Sheets]


//Maps and Locales//

FE7 Elibe: Map Here.

FE6 Elibe: Map Here.

If there's anything that Elibe needs help expanding upon, it's the cities and towns. All that we really know of is the few towns that Roy and Eliwood travel through, and the ones they've mentioned. Almost entire nations have gone by with only one or two maps, hopefully we fans can remedy this situation. Below you will find spoilers containing each nation, within each nation you'll find links to the map along with the title. If you were looking for Bulgar, you would go to Sacae, then click where it says Bulgar.

Hopefully this way, we'll be able to expand on territories so that when the next fan game comes along, people aren't just following in Eliwood's steps.

All maps, just as are all places, are subject to change throughout time, so beside all maps will be a three-digit number, this is the year of which the map is. Typically, most maps will either be 999 for FE6, of 980 for FE7. If no year is given, the default year will be 980.


Araphen Outskirts 979.

Caelin Castle 979.

Northeast Plains 979.

Araphen CastleTown 979.

Laus Castle 980.

Pherae Village 980.

Pherae Village 980.

Castle Araphen 999.


Bern Castle 980.



Bulgar 979.

Eastern Plains 979.

Mani Katti Shrine 979.

Ruined Mountain Town 979.

Castle Ruins 979.


Nabata Desert 980.

West Isles:

Cavern of Armads 980.


Edited by ∑-sigma-
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|The Written Side of Things.|


Between FE6 and FE7, there is an unexplored span of about 20 years, that's a lot of time, and we barely know what happened, the solution? We write history ourselves. What do the characters do during this time, after all their battles and woes? Does a new bad guy come along? Maybe the Black Fang return? Maybe another war happens after FE6 that features all new characters?

This is the chance for us to write our own stories. Don't hold back, even if it's just an idea, your idea may hit someone else and they'll expand on it, then someone else will expand on that until we have a detailed story that is just perfect.

Below, I've got spaces for different story sections; Character Stories, Epilogues, Before FE7, After FE6 and Between FE6 and FE7. When someone submits a story or event, that post will be linked to this post, along with the title of the story, the main character(or Lord) and the year it takes place in.

[spoiler=Character Stories.]


[spoiler=Before FE7.]

[spoiler=Between FE6 and FE7.]

[spoiler=After FE6.]

[spoiler=Approved Characters]

*Mug-Name-Age-BirthYear-Class-Link to post containing the entry sheet.

*Mugs are optional.


Before people ask, I am not simply just going to accept your fan made character into Canon. Yes, I will be permitting Fan Made Characters to be accepted in the Elibe Universe, but they have to be well thought out. The one thing I don't really like when people think up of characters is just how sloppy they are when it comes to defining them, which ends up with characters acting completely erratic.

I have included a template that people will need to use when submitting their Character into Canon, if all fields are not met, then the entry will not even be considered.

[spoiler=Character Entry Template]

Name: Self explanatory.

Age: I'm not so stuck up on days and months, as I'm not sure how they're set out in Elibe, but please include not just the current age, but the year of birth in scale with Elibe, so like: '15, 983'. With this, you can gauge that the character is currently in the year 998.

Gender: Self explanatory.

Nationality: This can be one of the following: Lycia, Etruria, Sacae, Ilia, Bern, Western Isles and Nabata. Please, if you're going to make a character come from a certain area, please make it logical, like if they live in Nabata, don't make them pale, it doesn't work.

Hometown: This might stump a lot of people, as the towns and cities of Elibe aren't necessarily explored to their fullest, so I can understand if one chooses to omit this for now.

Class: Any person who sees this will have to know that Fire Emblem utilizes a class system for their characters.

Weapon of Choice: Sword, Ace, Lance? Maybe some Magicks? Take your pick.(Preferably only one Weapon of Choice please.)


Include a few paragraphs detailing the life so far of your character, please refrain from being too gimmicky or making your character the descendant of some god or other, we're trying to avoid being Mary-Sue's here. Also, if you're going to connect your character to royalty or one of the main characters, be logical and reasonable about it.

The Big Five: The Big Five is a model used in psychology to describe human personality. Put the number in place of the hyphen in "[-]".


0=Introvert. 5=Neutral. 10=Extrovert.

The more extravert a person is, the more (s)he has the need to seek company of others, to be in the center of attention and are often enthusiastic.

Introverts need more time alone and seem to be quiet and less involved in the social world. You shouldn’t confuse introversion with shyness, though. Shy people want to interact with others, but lack the ability / confidence, etc. to do so, while introverts do not have a strong need for social interactions.

Extraverts would more likely agree with statements like these: I don’t mind being the center of attention, I feel comfortable around people, I like to talk to strangers, etc.


0=Disagreeable. 5=Neutral. 10=Agreeable.

The more agreeable a person is, the more compassionate, considerate, generous and helpful (s)he is. Agreeable persons tend to have an optimistic view of human nature.

Disagreeable persons are more individualistic, are unconcerned with others’ wellbeing and interests and are often skeptic about others’ motives.

Agreeable persons would more likely agree with statements like these: I sympathize with others’ feelings, I make people feel at ease, I take time for others, etc.


0=Un-conscientious. 5=Neutral. 10=Conscientious.

The more conscientious a person is, the more (s)he has self-discipline, aims for achievement, plans activities and controls impulses.

Un-conscientious persons show more spontaneous behavior, don’t plan ahead and have a lower sense of responsibility.

Conscientious people would more likely agree with statements like: I pay attention to details, I follow a schedule, I get chores done immediately, etc.


0=Low in Neurotism. 5=Neutral. 10=High in Neurotism.

Persons who score high on neurotism experience more negative emotions and are emotionally unstable. They’re also more vulnerable to stress.

People who score low on neurotism are calmer and more emotionally stable and do not have persistent negative feelings (this does not mean they have a lot of positive feelings, though).

People who score high on neurotism are more likely to agree with statements like these: I have frequent mood swings, I get upset easily, I worry a lot, etc.


0=Not open. 5=Neutral. 10=Highly open.

Those who are open tend to bond more to experience and ideas, typically more accepting and are more easy going. Those who aren't open are generally rough on the edges, cold and tend to be secluded either physically or mentally.

People who score high on openness are more likely to agree with statements like these: I have a vivid imagination, I use difficult words, I spend time reflecting on things, etc.

The Year is 980:

What was your character doing during the span of FE7? Was your character perhaps sitting in the bar when Eliwood and the troupe came to get a boat to Valor? Perhaps your character was in one of the houses in Bern watching as Eliwood snuck into the castle?

The Year is 999:

Similar to the last entry, but instead of FE7, where was your character during the events of FE6? Was he mourning the loss of his brother who was one of the soldiers who died at the hands of Roy and his group? Was your character training to be a soldier when Roy brought down the tyranny of Zephiel?


Does your character have any brothers or sisters? Maybe their uncle was a soldier in the army during the wrath of Nergal? Maybe your character is the father of Dorothy? Lol. Does your character have any ties to a royal family? Perhaps they are royal? Is your character best friends with Hector? Or maybe your best friend is your Pegasus Huey?


Just list a few things your character likes to give us an idea of who they are.


Same as above, but dislikes instead of likes.

It should be pretty obvious too that if your character also exists outside of the Elibe Universe, then they will not be accepted into this Canon.

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I am not opposed to 7x's inclusion in this, seems like an interesting project. Although obviously I can't just throw out all the story stuff we've come up with since spoiling the plot whoops. Hopefully no giant irreconcilable plot holes come up :J

Also you're correct in your estimation 7x takes place 17 years before FE7 (we're using Lyn's age from the Japanese version), but there is a second part of the story that's 5 years after that so some characters will have two pre-FE7 faces ~'3'~

In non-face sprite related contributions, I have a slightly detailed map of Lycia (excuse the glitchy bits on the right) with a bunch of unnamed marches. Also we estimated the size of Elibe to be roughly similar to Britain, ~600miles long? This places Pherae and Ostia about a 3-4 days ride apart (Pherae to Caelin, Caelin to Laus, Laus to Ostia each about a day). Maybe if FE6/7 give any accurate travel times in days it could be refined

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Whilst my computer attempts to load that beast of a map, I'll take the time to say, thank you. :newyears:

One thing I was worried about was that in doing such a project I'd ruin both your story and Elibian Nights, I'm glad that at least on one front I'm doing moderately. I understand completely that you can't spoil things, I guess we'll just have to wait till we can play your game in full before we get the details.

Serenes Forest lists Markus' age as in his 40ies, so if your Markus was 23, it would take 17 years at least for him to achieve 40 in FE7, the only thing that kinda erks me a little with this is that your Isadora is listed as 14 so in 17 years, she'd be 31, where as I believe SF had her listed age as in her twenties. But I suppose that was just a suggested age and 30 is just 29 plus 1. It's not that far fetched to think she'd be in her early thirties either.

So I guess in the end, it works out beautifully.

The map's loaded, and I must say, you've done a brilliant job with it. I have to be blunt though, I wonder what it'd be like living in fgsfds and what. :newyears:

I suppose for now, we'd have to keep our hands out of the water that is what takes place before FE7, to make sure we don't ruin the path you're taking before it's finished.


I thought so too, but SF had it listed at 020, so idk.

Edited by ∑-sigma-
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Dora's age is listed in one of the art books as being in her 20s in 7, but the art book can go jump off a cliff :3

29 and 31 aren't very different, but 12 and 14 are, so fudging numbers for the sake of the game whatever. And she does look early 30s/late 20s anyway so it's not a big deal I think

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Well, I think it's darn right stupid for an Art Book of a game to not give a specific age. :mellow:

Oh well, sometimes fudging numbers is required to make things fixed, like you said also, it's not much of a big deal.

I'm assuming though that there are going to be a few more characters in your game that are related to FE7/6?

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