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Pick My Units

Aura Wolf

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> First playthrough of LHM .> HHM

> Asks people to pick his units

I don't care whether your picks are nice or not btw.

0. Hector

1. Wallace

2. Raven

3. Nino

4. Oswin

5. Lucius

6. Wil

7. Pent

8. Sain

9. Fiora

10. Farina

11. Hawkeye

12. Lowen

EDIT: Some rules for me (Not thinking ahead btw, so there will be a lot of edits XD):

No Arena Abusing.

I must post stats at least every other chapter update.

Unpicked thieves can only open chests, doors, steal items, and pick up crap in the desert.

Nils will go to Level 7 after I kill all the enemies in Chapter 10 so I can go to the xx chapter.

I'm recruiting everyone, even if they aren't on my list or they need someone who also isn't on my list except for Karla since I'm too lazy to train Bartre.

Unpicked units can shop, rescue, trade (Obviously), and visit.

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For my pick, I just used this list for random.org:

1 Lyn (In HHM)

2 Kent

3 Florina

4 Dorcas

5 Serra

6 Erk

7 Rath

8 Matthew

9 Nils

10 Eliwood

11 Marcus

12 Lowen

13 Rebecca

14 Bartre

15 Guy

16 Priscilla

17 Canas

18 Dart

19 Legault

20 Ninian

21 Isadora

22 Heath

23 Geitz

24 Louise

25 Karel

26 Harken

27 Jaffar

28 Vaida

29 Karla

30 Renault

31 Athos

I got 12. So that means Lowen~

All I have to say is this: Interesting picks. Update will come shortly.

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Double post for an update :3

At Chapter 5.

Lyn  03/-- 17 06 09 09 07 02 01 D Sword 
Sain 09/-- 27 09 07 10 09 08 02 C Sword, D Lance
Wil  05/-- 23 09 08 06 07 06 01 D Bow

2 resets on Chapter 4; both of them were due to unpicked characters getting attacked.

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Holy crap! What happened to Sain's strength!? He should be like 4 points higher at this point.

Nils will go to Level 5 after I kill all the enemies in Chapter 10 so I can go to the xx chapter.

Nils needs to be at least level 7 in order for you to access chapter 19xx.

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^ Fixed it.

At Chapter 9 now. I'll wrap up Lyn's mode tomorrow.

Lyn	04/-- 18 07 09 10 08 02 01 C Sword 
Sain	13/-- 30 12 09 11 09 09 02 B Sword, C Lance
Wil 	08/-- 26 12 09 08 08 07 01 C Bow
Lucius  05/-- 20 08 07 10 02 01 07 D Light

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Finished Chapter 10 after getting Nils to Level 7~

Sain before promotion and an Energy Ring:

End of chapter stats:

Lyn	05/-- 18 07 09 10 09 02 02 C Sword	
Sain	16/01 34 16 11 12 10 13 03 B Sword, B Lance, E Axe Energy Ring x1
Wil 	09/-- 27 12 10 08 09 08 01 B Bow
Lucius  08/-- 28 08 08 11 03 01 10 C Light Angelic Robe x1
Wallace 12/-- 30 13 07 05 10 15 02 A Lance
Nils	07/-- 18 00 00 16 14 05 08 Ah why the heck not XD


Lyn- Slightly above average str helped ORKO spawning bandits. GOOD JOB.

Sain- Lol MVP. Rather strength screwed though D:

Wil- Give back Sain's strength. Please. Otherwise, he has earned the legendary title MASTER CHIPPER.

Lucius- Pretty nice unit, though I wish we could buy Lightning back in Chapter 7 =/

Onwards to HHM.

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  • 1 month later...

Who forgot about this?

Enjoy the increase of reset counts.

Hector  10/-- 27 14 11 11 08 12 04 B Axe 			Secret Book x1
Oswin  	10/-- 29 13 09 05 03 13 04 B Lance
Lowen 	08/-- 28 09 06 09 06 09 03 D Sword, D Lance 

Hector's speed helps SO MUCH.

Reset count: 9

Chapter 4: 2- Kent got attacked, Dorcas got attacked

Chapter 11: 4- Missed out on Red Gem, Hector died (3x)

Chapter 13: 3- Forgot to bring Matthew to recruit Guy (Why did I reset and restart <_>), Hector died, Lowen died

Might need to bend the fighting rule for 13x until I can get to a secure spot where I only need 3 people to guard the holes.

But until then...


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Looks like I didn't have to do any rule bending~

On Chapter 15 atm.

Hector  12/-- 29 16 12 13 08 12 04 A Axe     		Secret Book x1
Oswin  	14/-- 33 13 12 05 05 13 05 A Lance
Lowen 	11/-- 31 09 08 09 07 11 05 C Sword, C Lance 

Lowen is a lot easier to use now thanks to more hp and def, but he needs some speed and str man. He should follow Hector's example.

Wallace Lowen will get the Knight Crest in 17 I guess.

Not sure whether I should go for the chests in this chapter because I checked the items list on SF and didn't find the chests, so I'm assuming they're like iron swords or something useless XD (Or I could've missed it)

One more chapter before I get Sain....and MASTER CHIPPER.

Reset count: 17

Chapter 4: 2- Kent got attacked, Dorcas got attacked

Chapter 11: 4- Missed out on Red Gem, Hector died (3x)

Chapter 13: 3- Forgot to bring Matthew to recruit Guy (Why did I reset and restart <_>), Hector died, Lowen died

Chapter 13x: 4- Oswin died, Derped up (x3)

Chapter 14: 4- Lowen missed an essential 93%, same for 95%, Marcus got attacked, Erk died

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Chapter 17x.

Freaking Nosferatu shaman.

Not done with it yet.

Hector  15/-- 32 18 13 14 09 14 05 A Axe 			Secret Book x1
Oswin  	16/-- 35 13 13 05 06 14 05 A Lance
Lowen 	15/01 36 11 10 10 10 14 10 B Sword, B Lance, E Axe
Sain	16/02 35 17 11 12 10 13 03 A Sword, A Lance, D Axe 	Energy Ring x1
Wil 	13/-- 29 13 13 09 12 08 01 B Bow
Raven  	07/-- 31 11 15 16 04 06 02 C Sword   			C Lucius
Lucius  08/-- 28 08 08 11 03 01 10 C Light Angelic Robe x1

Lowen has similar offensive stats to Wil other than skill. That makes me rather sad.

Reset count: 19

Chapter 4: 2- Kent got attacked, Dorcas got attacked

Chapter 11: 4- Missed out on Red Gem, Hector died (3x)

Chapter 13: 3- Forgot to bring Matthew to recruit Guy (Why did I reset and restart <_>), Hector died, Lowen died

Chapter 13x: 4- Oswin died, Derped up (x3)

Chapter 14: 4- Lowen missed an essential 93%, same for 95%, Marcus got attacked, Erk died

Chapter 15: 1- Matthew got attacked

Chapter 17: 1- Matthew got attacked

Chapter 17x: 1(+/=)- Hector died

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