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Colm, assassin or rogue?

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Well, it's exactly what it says in the title, should I make Colm a Rogue or assassin? From what I can tell, the 2 classes stat caps are the same, and the promotion gains are practically identical. Does that mean a Rogue is superior simply because it can still steal and pick? Or am I missing some advantage assassin's have?

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Assassin's Lethality insta-kills when it activates during a critical. The activation rate is fairly low from my experience though, even with a Killing Edge, so it's pretty unreliable. I would go Rogue for Pick, yeah.

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Rennac is a serviceable Rogue though. Colm is your only Assassin. And yeah, his rate of activation won't be very high, but it'll be higher than the 0% he'd have as a Rogue.

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Don't promote or Assassin. You get Rennac who's already Rogue so.. yeah. Sure ppl say that Rennac sux and stuff but Colm's not your star player either.

And promoting him to Rogue is just waste of Ocean Seal.

But then, I'd say to do as you wish. If you want to use him and promote into Rogue, go ahead.

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Colm is your only Assassin.

Joshua and Marisa says hi.

Joshie would probably make a better assassin than Colm anyway since he has more skill, but I'm kinda uncomfortable about making him one since it just doesn't suit him

and Marisa is just kinda terrible at things

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I just want to try him because I always have some strange compulsion to try everyone who isn't explicitly crap (i'm looking at you wendy), but I wasn't sure which class would be best for him. Guess I'm gonna make him a rogue now. Thanks for the advice!

@Luminescent: Swordsmasters have better stat caps and promotion bonuses IIRC, and 15% crit>Silencer honestly, so I never make josh or marisa assassins. Might as well ignore that option.

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If you play on the tower of Vaalni often, I recommend rogue so you don't miss out on the chests. Silencer is not that great of a skill, as you need to already have a high Crit that would most likely be enough, just so you have a moderate chance of activation. 15% crit is generally better than Silencer (unless you wouldn't be damaging), but it doesn't matter much since nobody (non-secret) in SS is terrible enough that a crit boost or skill difference affects them much.

You have 2 Ocean Seal promotable characters, Colm and Ross (if pirate), and you can buy the other seal at chapter 14, get it through Vaalni, or use a Master Seal. It's not a waste if using the seal can get you more seals and other rare items/amounts of gold.

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They're nearly equal so it doesn't really matter. Assassin gets some extra EXP and Lethality, Rogue gets Pick.

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Pick doesn't just save you gold, it saves you an item slot, which can be pretty important even for a unit that has only one weapon type, as Colm wants to keep his options open to help retain as much speed (and therefore avoid) as possible. I think Assassins also lose the ability to steal but I'm not 100% sure.

Silencer has an unreliable activation rate, but the exp bonus does help. He probably will still not be that good at fighting unless you're fielding Neimi though.

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If you've ever gone "Oh, FUCK, I forgot to bring the chest keys/my lockpick's almost broken!" and are, like me, a compulsive packrat who MUST open EVERY chest, then Rogue is for you. If you aren't... which animation do you prefer? I prefer rogues, personally, so I go with that. They're THAT similar.

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By the time Colm is promoting, there isn't much to steal or open. The slightly better offense from being an Assassin is worth more.

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I always found Silencer in The Sacred Stones to be very unreliable, making the Assassin pretty much a thief who can't steal or a squishier swordmaster who doesn't get the crit bonus. Even if it doesn't come up in the main game very often around the time Colm promotes, I still prefer Rogue just because he can pick and steal.

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Personally, I feel that Assassin is a completely useless class for Colm. his stat potential isn't super high even with 20/20, due to how easy it is to be RNG-screwed out of important stats with him. He is far more powerful than Rennec however, and makes for the ideal Rogue. This is especially important if you are playing on Hard and are attempting to loot the entirety of the Lagdou Ruins. Good luck using Rennec for that.

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Personally, I feel that Assassin is a completely useless class for Colm. his stat potential isn't super high even with 20/20, due to how easy it is to be RNG-screwed out of important stats with him. He is far more powerful than Rennec however, and makes for the ideal Rogue. This is especially important if you are playing on Hard and are attempting to loot the entirety of the Lagdou Ruins. Good luck using Rennec for that.

I can't help but agree, tbh. It seems like Assassins got the short straw here.

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The chapter 17 stealable Dracoshield > Silencer.

In before Dondon/Anouleth says that shield doesn't exist because everyone has to go full speed all the time every playthrough.

Just deploy Rennac. After all, it's not like you're worrying about turns, right?

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+1 HP, +1 Con, +30 sword wexp, Silencer, Shamshir access


+1 Skill, Pick, Steal, Desert Digging

Assassins gets the slightly better promo bonuses, and the extra weapon experience will allow Colm to hit Silver Swords and the S-rank bonuses faster. Don't care much about Silencer since you can't build any real reliable strategies around it. I guess the Shamshir ain't too bad, Joshua and Eirika are the only other competition (go away Marisa).

Unfortunately for Rogues, cheap buyable Chest Keys really take away the shine from Pick.

As for stealing, the only valuable things I can think of:

Speedwings in chapter 13 Ephraim - Only an issue if you have Colm promoted to an Assassin already.

Guiding Ring in chapter 15 - Can deploy Rennac for this, and do you really need a 4th Guiding Ring at this point?

Dragonshield in chapter 17 - Can deploy Rennac for this.

Goddess Icon from a northern Archer in chapter 19 - Bleh.

Rogues (like Thieves) can dig up desert items with 100% success. Yeah, but I usually end up not promoting Colm and just splitting up the buried treasure between Colm and Rennac.

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[And I think Assassins still can't actually steal.

Newp. But they can use lockpicks, so chest pilfering is still an option. Not the best one, but its there.

I usually go Rogue with Colm because pick is awesome and stealing and utility and if 20/1, he can actually like, take a hit. Plus pilfering the desert.

You can just use Rennac for pilfering needs and leave Colm alone to wallow in unpromotedness. I prefer Colm to Rennac so i use him.

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Newp. But they can use lockpicks, so chest pilfering is still an option. Not the best one, but its there.

I usually go Rogue with Colm because pick is awesome and stealing and utility and if 20/1, he can actually like, take a hit. Plus pilfering the desert.

"Awesome" is not the word I'd use to describe saving 80 gold on every chest and door.

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