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Magic being grouped together and no magic triangle

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So, does anybody here not have that much of a problem with anima magic not being split in ranks, and Kakusei not having a magic triangle or more?

None of the FE games I played that much of really did enough to make the split anima spells different from each other while also not doing stuff like putting wind magic at the top of the list. So if this game doesn't either, then I'm satisfied with them being all grouped together. And dark magic is restricted to certain tome using classes and whoever has Inverse's skill, and I'd say DM is different enough in this game.

As for the magic triangle or more, magic users weren't that common as both playable characters and enemies, so it wasn't that big of a deal. And how many times did you send a magic user with the advantage against somebody who had the disadvantage, rather than beating said enemy with Aless or whoever?

Edited by VincentASM
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I prefer Anima to be a single weapon rank, because it's absolutely annoying to have to think about weapon ranks if you want to carry situation magic, like wind to kill fliers. As long as there's still Fire/Wind/Thunder, I'm cool with it being one group. Everyone in FE10 had access to every type of magic anyway, but it was pointless to use anything but your main type (unless you were hitting something effectively) because of weapon rank.

Not so hot on the Dark Magic situation, nor the lack of Light magic.

I'd also prefer there being a weapon triangle for anima, even in a single weapon rank, but unfortunately we don't get that.

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I prefer Anima to be a single weapon rank, because it's absolutely annoying to have to think about weapon ranks if you want to carry situation magic, like wind to kill fliers. As long as there's still Fire/Wind/Thunder, I'm cool with it being one group. Everyone in FE10 had access to every type of magic anyway, but it was pointless to use anything but your main type (unless you were hitting something effectively) because of weapon rank.

Not so hot on the Dark Magic situation, nor the lack of Light magic.

I'd also prefer there being a weapon triangle for anima, even in a single weapon rank, but unfortunately we don't get that.

What's wrong with dark magic?

Not having any non-DLC light magic is different, but if there wasn't a way to make it distinct enough from the other magics then it's not a big problem.

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It makes magic special instead of just a few more weapon classes.

That it does. I didn't like it originally, but in practice, it works extremely well. I still think it was pretty bad in FE11/12 where the magic classes were all clones of each other, but in this game where they all have wildly varying abilities, it's great.

Light magic being treated like dark magic would have been nice, but I'm not sure it could have been worked into this without stepping on either Sages' or Sorcerers' territory. Perhaps something like FE9, where it could be dependent on the user's staff rank and used by healers without access to other magic? Priests / Clerics and Battle Monks / Battle Clerics could get it in that case, and it could be interesting even if it wasn't that effective.

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I really rather prefer Anima being merged, since then at least I can default to using Wind on everybody since IS is pretty terrible at balancing magic stats when they matter (FE4/5) or just gives everybody all the magic anyway (10).

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It doesn't bother me at all. The magic triangle is pretty useless to me, because I rarely find occasions where I need a magic user to fight another magic user, especially when magic users tend to have good resistance.

With the triangle out the window, there's even less point for the magic tomes to be split.

Personally I think Awakening looks like it's got the best magic system, sans the lack of light magic. It would be funny if DLC introduced Light magic (they've already introduced new classes and new items).

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Isn't it kind of awkward to read? The title gets cut off before you enter the topic so you don't always know what the topic's about before entering.

There isn't any particular rule against it, so I haven't warned anyone or anything ^^

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It would be funny if DLC introduced Light magic (they've already introduced new classes and new items).

Would that even be possible? I guess since it would just use the tomes rank it would be okay. It probably would have been best introduced along with DLC Micaiah with her as a new class like light mage or something like Alm has demon fighter.

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Isn't it kind of awkward to read? The title gets cut off before you enter the topic so you don't always know what the topic's about before entering.

There isn't any particular rule against it, so I haven't warned anyone or anything ^^

Fair enough, I get it. It WAS pretty awkward...

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Everyone in FE10 had access to every type of magic anyway

That's funny, I don't remember Soren being able to use Dark magic, or Micaiah being able to use Fire magic...

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Eh. I wish it was more like sub-groups to be honest. Something like this:

Anima rank: This is the most important one, and determines stat bonuses and Anima magic choices. This goes up every time you use a tome of any kind.

Dark rank: This is only available to dark mages. This only applies to what dark tomes they can use, and does not effect others.

Light rank: Only available to units that can use staves, these tomes can protect it's wielder with defence bonuses while still doing damage. The weapon rank desides how powerful the tome is, somewhat like strike from Fe10.Goes up whenever a unit uses a light tome or a staff.

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From what I've learned, I like it the way it is in Awakening.

Magic Triangle? Pfft, Swordmaster, go chop up that Sage.

This way, it makes magic a tad more unique in comparison to other weapon types and actually gives magic users a wider variety of weapons. The Dark Magic split is a nice touch, though I'm curious as to what sort of unique properties a Light magic split would've added.

From what I can see, Dark Magic carries most of the unique properties of other weapon types, so what's left for Light that would set it apart from Anima and Dark?

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I was initially hoping Light magic would be effective against the undead, but that never happened and corpse soldiers aren't defined as undead either, which is weird.

I'm guessing Light magic being effective against corpse soldiers would make skirmishes way too easy.

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Well, there's stuff that's effective against zombies, but they aren't too prominent.

Random note about effective bonuses: Unn reclassed as a Griffin Knight has a triple flying/beast/dragon classification. The icons are arranged as a triangle.

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