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Chapter 11a gamebreaking glitch

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So I've been playing through Fe6 on normal again, and up to this point there have been absolutely no problems with the ROM or the patch causing any problems. I've finished chapter 11a twice now, and each time I conquer the gate/throne/whatever it is the game freezes and I can't do anything about it. I've had one time where I didn't save all of Tate's people and the most recent one where I fulfilled all the reward requirements, so I don't really know what it could be that's causing the freeze aside from a problem with the ROM. Does anyone know anything that may help?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to trying that and it worked like a charm. It seemed like it would be weird that different roms would be able to use the same save file, but it all was fine in the end. Thanks for the advice, now I might actually finish this game proper for once.

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