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Error with FEditor Adv


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Alright, so I'm currently making a hack of Fire Emblem 8 where I'm giving characters "Obsidian" weapons (Shadowkiller, Bright Lance, Fiendcleaver, Beacon Bow) and I'm trying to rename the weapons. I'm using the text editor in FEditor Adv, and when I change the name from Shadowkiller to anything else, and save the modifications, the size of the game is always bigger than the original, and it doesn't work. How can I fix this?

EDIT: "Obsidian" being Obsidian from Game of Thrones, meaning effective against monsters.

Edited by Gilson
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well, it'll be bigger than normal because, effectively, FEditor either rewrites the original text slot, or if the new text is bigger, it puts it somewhere else and repoints it. So it'll put it at the end and tell the game that's where the text slot is now. Fucked if I know why it didn't work though.

Alex, he spelled it right, you have to help now

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Alex, he spelled it right, you have to help now

I lol'd.

Anyways, I'd imagine it's because the checksum isn't what is expected, and because of that, it thinks there's no more free space in the ROM.

Known free space from the doc:

~~ FE 8 ~~

0x00464400 to 0x0046458C - used by auto patching system

0x0095D780 to 0x0095DBC0 - used by auto patching system

0x00B2A610 to 0x00C00000 - confirmed

So basically, when you open FEditor Adv, put "00B2A610" in the start address, and put D59F0 for the size. Click on the "Delete" blip, and click "Manage Memory".

Then Save. And open it up again, and see if your Text editor works this time.

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Everybody spells FEditor Adv wrong and it drives Xeld/Zeld/Hextator/Obviam/Alex crazy, so he usually just gets mad at them.

So since you spelled it right...

And since he's the one who wrote the program, his advice is usually quite helpful.

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