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UF cuts computer science department to increase athletic budget

I.M. Gei

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Oh dear...

Wow, no one saw this coming. The University of Florida announced this past week that it was dropping its computer science department, which will allow it to save about $1.7 million. The school is eliminating all funding for teaching assistants in computer science, cutting the graduate and research programs entirely, and moving the tattered remnants into other departments. Let’s get this straight: in the midst of a technology revolution, with a shortage of engineers and computer scientists, UF decides to cut computer science completely?
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When I was going to my local university, the band fell under "athletics". I'd be interested in seeing how the athletics budget is being allocated.

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Wow that sucks. I know some people who wanted to go to UF and do computer sciences. I am so glad that I changed my mind about going there now...I really hate my state for allowing this to happen.

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Those selfish little...

This is a stupid idea... depressing too, since they don't even consider the important things anymore and just save their time for pointless things!

I don't like this...dry.gif

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They're cutting the computer sciences program to save money.

No mention on cutting something like ... athletics, which won't be that beneficial to society in the long run.



On a much lesser note, I was pretty annoyed in high school when the various athletic teams got more attention than the academic competition teams. :dry:

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*rereads post*

Back when I was going to college, the people in marching band got a tuition reduction. That came out of the athletics fund. Naturally, we were a rather large expenditure. I have no idea how things work in UF, though.

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They're cutting the computer sciences program to save money.

No mention on cutting something like ... athletics, which won't be that beneficial to society in the long run.



On a much lesser note, I was pretty annoyed in high school when the various athletic teams got more attention than the academic competition teams. :dry:

Same for my high school... The academic activities got way overshadowed by the athletic activities. They even have a day where they compile all of the athletic activities and acts as an award ceremony... Nothing like that for academic activities... Nope...

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I went to a good high school, because we made fun of athletics for sucking and praised those in high academics

ditto for college

In short, UF is pretty headfucked, I'm sure you're more likely to get grants from a comp sci program than a bunch of other programs.

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My college has a few good athletic teams like our football and basketball teams (or so I hear, I don't pay attention) but we are a research institution so academics still came first.

My high school was the same situation (except in different sports but w/e). But since it's 10 minutes away from my college many of the AP kids go over to my college to do research, and it's super competitive academically among the top 10%.

But many of my friends in college had similar stories in high school. Academics getting cut left and right for athletics. :<

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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My office is in the tree ring laboratory, which is located in the STADIUM. Apparently, it was supposed to be a "temporary" location ... even though it's also apparently been there since the school opened. :/: They're constructing a new tree ring lab that should theoretically be opened next year, but I've heard that the construction has been taking a long time.

And then, sometime last year, they want to build something for athletics. Expanding the stadium, I guess? And I think they've made more progress on that in a short time than the tree ring lab, which apparently has been under progress for much longer.


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...is anyone else really not surprised that of all states, FLORIDA is the one doing something this stupid?

I've watched way too many episodes of What the Fuck is Wrong with You? to take anything Florida-people do seriously (No offense intended)

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...is anyone else really not surprised that of all states, FLORIDA is the one doing something this stupid?

I'm not surprised myself that such a backwards state did that. Why cut something that has relevance to the real world?

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Haha they're probably mad for not being much of a threat in the SEC in football this year and want more scholarship money to find the next Tebow. Plus they're becoming a force in basketball too. I wonder why comp sci of all things though. Why not cut like theater or art or something (since those are usually deemed less important)?

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As someone who is actually going in the Computer Science program, this has to be the most retarded thing I've ever heard of.

Thank God I'm in Michigan. I thought I would never say that in the 21 years of my entire life. Well, I technically should say "thank God I have a brain and didn't go to University of Florida!?"

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*rereads post*

Back when I was going to college, the people in marching band got a tuition reduction. That came out of the athletics fund. Naturally, we were a rather large expenditure. I have no idea how things work in UF, though.

I like how this was followed with cricket chirps even after being reposted. DON'T WORRY I HEARD YOU AND IT MADE ME THINK BRO.

I'm not surprised myself that such a backwards state did that. Why cut something that has relevance to the real world?

You aren't surprised that a backwards state did that? Are you seriously going to generalize twenty million people because of the budgeting actions of one university?

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I don't know the exact specifics of UF's computer science program, but its clear to me that not a lot of people here really understand the American university system or the problems they face, especially when it comes to budgetary concerns.

Higher education institutions across the country are facing cutbacks in their budgets on basically every level. There just isn't enough money anymore for university's to support all the programs they'd like to, whether that includes academic programs or student services programs. It's well known that UF has one of the premier athletics programs in the country. When your athletic program is as successful as UF's, it brings in a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money to the university. It makes sense to support a program that is helping the university out financially so much.

If the computer science program was a below average program at UF, or even just an average one, and a much better computer science program could be found at another school in the State University of Florida system then it would definitely be at risk of being superfluous at this one university.

And before everyone jumps on me because COMPUTERS GOOD JOCKS EVIL, I get the importance of computer science and its relevance to society. It does make sense though to cut the program from this one institution to support a more successful program when better computer science programs can be found in the same state university system.

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I like how this was followed with cricket chirps even after being reposted. DON'T WORRY I HEARD YOU AND IT MADE ME THINK BRO.


The athletics budget that is currently being vilified is what got me through college, even though I wasn't in something that most here would consider to be a sport. This particular band geek used the money to get a computer science degree. . .which is what's being cut. One of the guys on the volleyball team was also majoring in comp sci, and he was awesome. I hope the others at University of Florida get this chance~!

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Actually, frat reminded me that UoF actually makes a good amount of money with their athletics program, so in reality it would be a dumb thing to cut.

I was thinking more "out of all the programs they cut the one that is probably the most useful' out of the bunch, but if there isn't enough representation nor is there anything better to cut, it only makes sense to.

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How much revenue does the computer science department pull compared to the athletics? Like selling game tickets, concessions, parking spaces, advertisement space or anything else? Sports are one of the few ways a university can make a profit. Universities across the country aren't getting enough funding, so I'm not really shocked if UF is trying to invest more and make extra.

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How much revenue does the computer science department pull compared to the athletics? Like selling game tickets, concessions, parking spaces, advertisement space or anything else? Sports are one of the few ways a university can make a profit. Universities across the country aren't getting enough funding, so I'm not really shocked if UF is trying to invest more and make extra.

Exactly. Florida's got "The Swamp". It's a historical place in College Football, and they have a legacy there. It's disappointing that they took out a growing field like CS though. I can understand cutting a program to fund a more profitable one, but I think CS would be one they'd keep. Oh well. I guess they don't have a great CS program.

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