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[spoiler=off-topic stuff]Illuminate, you're really not making your case very strong here. All I see around the board is people ganging up on Ein, and honestly ... I'm getting sick of it. Do any of you know Ein in real life? No? Then where do you get off assuming all sorts of stuff about him? And yes, I know some of the things he says. So that gives you the right to be assholes to a person you don't even know? Illuminate, you're coming off as the even worse one, with all your unnecessary swearing and aggressiveness. You're like this a LOT from what I've seen on other boards. I think you need to work on your own problems before criticizing anyone else's.

Back on topic, the Soiree/Degel support is nice. Kind of reminded me of the Sariya/Noire support, though, with the mother saying ... "I didn't realize why my future self did what she did until now."

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God Sairi is so Asian (well durr)

Totally using. Also she totally proposed.

Also jesus fucking christ what happened here while I was sleeping last night o _ o

Hey, might be just me, but I can't see MUxSairi on the OP.

Then again, it's twenty to four in the morning where I am so I may be wrong.

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MU x Sairi is pretty disappointing. She just goes on about how much she loves rice and suddenly they get hitched? You'd think there would be a little more character interaction, considering she can only really support with MU and Tiki.

Not really waifu material, if you ask me.

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[spoiler=off-topic stuff]Illuminate, you're really not making your case very strong here. All I see around the board is people ganging up on Ein, and honestly ... I'm getting sick of it. Do any of you know Ein in real life? No? Then where do you get off assuming all sorts of stuff about him? And yes, I know some of the things he says. So that gives you the right to be assholes to a person you don't even know? Illuminate, you're coming off as the even worse one, with all your unnecessary swearing and aggressiveness. You're like this a LOT from what I've seen on other boards. I think you need to work on your own problems before criticizing anyone else's.

Stop saying this crap. Perception is reality and if someone perceives Ein to be as much of an idiot as he is, then I guess that person has every right to make that assumption. I wonder sometimes if you really believe what you say or if you just look for things to pick apart or be defensive about, because frankly this is old news that Ein is an idiot.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Hello, I'm new in this forum and I only made this account to thank the people who do they best to translate the supports of this FE, which is becoming my favorite.

So, thanks "Fat_Bunny"(Or Lumi), Velvet, Vincent, Joshie and the others, I can't thank you enough, as I can't understand crap of Japanese and Chinese.

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^^ Thank you, OMU. Everyone who's still on that off topic shit, please get back on topic and drop the damn thing already, for the last time.

^ I'm glad to be of service :D

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Well, I just used google translator to ... err... "read" ... Ronku X Serge. And I've got to say, this gives more juicy info on Ronku's past and the incident that caused his fear of women and further develops his backstory in a nice way.

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Well good thing Sairi gives off he feudal Japan vibe instead of say....killing-obsessed WW2 Imperial Japan.

Lol sturdy yet lightweight bushi (samurai) armor. She should've mentioned wasabi with the sashimi.

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Whoa... so much happened in the past week.

Anyway, I liked the Sairi support... she's very homesick and very direct as she was the one proposing.

Sushi... mmm yummy.

Lumi, I saw your picture and it made me laugh very hard.

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Hee hee~

Well, if you'll link it, I'll take RonkuxSerge whenever I finish/get frustrated with MariabelxBrady.

Ronku x Serge is on the Chinese site, although if you also happen to know Chinese it's the link to the thread is in the OP.

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Hee hee~

Ronku x Serge is on the Chinese site, although if you also happen to know Chinese it's the link to the thread is in the OP.

Just checked, it's on Pegasus Knight in Japanese as well. Though if a Chinese translator wants it instead, they're welcome to it.

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Dohoho! I guess I just missed the Gimle thing or forgot about it. Oh wells. Shows how attentive I am. >w>

Geez. So many supports. I'll have to get on them later. ;/

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Finally finished Mark and Cynthia. That was tougher than I thought, but I should have known since I'm terrible with hyper characters and I've got two of them in the same conversation!

I think this will probably be my last translation, unless something really catches my eye.

C support

Cynthia: "Heed me villains! I am Cynthia, the evil-slaying crusader! If it's death you seek, then come try me!" ...Okay, I'll use this line next time!

Mark: Cynthia, I see you're full of energy as always! Just watching you makes me feel stronger!

Cynthia: Teehee! That's good to hear! Brimming with energy is one of my strong points after all. You know, shouting like this really helps to draw out the strength in you!

Mark: Haha~! I can see that!

Cynthia: So, if you're ever feeling down, you should try shouting just like me. Want to give it a try now?

Mark: Er... sure, why not! Hmmm.... "I am Mark, protector of world peace! I won't rest until I've defeated all of you treachorous fiends!!"

Cynthia: ...How did it feel?

Mark: Hmm, yeah, I felt it alright! The feeling of strength flowing through my body! If I'm ever in a pickle, I ought to try this trick!

Cynthia: Yay! I'm so glad that I've found somebody who thinks just like me.

Mark: Heh heh! Perhaps we were destined to be great friends!

Cynthia: Yep! Mark, we should work together to support everybody and cheer them on!

Mark: Sure, let's do that!

B support

Cynthia: Sigh, hmmmm...

Mark: Huh? Cynthia...?

Cynthia: Maybe I'm...

Mark: Cynthia, are you alright?

Cynthia: Oh! M-Mark...

Mark: I never thought I'd see you looking this miserable... Is there something troubling you?

Cynthia: Er... well... maybe a little. To be honest... I've started noticing everybody's been looking at me really coldly...

Mark: Looking at you... coldly?

Cynthia: Hmm... You know how I'm always making dramatic entrances when in battle? I do them to lift everybody's spirits and also so I can get into form straight away. I thought they were really useful, but...

Mark: I see... and what if I said I felt the same?

Cynthia: Bu-but... I'm not sure why, but when I'm shouting my entrances, everybody gives me these uncomfortable looks, as if they've seen something really really awful...

Mark: Hmmmm. Are you sure you're not just imagining thing?

Cynthia: Oh dear! If everybody truly feels this way... What a shock... I feel ashamed to show my face in battle!

Mark: Uh-oh... Well, in that case, I've got the perfect solution!

Cynthia: Ehh... tell me, tell me!

Mark: Why don't you try becoming all ladylike? Instead of being all vibrant like you are now, you should try to act more quiet and gentle! And then you should observe what everybody's reactions are!

Cynthia: Eh, you say what!? What difference would it make how I act?

Mark: Everybody's bound to be speechless when they see lively Cynthia suddenly transform into meek Cynthia! Afterwards, they'll start to realise that they like energetic Cynthia best and then worriedly ask "what's going on?"!

Cynthia: But... Hmmmm... ladylike, huh? So, I just need to be more like mother?

Mark: Yep, that sounds perfect!

Cynthia: Hmm... fine, I'll do it! I'll try my best to become ladylike!

Mark: Great! And then we'll see the look on everbody's face! You can do it, Cynthia!

A support

Mark: Oh, hi Cynthia.

Cynthia: M-Mark...

Mark: How's it all going? Have you already perfected your ladylike act?

Cynthia: Er, well, I guess? Good-good afternoon to you, good sir... To-today is such a beau~~~tiful day, is it not...?

Mark: Wait a second, why do you sound kind of awkward?

Cynthia: Wh-what are you talking about... I-I don't... I mean, are you imagining things good sir? I am speaking very... completely naturally... I'm so ve~~~ry accustomed to this... form of speaking.

Mark: Still, something seems very wrong with the way you're speaking! Hmm... Maybe it was wrong of me to even suggest this idea...

Cynthia: ...Eh!? How could you say that! Do you even know how hard I've been working on this act!!!

Mark: Er, what was everybody's reaction like?

Cynthia: Well... Everybody knew something strange was up and immediately asked me what was going on!

Mark: Huh...?

Cynthia: People were saying to me "Cynthia, are you feeling alright? Has something happened to make you unhappy? Is there something bothering you?" Haha, Mark, it seems like everybody prefers the energetic me best!

Mark: A-actually... Yes, you're right! That must be what everyone thinks! I'm convinced everybody likes the spirited and super-optimistic Cynthia best!

Cynthia: Yuup~!! I knew it! Teehee, I'm sooooo happy! Now that that weight's off my shoulder, I suddenly feel famished! Mark, let's go and grab something to eat!

Mark: O-okay... I think a snack would really help.

Cynthia: Alriiiight! Then, let's hurry hurry hurry!

Mark: And she's already gone... Cynthia... I bet everyone wasn't worried because you suddenly became more "mature", but because of your bizarre way of speaking~! ...I'd love to say that to her face, but I can't bring myself to for some reason... Well, to protect Cynthia's smile, I'd better stuff this secret down my belly!

S support

Cynthia: Mark!

Mark: Oh... Hi, Cynthia.

Cynthia: Mark, there's something I want to ask you... Have you been hiding something from me?

Mark: Ehh...? No-nope, I'm not hiding anything.

Cynthia: Liar! Why did you lie to me!?

Mark: Er... D-did I do something to anger you?

Cynthia: I finally know the reason why everybody was worried when I was pretending to be ladylike!

Mark: Uhh...!

Cynthia: See, I knew it! Your reaction just gave you away! Mark, you knew the reason, but you still lied to me!!

Mark: S.... sorry, Cynthia. But, how did you find out?

Cynthia: I went and told everybody who worried about me that I was okay! Then, everybody said to me "you suddenly started talking strangely, which was really odd and it made me worried." I don't believe you, Mark! You let me make a complete and utter fool out of myself!

Mark: I'm honestly sorry for... not telling you the truth.

Cynthia: But, why...?

Mark: Because... I... I wanted to see you smile again. I didn't expect that everybody would get the wrong idea, but my original intention was always to see your carefree smile once again... and that you'd be full of energy like always...!

Cynthia: M-Mark...

Mark: Because I like the Cynthia who's brimming with energy...!

Cynthia: Ehhhh...!?

Mark: When I was watching you working hard, as you said those terrible greetings, I realised I like it when you're lively... But I was careless and didn't think everything through... I just thought "if I said a lie that would make Cynthia return to normal, then that's a lie worth telling." I'm truly... sorry.

Cynthia: ...M-Mark. Hmm, I forgive you. Because, after hearing your confession, and after discovering there's somebody out there who cares so much about me, I now feel incredibly happy.

Mark: C-Cynthia...

Cynthia: I may have embarrassed myself a little... but I've obtained something very important because of all this.

Mark: Eh... so are you saying...!

Cynthia: Mmm, Mark, that something important is you. I... admit that I'm a bit too energetic and often noisy. These are just a few of my little drawbacks, but I still reckon I'm a great package!

Mark: Of-of course! I'm noisy myself sometimes, so you can always pay me back!

Cynthia: Ahahaha!! We should have a contest to see who's noisiest!

Mark: Sure, that sounds like a plan! I'm not going to lose to you, Cynthia!

Edited by VincentASM
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