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Rate the Unit: Day LXI -

General Horace

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Rules(Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications)

-Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted - incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. Especially if your score is radically different to everyone else!

-Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Turban/10",etc.

-Personality /Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most.

-Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please!

-Make votes easily visible, please and thank you!

-Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 19:00BST!Take that, Americans!

-Second Generation Note: Assume that Substitutes are done on a Subs-only run. Any "not ________" will not be accepted.

i must be the master of sharlow's day

take that shin, now you can't throw out my vote!

Units and Ranking (Least to Greatest):

First Generation

Diadora: 1.19

Ardan: 1.39

Tiltyu: 2.00

Briggid: 3.71

Claude :4.42

Azel: 4.63

Jamka: 5.25

Midir: 5.47

Dew: 5.68

Holyn: 5.90

Lachesis: 6.13

Noish: 6.15

Alec: 6.17

Beowulf : 6.40


Ayra: 6.79

Levin: 7.87

Fin(FirstGeneration): 7.88

Fury: 8.25

Cuan: 8.41

Lex: 8.83

Ethlin: 9.15

Sylvia: 9.50

Sigurd: 9.96

Second Generation

Asaello: 2.19

Roddlevan: 3.33

Radney: 3.44

Daisy: 3.65

Johalva: 3.93

Corple: 4.00

Patty: 4.31

Faval: 4.65

Amid: 4.85

Dimna: 4.89

Mana: 4.98

Tinny: 5.00

Tristan: 5.00

Johan: 5.08

Skasaher: 6.00

Janne: 6.29

Lakche: 6.35

Linda: 6.38

Femina: 6.50

Lester: 6.59

Julia: 7.12

Fin: 7.82

Nanna: 8.00

Hawk: 8.20

Lana: 8.24

Delmud: 8.45

Shanan: 8.56

Oifaye: 8.58

Arthur: 8.67

Sety: 8.69

Fee: 8.86

Laylea: 9.42

Leen: 9.45

Leaf: 9.45

Aless: 9.47

Celice: 9.54

Corple got 4 exactly!

The amazing Sharlow!

[spoiler=Beautiful Picture]fe2-054.jpg

so adorable

He has one significant advantage over Corple, he might not have as much initial money as him, but his leveling speed is better than all but Lex!Corple, and the money situation can be solved by the almighty berserk staff, which sells for a whopping 15000k, allowing him to buy return or warp for some easier levelling. The berserk staff itself can be helpful in a LTC of endgame as well, as you can berserk the Hel bishop into hitting Julius down to a single hitpoint, allowing you to skip julia and Narga entirely!

He's also more solid than Mana due to actually being able to get money.

5 + 1 full point of bias =


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Ah, chubby. He is very useful with that Elite skill, has a pretty darn good pot o' magic, and is a decent fighter once promoted, which happen faster than most Corples, except for Lex's. Since he's fairly late though and doesn't get Corple's auto A in staves, I give him a 6/10, plus a point of bias for being one of Sylvia's subs and for being so darn cute, which raises him to a 7/10.

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Curse you, Horace! I had left Corple open because he had so few votes!

Sharlow has Elite, decent magic and the Berserk Staff does solve his money woes. However! It's possible to recruit him without losing turns, but it is a hassle! The Berserking-Zehn plan is nice but that relies on Zehn actually hitting Julius! Still, he's a usable staffbot, but not having A staves before promotion spoils him a little.

4/10 - 1 = 3/10

He made me have to redo part of SFDT when he was born instead of Corple... despite me pairing Sylvia.

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Fat Shota Sigurd


Uh, well, he has elite and his magic is always going to be good. He does have that whole joining late thing which is no good, but he levels faster than most. B staves is nice... 5 move is not. Berserk staff is also nice. Yay berserk.

4/10 + 1 because "I AM FAT SHOTA SIGURD. I NEED CAKE."


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Shin, he had 8 votes, which was the same amount as Nanna, and he haden't got any in like, half a day, I didn;t think he was going to get any more.

Fair enough. I'm still blaming you.

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