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Fire Emblem: Generic War (Ragefest 3)


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Anywho, Kloky, if I finish my actual Trent mug when you get back, one of these people can have that SM slot whilst I shall claim the only Great Knight.

Unless Yeti adds the GK to FEXP while I'm in job corps, I seeeeeeeeeeeeriously doubt, with all the other animations I'm adding, that I'll want to add 3,000 frames for the GK myself... xD

Also, I do not let people "claim" any class they want. I reserve any and all rights to dialogue, class choice, battle themes, and etc as part of my creative liberty. By allowing me to use your mug, people are saying that they want to be surprised and tickled with delight at how I portray their character ingame.

I'm not saying I'm a good spriter but I just want to try to NOT be in the SSS.

That's too bad, because writing dialogue for a hippy hipster who smokes pot sounds funny and hilarious while writing dialogue for a boring generic "im the best" swordmaster sounds dull as fuck. My loss, I guess.

@ML, that'll be useful for the future :O

@Jubby, you can totally be ingame too if you wanna make a personal mug.

@Klok Megaman and Zero SHOULD have different animations, but it is your hack so I can't tell you what to do. If you want me to frame the Zero I can give it a shot because I need it as well anyway.

Unfortunately FEXP and Romhacking use completely different animation styles, but GL with that if you wanna try. You'll need to google formatting sprites for RMXP animation data to figure out how they go on a sheet, and even then I'll still have to realign them anyway.


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Oh, never mind then, because I am bad at FE framing to begin with, let alone anything different.

Another question, What is my Link being used for? Just curious.

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I actually wanted the Link with the super derpy hat as a member of the SSS (A rare exception to the one-character-per-member rule!) but this link is kinda cool looking so I dunno, maybe he'll have more prominence in the story.

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Unless Yeti adds the GK to FEXP while I'm in job corps, I seeeeeeeeeeeeriously doubt, with all the other animations I'm adding, that I'll want to add 3,000 frames for the GK myself... xD

I'll probably have all of the generic classes I'm using added by then just because I'll need them myself, there's a GK in Tr3 at the very least :M

Also I don't even at this entire thing ahhhh

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But Heros don't have hats!

So is anyone taking this over in your absence? Or are we just gonna have to wait for you with this hilarious idea in mind?

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I'll probably have all of the generic classes I'm using added by then just because I'll need them myself, there's a GK in Tr3 at the very least :M

Also I don't even at this entire thing ahhhh

Nice :D and c'mon man, you know this idea is funny as hell.

So is anyone taking this over in your absence? Or are we just gonna have to wait for you with this hilarious idea in mind?

You'll just have to wait a year, unless someone else wants to try taking over in my absence, but I doubt they'd pull off anything remotely close to what I'll achieve :B

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I'm actually game for custom classes at this point, following these conditions:

The animation looks cool and worth importing. Not just "step step slash" but something unique.

The animation actually has a sheet. The sheet needs to be complete too and include something resembling a critical, and also a dodge animation. Multiple weapons to choose from only excite me more.

I love flashy particle effects, no joke. Those are the most fun to animate C:

The sheet also either needs map sprites or you need map sprites ripped from another game that resemble FEGBA map sprites and also the animation in particular.

As a slight hint of what I mean, Yoshirider gets his own custom animation in the next game, my choice naturally. It will use this sheet for the battle animation and these for the map sprites.

Ducking will be used for the dodge frames, the tongue attack for the attack frame, and something SPECIAL for the critical frame. It's a secret to everyone.

Take note, not all classes will be added, only those I have time to add and deem to be the most interesting. Also, if they don't fit the character I won't even bother.

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I thought I'd add another compilation of members I'd like to join and make their own personal mugs, if they so choose.

-Entire DoF team

-Entire OVERTROLL team

-MK404 and team

-Anyone from TeB

-Anyone from any other FE fansite.

Brom especially





General Banzai

Aura Wolf


Lord Glenn



Any SF staff that want to be in it, like Tangerine or Vincent as an example.

Anyone who's "decently" well known as a mapper or spriter or something of the sort. Basically, if your topic has like 40-100+ replies you're probably somewhat well known.

The reason forum hacks have always failed in the past are these following reasons:

-Overthinking the story. Thinking out every detail in the story ruins the surprise which also takes a lot of the fun out of making the game.

-The story is too serious. Come on, when I think of a forum game, I want the members to be somewhat represented as they are on the forum, and too many "thee's" and "thou's" in the dialogue makes it overserious and corny.

-Too much creative control to all the members involved. Take the FEU game for example. People constantly bickered about classes, starting stats, things of that sort. One member, writing all the dialogue, who knows what he's doing... that's what you need.

-Technical limitations. There aren't a shitton of character slots available in a romhack, but I use FEXP which has 999 character slots by default for actors, and I'm pretty sure that can even be expanded. NOT to mention unlimited portrait space as well.

I can literally fit as many members in that want to be in, and I don't mind writing all the dialogue and adding all the character bios, because I like surprising people. It's fun to me, making every character unique from the others, it allows you to play and find a couple characters that you genuinely like for one reason or another. I get to surprise people by having them play and be like "LOL my character is hilarious." or "Okay Klok needs to go to prison for writing that."... ... uh you get my point.

Not to mention, with FEXP, there are 3,000 animation data slots, and of the first 1,000 that are used, there are huge empty spaces too. I'd honestly say that with all the GBA FE animations added, it'll probably take up 30-40% of the available animation data. That leaves... a loooot of room for customization O__O Yeti y u leave so much free space between each animation data anyway dammit I'll need to reorganize it at some point in the far future

I'm also considering rewriting the story to be more broad and encompassing, like perhaps a tale of forum wars or something... I'm not sure exactly. Someday soon or far I might elaborate on my ideas but I don't really have the time now xP

Edit: This seemingly random wall of text is in response to a PM I recieved, that's why I wrote it.

Edited by Klokinator
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So if I finish my flashy and way too many frames animation at some point I might be able to get it added? Sweet.

It goes with my other mug but I can frame that one easily and it's a better mug anyway.

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I try not to be redundant and add animations that are basically already in FEXP because it's boring to me (For example, adding a hat to a swordmaster and calling it a "custom animation" when there's already a regular SM in FEXP) but if it's reasonably cool looking, then quite possibly yes.

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Lumi's is motherfucking badass man. I saw part of it and it's way cool looking

It's like using a naval destroyer to swat a fly

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