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Samurai Deeper Kyo.


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Has anyone here watched/read Samurai Deeper Kyo? I watched the anime a looong time ago, and started reading the manga recently. I can tell that so far, the manga and anime are quite different. In other words, the manga is much, much better. XD

The manga is really good so far, though. It has a female lead, Yuya, who isn't useless like other female leads in shounen mangas. At least not right at the beginning, anyway.

Also, the main character Kyoshirou strangely reminds me of Masu. :D

If anyone wants a summary of the series, let me know.

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Found a summary, but had to edit it heavily.

At the dawn of the 17th century, at the end of the era of civil wars, in a world of chaos, the epic Battle of Sekigahara was joined. One man emerged from the largest battle ever fought on Japanese soil; a terrible warrior of unspeakable power, Demon Eyes Kyo. He was nicknamed 'the unconquerable.'

Four years after the war, a bounty hunter named Yuya mistakes Kyoshiro, a peaceful medicine peddler, as Demon Eyes Kyo, the man known to have killed over 1,000 men. She realizes her mistake at once, as Kyoshiro has black eyes instead of the red eyes that Demon Eyes Kyo is famous for. However, she has no idea how correct her assumption was once she realizes that Kyoshiro's body is host to the very same man she had mistaken him for...

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To give an update: It's awesome so far. I'm around chapter 60. I'm racing with Kyrra to see who can finish first, and even though Kyrra started after me (I told him to read it =D) he's ahead of me. D:

None the less, it's excellent so far. A little bit more nudity than I expected, which irritates me sometimes, but meh. It's shounen. What can you do. It's also rather humourous at points. XD

But unfortunately, even though the manga has finished running, they only have 143 chapters translated. There are a little more than 300 in total. =/ Oh well! There are text-only translations around somewhere...

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Yeah, I'm on chapter 112. It is friggin awesome. I recommend it to anyone who isn't completely opposed to geisha-whores. (there's a lot of them)

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Lol. Shinrei is the biggest asshole ever. But his techniques are awesome.

And when he kissed Yuya after he was clearly trying to kill her two seconds before, I was like "wtf." And then when it turned out that he was still trying to kill her by implanting the dragon-thingy inside her, I went 'oh, lol. WTF STILL."

But yeah, he's still pretty hot, man. And water IS my favourite element...

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