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Speaking of Velvet

Is it true that she has an affair outside of her marriage and the father of Chambray isn't any of the male playable characters she reaches an S support with? Or does that only happen when she pairs with Richt?

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Speaking of Velvet

Is it true that she has an affair outside of her marriage and the father of Chambray isn't any of the male playable characters she reaches an S support with? Or does that only happen when she pairs with Richt?

Better not be

I want my shota pairings. IS alreddy denied yuri pairings

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Nn x Chambray is here, folks! ... So basically Chambray has become one of my favorite characters... :3:

Nn x Chambray

C Support

Nn: Huh? That guy over there's Chambray, isn't it…?

Chambray: *sigh*

Nn: Hey, wat'cha doing? Trying to get fired up?

Chambray: No! I was sighing! …Forget it,what – oh, Nn…

Nn: Oh, so that's it… It was a sigh. I tried taking in a deep breath, so maybe I'll be fired up too?

Chambray: That's still not it…Regardless, it'll help you morph into a dragon. To be honest, I envy you.

Nn: Huh? Why do you say that?

Chambray: You're a Dragon!! A DRAGON!! You breathe fire, you're huge, and you have claws… and where are your weak spots!?

Nn: That's not it at all… Even though I'm a dragon, I have a lot of disadvantages. Because I'm so large, the enemy sees me as an easy target.

Chambray: W-well, that's possibly true, but…

Nn: Besides Chambray, you can transform too!

Chambray: B-But, I'm just a Taguel Rabbit! Rabbits aren't fit for fighting,aren't they?

Nn: Is that true? …But they're really fast, and they can startle enemies, right? Mr. Rabbit, I think that's your real strength.

Chambray: First you go off with the Mr. Rabbit stuff… and I don't need to be told I'm weak… Agh! Let's stop talking about this fighting nonsense already! I'm depressed enough as it is!

Nn: I just wanted to talk to Chambray so I could learn about him…

B Support

Chambray: Siiiiiiiiiigh…

Nn: Ah! Chambray! Are you trying to get fired up this time?

Chambray: I already told you I wasn't! …That was sighing!

Nn: Eh…!? But that sigh just now sounded like a warrior trying to get fired up…

Chambray: Yeah, yeah… I didn't mean to say it like that. Sorry.

Nn: Well, that's good. But why were you sighing so deeply? We're both shapeshifters, so why don't you tell me what's wrong?

Chambray: Hey, don't worry about it… it's just that I hate war, but I'm thinking about it a lot.

Nn: But if you fight in your own way, maybe you can stop worrying about it?

Chambray: To fight in my own way…?

Nn: Yep. Originally, the Taguel were just as fearsome in battle as the Manaketes. As long as you use that to your advantage, you could get some confidence back.

Chambray: But…I also have a duty to my family, and I can't falter on it.

Nn: That's very important. But even if you win the war, you will still have to keep on fighting.

Chambray: …What do you mean?

Nn: Even if you do begin to worry, and even though it's difficult, then you'll fight on bravely like a true Taguel.

Chambray: I guess you're right… But if it was that easy, I wouldn't be worrying about it now, would I?

Nn: Chambray, you're pathetic! I'm much smaller than you, but at least I still fight..!

Chambray: Oh, quit acting! You and I are different, aren't we!? You get to transform into a huge, strong dragon! And what do I get, a rabbit!? And on top of that, I'm the only Taguel left…

No one… No one understands me!

Nn: ……

Chambray: …Sorry… I'll be going now.

Nn: Uh, Chambray- *Chambray has left* …he's gone…

A Support

Chambray: …I want to make it up to Nn after all those horrible things I said to her. Even if it's just a little apology. I wonder if she's in this tent…Hey, Nn, are you here?

(Enemy soldier appears)

Soldier: …!!!

Chambray: Tch, who're you guys!?

Nn: Mmph… Mmmmph!!!

Chambray: Nn!? Why I didn't hear her call me!? N-No! Her mouth's been gagged and she's hurt too!? W-why, you…You brigands! What're you doing with her!?

Soldier: D-Don't come any closer! O-Or we'll clean your clock too!

Chambray: Like that'll stop me!! Nn! I'll be right there, just hold on!!

*Crash Clang Roar*

Chambray: Huff… hah… Hey…Nn, are you okay?

Nn: ………

Chambray: Though… for those bandits to just barge in like that… and then try to kidnap a kid like you… those guys were the worst.

Nn: Um… Thank you.

Chambray: O-Oh, it was nothing. But then, how were you caught so easily? I mean, couldn't you have just morphed into a dragon and gotten them all in one shot?

Nn: They ambushed me from behind and grabbed me… then I had to go and drop my dragon stone...

Chambray: I-is that so… Ah well, it's not your fault.

Nn: I was so glad when you came to save me, Chambray…

Chambray: I see…

Nn: I had no idea that you would be brave enough to fight all those guys off, Chambray. I honestly didn't think you could do that…

Chambray: W-Well… I kinda surprised myself there too.

Nn: I…was so… so scared…

Chambray: W-well, that's likely… It must have been terrible for you, huh… Even though it was a cool to rescue someone, I think I'm getting better! What do you think? Have I improved?

Nn: Y…Yes. Mr. Rabbit was awesome back there…

Chambray: Oh, c-c'mon, I wasn't that good, was I? We're friends, so it's natural, isn't it? So…if you need anything from now on, you can count on me!

Nn: Okay, I'll be counting on you!

(Nn leaves)

Chambray: Being praised… doesn't feel so bad after all…

S Support

Chambray: Nn.

Nn: Ah!

Chambray: Hey! It's me, Chambray. You don't have to scream so loud.

Nn: A-ah, Cha-Chambray, it's you… Sorry about that.

Chambray: You mean…So that time when the bandits kidnapped you, it left you really traumatized, huh…? You looked like that, from what I heard. Was it really…

Nn: Well, to tell the truth, it was horrible. Even though I'm a descendant of Manaketes, those memories surfaced again, my body was shaking and trembling… I couldn't move…

Chambray: S-So that's why…t-that you didn't try to get someone?

Nn: ………

Chambray: Well, that's reasonable… Despite you being able to become a dragon,the bandits frightened you, and you couldn't find anyone to help…But… you can rest easy now, Nn.

From now on… I'll protect you.

Nn: …Eh?

Chambray: Even if you can't use your dragon stone, I won't let that kind of incident happen again. I promise that, whenever I'm around you, I'll make sure you're always safe.

Nn: R-really?

Chambray: Yeah! Leave it to me!

Nn: …I'm…happy… Heehee…so happy…

Chambray: Huh? Oh…Nn, c'mon… don't cry. Because I… Because, I love you.

Nn: Eh?

Chambray: A while ago, I… I realized. I don't want the person I love to suffer anymore. Back then… they wanted me to do the very best I could. The person I love… is you, Nn.

Nn: Chambray… I'm so happy! I love you too, Chambray! When you came to help me, I fell in love with you!

Chambray: I-I see. Then, I guess I should be grateful you got kidnapped?

Nn: N-Now wait a minute-!

Chambray: Still, I'm happy. From now on, I won't let anyone lay even a finger on you! …Because of you, I found what I wanted to protect. …So, let's spend our lives together, shall we?

Nn: Yes… Thank you. …I'm so happy…

Chambray: You have to admit that a rabbit protecting a dragon sounds weird, though. Hahaha!!

Nn: Heehee! That it does!


After the war, Chambray went travelling around, trying to find as safe a place as possible to settle down. Nn checked how safe places were all over the world, eventually choosing Iris as their destination.

Maybe we will see fire breathing bunnies in the next FE game? LOL.

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So many mid-support ambushes.

It's funny that there's more fighting in this game's supports than there was in FE6-FE8, even though this game's supports take place outside battle and those games' supports took place in it.

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Nn x Chambray is here, folks! ... So basically Chambray has become one of my favorite characters... colon3.gif

Nn x Chambray

C Support

Nn: Huh? That guy over there's Chambray, isn't it…?

Chambray: *sigh*

Nn: Hey, wat'cha doing? Trying to get fired up?

Chambray: No! I was sighing! …Forget it,what – oh, Nn…

Nn: Oh, so that's it… It was a sigh. I tried taking in a deep breath, so maybe I'll be fired up too?

Chambray: That's still not it…Regardless, it'll help you morph into a dragon. To be honest, I envy you.

Nn: Huh? Why do you say that?

Chambray: You're a Dragon!! A DRAGON!! You breathe fire, you're huge, and you have claws… and where are your weak spots!?

Nn: That's not it at all… Even though I'm a dragon, I have a lot of disadvantages. Because I'm so large, the enemy sees me as an easy target.

Chambray: W-well, that's possibly true, but…

Nn: Besides Chambray, you can transform too!

Chambray: B-But, I'm just a Taguel Rabbit! Rabbits aren't fit for fighting,aren't they?

Nn: Is that true? …But they're really fast, and they can startle enemies, right? Mr. Rabbit, I think that's your real strength.

Chambray: First you go off with the Mr. Rabbit stuff… and I don't need to be told I'm weak… Agh! Let's stop talking about this fighting nonsense already! I'm depressed enough as it is!

Nn: I just wanted to talk to Chambray so I could learn about him…

B Support

Chambray: Siiiiiiiiiigh…

Nn: Ah! Chambray! Are you trying to get fired up this time?

Chambray: I already told you I wasn't! …That was sighing!

Nn: Eh…!? But that sigh just now sounded like a warrior trying to get fired up…

Chambray: Yeah, yeah… I didn't mean to say it like that. Sorry.

Nn: Well, that's good. But why were you sighing so deeply? We're both shapeshifters, so why don't you tell me what's wrong?

Chambray: Hey, don't worry about it… it's just that I hate war, but I'm thinking about it a lot.

Nn: But if you fight in your own way, maybe you can stop worrying about it?

Chambray: To fight in my own way…?

Nn: Yep. Originally, the Taguel were just as fearsome in battle as the Manaketes. As long as you use that to your advantage, you could get some confidence back.

Chambray: But…I also have a duty to my family, and I can't falter on it.

Nn: That's very important. But even if you win the war, you will still have to keep on fighting.

Chambray: …What do you mean?

Nn: Even if you do begin to worry, and even though it's difficult, then you'll fight on bravely like a true Taguel.

Chambray: I guess you're right… But if it was that easy, I wouldn't be worrying about it now, would I?

Nn: Chambray, you're pathetic! I'm much smaller than you, but at least I still fight..!

Chambray: Oh, quit acting! You and I are different, aren't we!? You get to transform into a huge, strong dragon! And what do I get, a rabbit!? And on top of that, I'm the only Taguel left…

No one… No one understands me!

Nn: ……

Chambray: …Sorry… I'll be going now.

Nn: Uh, Chambray- *Chambray has left* …he's gone…

A Support

Chambray: …I want to make it up to Nn after all those horrible things I said to her. Even if it's just a little apology. I wonder if she's in this tent…Hey, Nn, are you here?

(Enemy soldier appears)

Soldier: …!!!

Chambray: Tch, who're you guys!?

Nn: Mmph… Mmmmph!!!

Chambray: Nn!? Why I didn't hear her call me!? N-No! Her mouth's been gagged and she's hurt too!? W-why, you…You brigands! What're you doing with her!?

Soldier: D-Don't come any closer! O-Or we'll clean your clock too!

Chambray: Like that'll stop me!! Nn! I'll be right there, just hold on!!

*Crash Clang Roar*

Chambray: Huff… hah… Hey…Nn, are you okay?

Nn: ………

Chambray: Though… for those bandits to just barge in like that… and then try to kidnap a kid like you… those guys were the worst.

Nn: Um… Thank you.

Chambray: O-Oh, it was nothing. But then, how were you caught so easily? I mean, couldn't you have just morphed into a dragon and gotten them all in one shot?

Nn: They ambushed me from behind and grabbed me… then I had to go and drop my dragon stone...

Chambray: I-is that so… Ah well, it's not your fault.

Nn: I was so glad when you came to save me, Chambray…

Chambray: I see…

Nn: I had no idea that you would be brave enough to fight all those guys off, Chambray. I honestly didn't think you could do that…

Chambray: W-Well… I kinda surprised myself there too.

Nn: I…was so… so scared…

Chambray: W-well, that's likely… It must have been terrible for you, huh… Even though it was a cool to rescue someone, I think I'm getting better! What do you think? Have I improved?

Nn: Y…Yes. Mr. Rabbit was awesome back there…

Chambray: Oh, c-c'mon, I wasn't that good, was I? We're friends, so it's natural, isn't it? So…if you need anything from now on, you can count on me!

Nn: Okay, I'll be counting on you!

(Nn leaves)

Chambray: Being praised… doesn't feel so bad after all…

S Support

Chambray: Nn.

Nn: Ah!

Chambray: Hey! It's me, Chambray. You don't have to scream so loud.

Nn: A-ah, Cha-Chambray, it's you… Sorry about that.

Chambray: You mean…So that time when the bandits kidnapped you, it left you really traumatized, huh…? You looked like that, from what I heard. Was it really…

Nn: Well, to tell the truth, it was horrible. Even though I'm a descendant of Manaketes, those memories surfaced again, my body was shaking and trembling… I couldn't move…

Chambray: S-So that's why…t-that you didn't try to get someone?

Nn: ………

Chambray: Well, that's reasonable… Despite you being able to become a dragon,the bandits frightened you, and you couldn't find anyone to help…But… you can rest easy now, Nn.

From now on… I'll protect you.

Nn: …Eh?

Chambray: Even if you can't use your dragon stone, I won't let that kind of incident happen again. I promise that, whenever I'm around you, I'll make sure you're always safe.

Nn: R-really?

Chambray: Yeah! Leave it to me!

Nn: …I'm…happy… Heehee…so happy…

Chambray: Huh? Oh…Nn, c'mon… don't cry. Because I… Because, I love you.

Nn: Eh?

Chambray: A while ago, I… I realized. I don't want the person I love to suffer anymore. Back then… they wanted me to do the very best I could. The person I love… is you, Nn.

Nn: Chambray… I'm so happy! I love you too, Chambray! When you came to help me, I fell in love with you!

Chambray: I-I see. Then, I guess I should be grateful you got kidnapped?

Nn: N-Now wait a minute-!

Chambray: Still, I'm happy. From now on, I won't let anyone lay even a finger on you! …Because of you, I found what I wanted to protect. …So, let's spend our lives together, shall we?

Nn: Yes… Thank you. …I'm so happy…

Chambray: You have to admit that a rabbit protecting a dragon sounds weird, though. Hahaha!!

Nn: Heehee! That it does!


After the war, Chambray went travelling around, trying to find as safe a place as possible to settle down. Nn checked how safe places were all over the world, eventually choosing Iris as their destination.

Oh. my. ASHERA! THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL! *manly tears* *is shot*

Okay, seriously though, that was a pretty awesome support. Chambray just got a million manly points for doing that for Nn, especially picking himself up from that downer chicken he usually is. Now THIS is why he is a member of my to-be team when this game comes out in NA.

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Speaking of Velvet

Is it true that she has an affair outside of her marriage and the father of Chambray isn't any of the male playable characters she reaches an S support with? Or does that only happen when she pairs with Richt?

I will let you know soon. Currently with Gaia as his father, Chambrey has a B support. Once I get the A support, I'll note whether or not Chambrey tells the same story he told Richt.

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Hey fuck you, Chambray, there is not a single downside to being a giant fighting rabbit.

Permanent weakness to Rapiers and other horse-slaying weapons, even in other classes.

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Man, if I were a killer bunny, I'd be all over my enemies.

Poor Chambray. Ever traumatized by his captor's giant knitting needles.

Nn continues to be awesome too. I wish Lady Naga had made another appearance though. She was really starting to grow on me.

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I will let you know soon. Currently with Gaia as his father, Chambrey has a B support. Once I get the A support, I'll note whether or not Chambrey tells the same story he told Richt.

I'm looking forward to it. But then that makes me wonder about male MUxVelvet(Mark being a Taguel) if Chambray tells the same story.

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Like those have ever mattered

well you have to remember there is forging in this game so you have a 9 mt beastkiller which you can then add 5 so 14 mt so double that i think so 28 mt weapon and that only if the enemy follows your forging rules which i don't think they do

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well you have to remember there is forging in this game so you have a 9 mt beastkiller which you can then add 5 so 14 mt so double that i think so 28 mt weapon and that only if the enemy follows your forging rules which i don't think they do

Enemies forge either +4 or +8 Mt, depending on the situation. And effective bonus triples in this game, like most. So that's a 51 Mt weapon.

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Aww, that Nn/Chambray support was rather sweet. Found it funny how Chambray went from moping about his skills, to the instant he saw Nn in danger, his brain switched to "Taking you punks down!" mode.

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Are there any supports with Grego around

seriously there is absolutely nothing on this guy aside from stats

Don't worry, I'll be doing Greg x Liz next. >_> Easier than Basilio x Flavia by FAR.


Top Priority: GregLiz CBAS

2nd: GregVelvet S

3rd: VakeMiriel S

4th: BasilioFlavia CBAS

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Don't worry, I'll be doing Greg x Liz next. >_> Easier than Basilio x Flavia by FAR.


Top Priority: GregLiz CBAS

2nd: GregVelvet S

3rd: VakeMiriel S

4th: BasilioFlavia CBAS

As much as I really would love to see more Grego, could you please do the BasilioxFlavia next, since it's actually complete?

Also, SumiaxMU S is done, and should be linked in the OP, with the SumiaxFeMU supports. And since I never actually heard a request for anything, I think I'll do LiberaxFeMU next.

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