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The Midnight Challenge!


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  1. 1. Do you accept the challenge challenge?

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It extends to NOTHING if you are not a COWARD.

The rules EDIT: SAID /edit IRON and STEEL and KILLER and BY GOD I will abide by that.

EDIT2: Also I have no homework today so I might finish this.


6: 4 turns clear

yeah expected/10

PP'd the boss with the SILVER LANCE which is down to 14 uses

7: 9 turns clear

seth seth seth seth

8: 21 turns clear

go up and all around and seth conserves weapon uses

did you mean this to be a creative sethstomp?


9: 36 turns clear


got a damn restore staff finally

10: defend


11: 11 turns clear

fucking fucking holy christ

this was so not fun without 1-2 range weapons

l'arachel died

oh well

12: didn't mark


13: 24 turns clear

sethUESSEL rush! hooray!

kyle was shelved honorably, no sense using him now

especially since I'm trying my DAMNDEST to grind to the silver card with no more buying

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Yep. Integrity and I are the real men. We don't use namby-pamby starter packs!!! Men, I tell you!!!

Here is my playthrough data. Cannot play it anymore today, my mom wants to take a hike for mother's day.

Playthrough data so far

Prologue: The Fall of Renais

Turns: 2

Level/ Experience:

Seth: Level 1, EXP 52

Eirika: Level 1, EXP 0

Weapons used: Seth used steel sword, Eirika did not fight at all.

notes: Seth drains exp. Not very helpful for leveling Eirika, but I need to wait for the iron weapons,

Chapter 1: Escape!

Turns: 11

Level/ Experience:

Seth: Level 1, EXP 80

Eirika: Level 3, EXP 2

Weapons used: Seth used steel sword, Eirika used iron sword from Franz

notes: The first time I did not use Gilliam whatsoever.

Chapter 2: The Protected

Turns: 6

Level/ Experience:

Seth: level 1, EXP 88

Eirika: level 4, EXP 15

Ross: level 2, EXP 55

Vanessa: Level 1, EXP 65

Moulder level 3, EXP 24

Weapons used: Seth used steel sword, iron lance, Eirika used iron sword, Ross used iron axe, Moulder used heal stave, and Vanessa used an iron lance.

Notes: I didn't keep track of the turn count. I assume that the number I wrote is right though.

Edited by MidnightShade
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I haven't used any Slim, so there.

EDIT: Does Rennac's recruitment count as money spent for the bonus challenge?

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slim lances are banned right? just checking before i start chapter 2 :P

Yeah, they are banned.

I haven't used any Slim, so there.

EDIT: Does Rennac's recruitment count as money spent for the bonus challenge?

No, that's fine. This is ending up to be way more fun than I thought it would!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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moving on, presuming rennac's recruitment is "free" in challenge terms (ie: it wasn't money spent on items)

EDIT: Crash, how obvious do you need it to be? Each character can use the kit they start with, if that kit isn't Iron/Steel/Killer. Like Syrene's Silver Lance and Ephraim's Reginleif.

14: 39 turns clear

I'm actually going to make it to the silver card. fuck yeah.

hammerne is a c staff. nosferatu is a c magic. knoll might be useful!

15: 25 turns clear

not as bad as I thought

turns out base rennac is one short of nicking the Fili Shield, so I had to be careful with the Hoplon Guard (that I stole) and such.

also at the end of the chapter I had 5 collective usable weapons for Sethuessel, and every one was under half uses except one Iron Axe.

BOUGHT (w/ silver card :D)

3x Steel Sword = 900

2x Iron Axe = 270

2x Iron Lance = 360

2450 total spent gold

16: 16 turns clear

some of this was setting orson up for myrrh

17: 4 turns clear

ow fuck

saleh and excalibur plus emergency myrrh win the day


2x Killing Edge = 1300

3750 total spent gold

18: 13 turns clear

this map has reinforcements I never knew existed



2x Killer Lance = 1200

4950 total spent gold

19: 3 turns clear

my this was a dicey plan but eh wtf why not

it involved rescuing, dropping, and - by my numbers - seth 1rkoing riev with 3x brave lance hits

it worked out


2x Steel Sword = 600

2x Iron Lance = 360

2x Steel Axe = 360

1x Steel Bow = 360

2x Thunder = 700

7330 total spent gold

20: 6 turns clear

cormag died to make this possible

my fucks given are pretty low; never used him

F1: 19 turns clear

fuck lyon

innes got s bows just in time for mortii

F2: 2 turns clear

got creative with trading the hoplon guard to RN proof this


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321 turns total clear


Ephraim died on the Phantom Ship once to a bullshit crit. I replayed the chapter better.

Cormag died on Chapter 20. Oh well.


Ephraim: 80B 21W

mostly shit without his reginleif

like holy crap

Eirika: 33B 7W


yeah, see above but sub rapier for reginleif

SETH: 566B 326W

I think Seth killed more on his own than the combined grand total of all other units.

The only thing I would do different if I ever did this again (I won't.) would be to give Seth even more of the statboosters.

DUESSEL: 229B 119W

The other half of Sethuessel, who WENT UP and MURDERED.

S'd Axes for Garm because all the other Axe users in the game suck.



SALEH: 107B 76W


Innes: 57B 20W

he did help quite a bit, especially with the morva kill

Myrrh: 14B 2W

yeah she tanked a lot without retaliating and got fed two boss kills

wait two?

what was the other?

oh yeah lyon nm

Syrene: 16B 8W

flier filler because the other three were shitcrackers



never did end up using that hammerne


he's decent sword filler

Knoll: 3B 2W


Kyle: 83B 40W

absolutely clutch for the first part of the game, stopped deploying him after DURACELL because why bother

7330 total gold spent, most of it on frivolous killers (that never got used) as I prepared for endgame. could probably have spent <5000. oh well.

EDIT: also i never activated a skirmish, never used monster control, and did not use starting inventories because i am not a woman


no 1-2 range on the phantom ship is ass. 4/10, decent challenge, will not try again.

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