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Compared to those who followed him, Gharnef was more treacheous.


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Gharnef was responsible for Medeus being revived, but he also planned to betray Medeus, hence him having Falcion.

Judah, Manfloy, etc. were never shown to be disloyal to their masters.

You think there's a reason Judah and the others were more loyal to who they served?

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Manfloy did have that whole thing about not executing Julia. But you also have to keep in mind that Julius dying kills him off as well (and not just in the standard way, in case you weren't aware of it).

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Manfloy did have that whole thing about not executing Julia. But you also have to keep in mind that Julius dying kills him off as well (and not just in the standard way, in case you weren't aware of it).

That's pretty interesting.

Perhaps his life was somehow linked to Julius? It's funny how he didn't seem to get any older after all that time. Julius also has another interesting quote.


J, Julia......why are you...

You've made a big mistake, Manfroy!!

It's possible he thought Manfroy kept Julia around to keep him in check.


Your Highness, wait... I still have a use for the girl. Allow me to finish her off later.

Julius wanted to do her in quickly, but Manfroy had other plans. Just speculation, but it doesn't quite make sense otherwise.

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Did he really want the world remade in that vision, or did he want it to become that vision? Obviously, they are two very different traits, and from memory Ashnard sought the latter, not the former. He didn't care about the end-game. He wanted the exact moment to be violent reaction.

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Gharnef was responsible for Medeus being revived, but he also planned to betray Medeus, hence him having Falcion.

Of course, Medeus would just flat out stomp Gharnef into the ground the moment he tries to poke him with the Falchion.

Edit: Oh wait. Imhullu hax. Oh well, it would still take Gharnef years to kill Medeus with the throne avoid and healing.

LOL @ doing 6 damage with Imhullu at like 38 hit.

Mind-controlled Tiki + Hostage Elice using Aum on Tiki in order to get the 2-hit KO would be the better and quicker option.

Edited by Gryz
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The Earth Dragonstone is described on this site as "Negates ranged attacks" so it blocks magic even when used at 1-range?

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Gharnef never actually betrays anyone. He might have planned to betray Medeus, but really? Is there a Nobel Prize for Conspiracy to Commit Chemistry?

Lyon, on the other hand, manipulates Eirika and abuses her trust into giving him a Sacred Stone. Much better...

Edited by Anouleth
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Well, I guess one could kinda make the argument that Gharnef betrayed Jiol.

Mr. Scary Sorcerer didn't exactly come rushing to Jiol's aid when Marth came knocking at his door.

Jiol: Blast...I deserve the same protection as the rest of the Empire! Betraying Altea was Gharnef's idea! Let...let him fight the brat! Don't just stand there, DO something! I don't want to die!

But I guess it's only implied Gharnef knew Jiol needed help and chose to do nothing. It's not like we get a scene where we see Gharnef open his e-mail inbox and go, "Nope. Delete."

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Surprised Sephiran has yet to be mentioned considering 90% of everything that happens in FE9 and FE10 all traces back to him.

The Earth Dragonstone is described on this site as "Negates ranged attacks" so it blocks magic even when used at 1-range?

The Earth Dragonstone negates ALL magic in FE1 and FE11, in FE1 it also negated ranged attacks, I don't remember about 11, but I don't think it did.

And I thought in the 1st it also ignored non-Falchion attacks, but I only played it once, so someone might of disproved that within the past few years.

In FE3 Medeus just has 15 defense and resistance and the Loptous effect (Half attack before applying defenses).

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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The Earth Dragonstone negates ALL magic in FE1 and FE11, in FE1 it also negated ranged attacks, I don't remember about 11, but I don't think it did.

In FE11, Medeus isn't immune to anything except Geosphere damage.

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