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[FE8] Your Run-of-the-Mill FE8 Draft!


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I guess I'll take the Crimson Flash...

Which means Hawk is left with Rennac!


I may not start this draft until i either have the time or when the weekend comes up... Good luck to all!

Edited by *Narshen*
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Chapter 1 in 8 turns. Gilliam got HP as his first level up. Promising.

Maybe try recording your turns after each chapter and when you are done with your session, Post all at once!

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Prologue: 2/2

The usual 2 turn.

Chapter 1: 5/7

Yay Eirika!

Chapter 2: 5/12

Eirika did most of the work. Nessie saved Ross and helped Garcia. Didnt visit any villages.

Chapter 3: 6/18

Nessie carried Eirika to the boss. Garcia fought shit.

Chapter 4: 4/22

Eirika northwest. Artur east. Garcia south. Nessie southeast.

Chapter 5: 4/26

Nessie ferried Eirika to the boss. Eirika weakened the boss, Nessie finished him. Got the Secret book and Dragon shield. No Joshy.

Chapter 5x: 7/33

The usual. Kyle got some nice exp. No treasures though.

Chapter 6 map: Nessie ate the dragon shield

Chapter 6: 5/38

Nessie killed the boss. Got the Elixer, Iron blade, and Halberd.

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Chapter 7: 4/42

Nessie ferries Eirika over the river. Artur gets the pure water. Garcia kills stuff.

Chapter 8: 9/51

Took an extra turn to get the robe and whip. Eirika and Garcia teamed up to kill the boss.

Before Chapter 9: Nessie ate the robe

Chapter 9: 9/60

Nessie rescue dropped Kyle over the water, and then got the dragon shield, then came back to help Kyle finish the boss. Eirika, Garcia, and Artur took out the enemies up North.

Before Chapter 10: Nessie promotes to Falcoknight

Chapter 10: 3/63

Eirika used a pure water. Nessie dropped Eirika in front of Pablo on turn 2, Nessie finished him on turn 3. Got the Lancereaver and Killer Axe.

Before Chapter 11: Garcia and Artur promote.


Eirika-16 -27 -12 -15 -18 -14 -10 -4

Artur-14/1 -29 -16 -16 -13 -7 -7 -16

Nessie-14/2 -38* -17 -15 -22 -15 -14* -10

Garcia-16/1 -40 -19 -19 -12 -9 -11 -4

Kyle-15 -34 -16 -13 -14 -8 -12 -3

Tethys-1 -base

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Chapter 11: 6/69

Kyle went right, and promoted mid-chapter at LV 17. Garcia stayed back to take the reinforcements. Everyone else went down the left side. With Nessie's help, Eirika recruited L'Arachel on turn 5.

Before Chapter 12: Garcia ate a speedwings.

Chapter 12: 6/75

With a Tethys dance, Nessie rescue-dropped Garcia over the mountains on turn 1. They killed all the enemies up North. Everyone else handled the southern end of the map.

Chapter 13: 2/77

Nessie killed Aias with the Heavy Spear. L'Arachel hit C-rank staves. Artur hit B-rank staves.


Eirika-16 -27 -12 -15 -18 -14 -10 -4

Artur-14/4 -30 -18 -17 -13 -8 -8 -19

Nessie-14/6 -41* -17 -18 -24 -17 -16* -12

Garcia-16/3 -41 -20 -19 -14* -9 -12 -4

Kyle-17/2 -39 -20 -16 -16 -10 -15 -5

Tethys-2 -doesnt matter

L'Arachel-4 -19 -7 -7 -10 -12 -6 -8

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Chp. 14: 8/85

Garcia and Artur cleared out enemies so Colm could get treasure. Everyone else went to the throne. Kyle visited the secret shop. Nessie killed Carlyle.

Chp. 15: 7/92

Kyle killed Caellach. Nessie took care of Valter. I had this in 6 turns but the stupid enemy AI is retarded sometimes when they have low health... Its ok though because the extra turn let Artur get to A-rank staves. Got Warp, Boots, Silence, and Metis' Tome.

Before Chp. 16 - Artur 2 energy rings. Tethys boots. Myrrh Metis' Tome.

Chp. 16: 2/94

4 warps. Nessie cleared the throne room on turn 1. Then weakened Orson for Kyle to kill him. Eirika seized on turn 2.


Eirika-18 -28 -13 -16 -19 -15 -11 -5

Artur-14/9 -33 -25** -19 -15 -10 -9 -21

Nessie-14/12 -44* -17 -21 -27 -21 -18* -14

Garcia-16/5 -42 -21 -20 -14* -10 -12 -4

Kyle-17/5 -41 -21 -18 -17 -10 -16 -6

Tethys-4 -doesnt matter

L'Arachel-8 -21 -11 -8 -11 -14 -6 -10

Rennac- base

Ephrm-16 -13 -16 -16 -13 -13 -5

Myrrh- base

Edited by Hawk King
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Ephriam promotes at LV 16. Myrrh eats a shield.

Chapter 17: 1/95

Kyle was warped to Lyon, and he 4HKO'd him.

Eirika promotes at LV 19

Chapter 18: 5/100

4x warps, 2x purge. I didnt think 5 was possible for a draft but I had exactly enough actions to do it.

Chapter 19: 1/101

Rennac used a torch and was rescue-dropped closer to Riev. Nessie was warp 2x so she was close enough to reveal Riev. She then 3HKO'd him.

Chapter 20: 2/103

Myrrh is warped in to crit kill Morva.

Myrrh took a robe, 2 books, and a goddess icon before Final.


Eirika-19/4 -33 -16 -19 -23 -17 -15 -12

Artur-14/14 -35 -25** -21 -16 -11 -11 -24

Nessie-14/14 -44* -19 -22 -28 -21 -18* -16

Garcia-16/7 -43 -21 -21 -15* -10 -12 -4

Kyle-17/9 -45 -23 -20 -18 -12 -18 -7

Tethys-5 -doesnt matter

L'Arachel-10 -22 -11 -8 -11 -15 -6 -12

Rennac-2 -29 -10 -17 -17 -5 -10 -11

Ephrm-16/2 -39 -15 -20 -18 -14 -16 -10

Myrrh-14 -42* -16 -17** -13 -11 -20* -9

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Final pt1: 1/104

Used barrier on Myrrh, warped her up, refreshed Artur, warped Myrrh again next to Lyon where she needed just one crit at 19% out of 4 attacks to 2RKO him.

Final pt2: 1/105

Ephriam 18, Nessie 15x2, Myrrh 41, Garcia 25, Artur 14 (with purge) = 124 damage. GG Demon King. GG FE8.


Eirika-19/4 -33 -16 -19 -23 -17 -15 -12

Artur-14/16 -35 -25** -23 -18 -12 -11 -25

Nessie-14/15 -45* -20 -23 -28 -22 -18* -16

Garcia-16/7 -43 -21 -21 -15* -10 -12 -4

Kyle-17/9 -45 -23 -20 -18 -12 -18 -7

Tethys-5 -doesnt matter

L'Arachel-11 -22 -11 -10 -11 -16 -6 -12

Rennac-2 -29 -10 -17 -17 -5 -10 -11

Ephrm-16/2 -39 -15 -20 -18 -14 -16 -10

Myrrh-16 -45* -18 -19** -14 -12 -20* -9

Syrene-2 -28 -12 -14 -16 -12 -10 -13

(I forgot Syrene last post. She didnt do anything in Final)

Still had 1 warp and 1 rescue left.

Everyone on my team made a contribution of some kind.

I think Artur > Garcia and I honestly should not have gotten either of them. Thanks Guys!

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Starting! (Commas between sets of stat ups separate levels.) (Weapon Levels & Supports at the end of updates.) (Updates will also be fairly short because of the level up format, until I decide it is too much, which will probably make this the last update with this level up format.)

ChP: 3 Turns Standard 3 Turn

Eirika: +Skill +Luck +Defense

Ch1: 6 Turns Eirika went up left, Franz followed, he went to get some EXP from the reinforcements. Eirika took on the boss.

Eirika: +HP, +HP +Strength +Skill +Speed +Luck +Resistance

Franz: +HP +Speed +Resistance, +HP +Strength +Speed +Luck

Ch2: 6 Turns Vanessa pulled Ross over and Moulder did a take & drop, he ran off to heal, the undraftees and Seth hid in the corner, Eirika picked up an Iron Sword, she Rapier crit the boss, and I didn't visit a single village. Ross also somehow managed to kill a bandit, so that helped, but then he died.

Eirika: +HP +Speed +Luck +Defense, +Skill +Speed +Resistance

Franz: No Level Up.

Map: Got some Javelins for the future.

Ch3: 10 Turns Neimi ran up to get Colm, he took on his bandit, killed the thief, and killed a Hand Axe bandit. Franz and Eirika took on the middle wall path and ran over to Bazba. I got no chests. Eirika took boss kill.

Eirika: +HP +Strength +Speed +Luck, +HP +Speed +Luck

Franz: +Speed +Luck, +HP +Strength +Speed

Colm: +HP +Strength +Luck +Defense +Resistance

Ch4: 9 Turns Artur kinda ran around and hid to not incur a penalty. Eirika took boss kill again. Visited Lute's village for whatever.

Eirika: +HP +Strength +Speed +Luck +Defense, +HP +Strength +Speed, +HP

Franz: +HP +Strength +Luck, +HP +Strength +Speed +Luck

Colm: +HP +Speed, +HP +Strength +Speed, +HP +Skill +Speed +Luck

Weapon Levels (No supports yet) Eirika: B Swords (barely) Franz: D Swords (barely) D Lances (very close to C rank) Colm: D Swords (not much WEXP collected)

Edited by Konnor97
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Progress! (Parenthesis in levels indicate stat boosters.) (New format isn't perfect, but it is good enough, and I don't like code.)

Ch5: 9 Turns Natasha grabbed DS village, which she uses. I get all the villages for the Guiding Ring. Franz lures down Josh and deals a good chunk of HP on both sides, and Natasha recruits him next turn. Colm gets boss kill because of the Armorcutter.

Eirika: Perfect!

Franz: +HP&Str&Spd&Res, +HP&Spd

Colm: +HP&Skl&Spd&Res, +HP&Spd&Lck, +HP&Str&Spd&Lck, +Spd&Def

Natasha: (+2 Def)

Joshua: +HP&Spd

Ch5x: 10 Turns Orson carries Ephraim to the throne, and drops him with the Javelin on turn 9, while he has the Silver Sword eqipped, to kill the boss. Ephraim: No Level Up.

Orson: +HP&Skl&Spd&Lck

Map: Franz sold the Secret Book, and I bought a sword for Josh and a Torch stave for Natasha.

Ch6: 5 Turns Franz ran to the boss, Josh took on the northern and reinforcements, Natasha Torch spammed, and Colm, Eirika, and Franz while on his way to the boss took on the main group of enemies. No village, but got the Elixer from the Troubadour. I also got the useless Orion's Bolt, which will be sold.

Eirika: +HP&Str&Skl&Lck&Def,+HP&Skl&Spd

Franz: +Str&Def,+Lck,+HP&Lck&Def

Colm: +HP&Skl&Spd&Lck,+HP&Str&Spd&Lck

Natasha: +HP&Mag

Joshua: +Skl&Lck,+HP&Skl&Lck

Ch7: 7 Turns Colm and Eirika ran across the river, Colm snatched to ER, and the other three wrapped around the map. Eirika crit killed the boss. Eirika: +All but Res,+HP&Res

Franz: +All but Res,+Def

Colm: +HP&Spd&Lck

Natasha: No Level Up.

Joshua: +HP&Lck&Res

Ch8: 16 Turns Colm heads up with his Armorcutter, Josh follows, he hands the Armorcutter to Josh, and the others go left and up to meet up with Ephraim. Colm snatches the AR, and Franz continues his onslaught against the western and north-western enemies. Eirika pretty much solos the boss, though Franz got a chip.

Eirika: +HP&Spd&Lck&Def&Res,+HP&Str&Lck

Franz: +HP&Str&Spd,+HP&Spd+HP&Skl&Spd&Def

Colm: +HP&Str&Lck&Res,+Hp&Str&Res

Natasha: +HP&Mag&Skl&Lck

Joshua: +HP&Str&Spd,+Res,+All but Lck,+Spd

Ephraim: +HP&Str&Skl&Spd,+HP&Str&Spd&Lck,+HP&Skl&Spd

Weapon Levels (still no Supports) Eirika: A Swords Franz: D Swords (halfway) B Lances (halfway) Colm: C Swords (bit over half) Natasha: C Staves (bit under half) Joshua: B Swords (bit under half) Ephraim: C Lances (barely)

Edited by Konnor97
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@ Konnor

Your post are a bit of a mess. Try skipping lines between the Stat ups and your descriptions of the Chapters.

That way it would be easier to read.

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Umm... crap. An accidental refresh just lost my progress written here. I'll write what I remember. (Brackets [ ] indicate promotion gains)

Map: Bought an Iron Sword for Josh, and promoted Franz to a Paladin.

Ch9: 17 Turns Everybody rushed, Franz recruited Amelia and she hid until the enemies in the middle area were mostly gone, and then chipped at the first sleep priest. Colm went up for the money and Ocean Seal, but the reinforcements he triggered stopped his progress, so he didn't get the seal. Ephraim held off the lower reinforcements while Franz went against the boss with Josh's KE. I don't remember the levels completely. The stat ups in all were...

Ephraim: 4 Levels with HP+4 Str+2 Skl+2 Spd+2 Lck+3 Def+3 Res+0

Franz: Promoted at Level 17. Got 2 Levels with HP+2 Str+1 Skl+1 Spd+0 Lck+1 Def+0 Res+0 [HP+2 Str+1 Skl+1 Spd+1 Lck+0 Def+2 Res+1 Con+2 Mov+1]

Colm: 2 Levels of HP+1 Str+1 Skl+1 Spd+0 Lck+1 Def+1 Res+0

Natasha: 1 Level of Skl+1 Spd+1 Lck+1

Joshua: 1 Level of HP+1 Str+1 Res+1

ToV for Amelia: Not all 8 levels were done in one run, and I don't remember the turns taken there if it matters.

Amelia: Promotion to Cavalier at level 10, and 9 levels of HP+7 Str+3 Skl+7 Spd+3 Lck+5 Def+4 Res+4

Ch10: 10 Turns Penalties: 1 (Duessal got attacked after one of his lackeys died) Everybody rushed down, Franz carried Ephraim to Duessal, Duessal got attacked so I got a penalty, he recruited Cormag, Franz grabbed the Hero Crest, and the people not named Ephraim, Cormag, or Franz rushed up to meet up with the reinforcements. No boss kill.

Ephraim: +Str&Spd&Def,+HP&Str&Skl&Lck,+HP&Str&Skl&Spd&Def

Franz: +HP&Def

Colm: +HP

Natasha: +HP&Mag&Skl&Spd&Res

Joshua: +HP&Str&Spd,+HP&Spd

Amelia: [HP+1 Str+0 Skl+2 Spd+2 Lck+0 Def+0 Res+2 Con+3 Mov+3] +HP&Str&Skl,+Spd&Lck,+HP&Str&Skl

Cormag: +HP&Res

Weapon Ranks (No Supports): Ephraim: A Lances Franz: C Swords (little over half) and A Lances (little over half) Colm: B Swords (little under half) Natasha: B Staves (about 1/4 full) Joshua: A Swords Amelia: E Swords (about 1/4 full) C Lances (little under half) Cormag: C Lances (about 1/3 full)

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More Progress.

Ch11: 9 Turns I hate this map. I had to RNG abuse a bit to make sure people wouldn't die, but it didn't take too long. Everybody but Colm also got fairly good levels. Cormag kinda flew around snatching kills, Josh and Eph ran down, Amelia and Franz went up, and Colm and Natasha kinda lagged behind the upper group for Torch support. Also had to rig a Killer Lance Crit against the boss with Franz.

Ephraim: +HP&Str,+HP&Str&Spd&Lck

Franz: +Str&Spd&Def

Colm: +HP

Natasha: +HP&Mag&Lck&Res

Joshua: +HP&Str&Skl&Lck

Amelia: +HP&Str,+HP&Str&Skl&Lck

Cormag: +HP&Str&Lck,+HP&Str&Lck&Def&Res,+HP&Str&Def

Ch12: 8 Turns RNG abused some more to let Cormag get a 10% crit on the Axereaver for the boss kill and to let him even survive. Marissa got in Cormag's way, so she died. Cormag flew up, then right. Franz and Amelia went left, and the others went right

Ephraim: +HP&Skl

Franz: +HP&Lck

Colm: +HP&Str&Lck&Def&Res

Natasha: No Level Up

Joshua: +HP&Skl

Amelia: +HP&Skl&Spd&Lck&Res,+HP&Skl&Spd

Cormag: +HP&Str,+Str&Skl&Def,+HP&Str&Spd&Lck&Def&Res,+HP&Skl&Spd

Ewan: No Level Up

ToV Ewan Edition: Not all levels were during one run obviously, and I better not have to count them.

Ewan: +HP&Skl&Lck,+HP&Mag&Skl&Lck,+HP&Mag&Skl,+HP&Spd&Lck&Res,+HP&Skl&Lck&Res,+Skl&Spd&Res,+HP,+Mag&Skl,+HP&Mag&Res

Weapon Levels: Ephraim: A Lances Franz: C Swords (little more than half) and S Lances Colm: B Swords (looks like one more stab to go up) Natasha: B Staves (about 3/4 full) Joshua: A Swords Amelia: E Swords (about 1/3 full) and C Lances (one or two more stabs should do it) Cormag: B Lances (about 1/2 full) Ewan: D Anima (for now that is) (about 1/2 full)

Edited by Konnor97
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Is shopping from the base Armory allowed? As in, the one that has the basic equipment for a higher price than from a normal armory/vendor? Oh, and sorry, quadruple post.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh, sorry that i didn't get to answering that question.

I'll allow it.

Edited by Richter Abend
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Okay... My Progress on this draftr!

Prologue - 4/4 Turns

I didn't feel like trying to position myself to get a 2-Turn (Didn't know how at the time) so i settled for a 4-Turn.

Chapter 1 - 7/11 Turns

A lot of people got in Eirika's way and i didn't really feel like taking a risk with Eirika with my successful attempt. The Reinforcements got so close to the other units but i managed.

Chapter 2 - 8/19 Turns

Vanessa rescued Ross and Eirika then Talked to him and they started doing their thing. Not easy to train Ross in this Chapter, Considering some Brigands Double him, Even with the Hatchet Equipped. Ross Got Some Potshots while Eirika did most of the Damage. Garcia killed an enemy or two as an NPC.

Chapter 3 - 13/32 Turns

Eirika and Ross rushed through to the throne. Ross and Eirika took it a bit careful and eventually, All the enemies in the way died. Colm managed to get one treasure chest open right before Eirika Seized.

Chapter 4 - 13/45 Turns

Eirika took the Right Side, Ross took the Left while Artur avoided combat. I hate these 2-Range Enemies, Considering that a lot of them tend to 2-Range Eirika and it takes extra turns to finish them off. I recruited Lute for the lulz and had Eirika finish the boss off. Eirika dealt with most enemies but i managed to get Ross to Lv. 10 Trainee.

Chapter 5 - 11/56 Turns

Although this was a Defeat Boss chapter, I decided to watch my back. Natasha Recruited Joshua to remedy a threat and The Drafted Defended Natasha so she wouldn't get attacked. Ross and Eirika dealt with Saar since Lute was still a bit too weak to do some potential damage.

Unit 	Class   Level	HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika  Lord 	15.50	24 11 13 17 14 07 07  A Swords
Ross 	Pirate  04.09	27 15 05 07 13 10 02  C Axes
Lute 	Mage	02.80	17 07 06 07 08 03 05  C Anima

Chapter 5x - 18/74 Turns


Chapter 6 - 10/84 Turns

I had the Drafted Units go the top route so they wouldn't get in too much trouble. I played it safe and when it was safe enough, I killed Novala. Civilian's died but i didn't need the Orion's Bolt.

Chapter 7 - 12/96 Turns

This is what i get for going the Long Way (Not using Vanessa to Ferry Eirika to Murry). Anyways, The Drafted Units made their way to Murray. Ross tried his Luck with the Halberd on Murray (Don't think it worked too well). I think Eirika finished him off and then Seized Next Turn.

Chapter 8 - 14/110 Turns

Ross took care of the Archer nearby, Eirika went to deal with the Merc and Myrm while Lute dealt with the Armor and Shaman. Eirika was on her way to the throne once she killed the enemies in Ephraim's way so he could take a safe route to the throne, Along with two undrafted Cavalier that needed to avoid combat. Ross was great for Dealing with those Pesky Armor Knights (With an Iron Axe). Ross and Lute Powered their way through to get to the throne and to get Rid of any annoyances nearby. Ephraim got some good training with the Cavalier Reinforcements. Eirika used her Last Rapier use to do some good chip on Tirado and Either Ross or Eirika killed Tirado (Ross has quite the bad hit rates at this time). The Pillars besides Tirado made him a bit less of a threat than he intentionally was. Eirika Seized. Colm Snatched the Angelic Robe.

Unit 	Class   Level	HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika  Lord	20.00	28 13 17 20 16 10 10  A Swords
Ephraim Lord 	08.24	25 11 12 14 11 10 02  D Lances
Ross 	Pirate  15.60	35 19 07 10 15 14 02  B Axes
Lute 	Mage	08.88	20 11 08 09 11 04 07  B Anima

Chapter 9 - 18/128 Turns

It was hard to get Tana into a good start but she managed eventually. Ross went to deal with the Pirates in the Water while the Rest Went the Regular Route. Eirika did a lot here since she had to deal with a lot of Pesky Mercs and Fighters. Tana got some potshots while Lute Dealt with the Sniper (She had a Vulnerary to recover). Ross didn't go to Bink's general area since he would of got overwhelmed otherwise. Ross eventually met up with the others and headed to where Bink's was, Playing it safely yet getting experience. I couldn't recruit Amelia without getting in too much trouble so she suicided on Ross. They then made it to Binks and He eventually died.

Chapter 10 - 12/140 Turns

I got so unlucky here. Turns out that Gerik got hit with the Sleep Staff so i couldn't recruit Marisa. Tana ferried Ross to the area behind the gate and he dealt with the Archers, Sword users and Brigands. Eirika dealt with some enemies while Tana made her way to Innes, Getting some Kills on the Way. Lute helped out a bit. Eventually, The NPC's were recruited and then Tana went to Ferry Eirika to where Ross was to finish off the boss and Seize (Ross had bad hit on Pablo). Innes dealt with Marisa's Group in the Meantime. Gerik managed to survive but Marisa died so she wouldn't get in a crit on any of my units.

Chapter 11 - 14/154 Turns

I'm starting to hate these Rout Chapters. Anyways, Tana, Gerik and Innes went down while the Rest went Right. They killed enemies in the way and played it careful when the Reinforcements arrived. I appreciated L'Arachel Healing Gerik when he absolutely needed it. I managed to get all the Loot with Colm.

Chapter 12 - 15/169 Turns

Yep. Hate These Rout Maps. Anyways, I spamed Heal with Saleh when i could and the Rest killed enemies. I got a bit Close with the Gargoyles Ambushing me but i managed when all of my units were close together. Ross Promoted Here and made Quick work of the Boss with the Halberd. The Rest got as much experience as they could.

Unit 	Class    	Level	HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika  Lord            20.00	28 13 17 20 16 10 10  A Swords
Ross 	Berserker   	02.14	44 22 08 12 19 16 06  A Axes
Lute 	Mage        	15.79	22 16 10 14 13 04 12  A Anima
Tana 	Pegasus Knight  13.12	26 11 12 20 13 08 09  C Lances
Innes	Sniper      	02.48	31 15 14 15 14 11 10  A Bows
Gerik	Mercenary   	15.37	37 16 15 14 10 10 05  B Swords
Saleh	Sage        	02.08	31 16 18 14 11 08 13  A Anima B Light C Staves

Chapter 13 - 3/172 Turns

I had to Give Gerik an Early Promotion to pull off this turncount (So he could survive those Ranger's Attacks). First Turn, I had Ross Kill one of the Central Archers (Tethys Helped). Gerik and Innes Killed Both Northern Archers and the Magic Users took care of the Southern Archers. Tana Lured in the Other Central Archer (She could survive) so he didn't use the Ballistae. Ross had the Killer Axe equipped so he could Kill Enough Enemies in the Enemy Phase. Second Turn, Eirika and Gerik Blocked a Passage so the Rangers couldn't do major Harm. Ross Killed the Sleep Staff Priest, Saleh Healed some more and Lute Lured in a Soldier. Innes dealt with the Mercenary. Gerik managed to Survive During the Enemy Phase (Eirika was one Tile to the left and downwards so she would survive). Third Turn, Ross Used the Halberd to Damage Aias, Tana Finished Aias off with the Horseslayer while the Rest did what they could to get experience.

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Wee bit more progress!

Went on the Map for a bit of shopping.

Ch13: 9 Turns Promoted Josh and Cormag at base into Master and Knight, and Ewan into Mage. Cormag flew towards the center because his 15 speed can double everything besides Selena. Amelia went right to save Tethys, and the others went left. Franz, Colm, and Ewan then went up, while Ephraim and Josh went down to take on those enemies. Cormag helped Amelia after he finished the middle enemies. Got both villages.

Ephraim: +HP&Str&Skl&Spd&Lck

Franz: No Level Up

Colm: Level Capped

Natasha: +HP&Mag&Spd&Lck

Joshua: [HP+5 Str+2 Skl+0 Spd+0 Lck+0 Def+2 Res+1 Con+1 Mov+1]

Amelia: +HP&Str&Skl&Lck&Def,+Skl,+HP&Spd&Lck&Res,+HP&Spd&Lck,+HP&Str&Spd&Def

Cormag: [HP+3 Str+1 Skl+2 Spd+3 Lck+0 Def+0 Res+1 Con+0 Mov+1] +HP,+HP&Def,+HP&Spd&Def

Ewan: [HP+1 Str+0 Skl+1 Spd+2 Lck+0 Def+1 Res+2 Con+1 Mov+1] +HP&Mag&Spd&Lck&Def,Repeat

Tethys: No Level Up

Ch14: 15 Turns I don't care, I am finally done with this stupid chapter.

Ephraim: +HP,+HP&Skl&Lck

Franz: +HP&Str&Spd&Res,+HP&Str&Skl&Def

Colm: Level Capped

Natasha: +HP&Spd&Res

Joshua: +HP&Str&Spd&Lck&Res

Amelia: +HP&Lck&Def,+HP&Skl&Lck,+Str&Spd&Lck

Cormag: +HP

Ewan: +HP&Mag&Lck,+Mag&Skl&Lck&Res,+HP&Mag&Skl&Res,+HP&Lck&Res,+Mag&Spd&Lck

Tethys: Who Cares?

You know what, I'm done. FE8 is proving to be very annoying, and sorry Richter, but I quit. If any of you wants to finish this and take my place, PM me, first come first serve (You most likely will also have to tell me how to send this to you, because I don't think I know). If no one wants to, oh well, this is where my progress stops. I am also at least temporarily (I don't know for how long) quitting the FE8 drafting scene.

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Sorry to hear that your getting fed up with this FE8 Draft. I'm honestly fine with this, I mean, A Draft is suppost to be fun and if your not having fun, Then quitting is understandable.

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