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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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creating large as post with information overload. I expect to be able to post it in like, 3 hours or something. It will probably take that long.

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Well, as unhelpful as this claim will likely be, there is no way around it, I'm a Vanilla Townie. Now then, I've been suspicious of Manix for pretty much the whole game, but give me some time to re-read before voting him, We're in pretty deep shit right now.

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actually, better idea. I'll post it in person by person chunks.


Begins with not really doing much. Jump forward a bit to his first real contribution:

Here. I want to vote Blitz, as I think his votes have been poorly reasoned, if reasoned at all. He's seemingly obsessed with voting Helios, anyway. If I place my vote on him, that'll put him at L-1, and I don't want to do that just yet.

And then changes his mind 5 posts and 2 hours later.

##Vote: Cap'n Flint he's just making less and less sense. I know this puts him at L-1 (or at least I think it does)

Not exactly what I would consider townie, but it's still kinda fair. But, let's consider; why would you specifically say "I don't want to put him at L-1", then change your mind soon after? Something isn't right there.

How are these opposite? Helios has been providing too much reasoning for my tastes, being over-analytical. I haven't read his recent posts, so I'll check up on those, but how is that opposite for anything? And I have no idea what you mean with Blitz, what's there to like about somebody who's vote jumping and refusing to defend himself?

This stands out like a sore-thumb. How can you be over-analytical, ever, in a game of mafia? Notice how he called Helios (now Elieson) out on this, but yet did never accuse anyone else of being over-analytical (see D2, for pretty much most of the discussion).

Also, he's using the guise of "I'll check up on those posts later, because I'm trying to ignore certain points that would make me look scummy".

I feel like this game has an SK, too, so let's not forget that possibility.

Scum trying to pressure out a possible third party. Yep, because you were so adamant about there being an SK until we debunked that theory. I see this as fishing for information, really. Specific information that would make mafia's job easier (see: getting us to almost confirm that there isn't an SK, meaning they don't have to be as paranoid about being hit)

I dunno. I'm mostly suspicious of Ether, because of her shenanigans during the end of the phase. She didn't even add to anything, only saying "I'll do whatever you guys want me to do", which is one of two things; She didn't have ANY reads, or she's mafia and her fellow mafia wasn't a probably lynch target.

Ooh, I like this one. Let's turn this on you: You did the exact same thing at the end of D2. I was the only one around, and yes, I said you should probably hammer. But just previously, you said:

I'm glad I didn't just vote for Rapier, I don't want to hammer him. Honestly, the thing that seems most scummy about him is his Paperblade-lynch reasoning. What in the hell is motivating us to lynch Paper?

This is appearing to be a common theme with you. You keep asking these questions, when yet you could easily determine the answer to them by yourself. Makes me think you didn't really have many opinions at the time, similar to Ether.

You know why I called you and Ether the scum team? Because you two are doing a lot of similar things, and what I'm seeing is similar reads because of it. Ether didn't hammer to look townie, but still asked. You hammered, when you clearly said you didn't want to hammer him. Logic is non-existent.

Just as clarification, what exactly is Rapier claiming? I keep misreading the thread.

More not paying attention to the thread. See above on actually having an opinion.

##Vote: Manix no doubt in my mind, now. He's been arguing for Paperblade and Rapier.

Let's see. Ever notice that I eventualy decided to side with Paper, who clearly opposed Rapier's logic? We mislynched, which really sucked. Now, why the daffodil would scum!Me actually shoot Paper? I'd keep him around to not be framed like I am now. Come on, think this through.


This is the worst defense I've ever seen. My vote stands, and it will probably remain there.

And not knowing what MyLo is. I'll let that slide, but far out, you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that anyway.

Also, I'm defending myself quite fine, thank you very much~

OMGUS, with no reasoning provided? And you want us all to claim so mafia knows who to target after you get lynched?

Yeah. No.

Also, if you die, it's like a vanilla townie dying. You haven't brought anything with your role.

This is where I really started thinking that you were scum. Let's look at this in detail.

One, we can't afford the mislynch, or we lose. Doesn't matter whether I'm effectively vanilla or not.

Two, you seem too confident that I'm a townie. If I'm so townie, why the fuck are you voting for me? Consistency is really lacking here.

If town is going to lose anyway, why do you care if you die?

Again, more questions that are easily assumed. I'm saying that town should lose at this point, because;

One, We've been playing horribly

Two, it's MyLo

But, be dammed if I'm not going down fighting. I'm not giving up on this game. Not now, not ever.

Shouting town vibes? I think Paper would say otherwise.

Hold, let me grab something. *sneezes*

Oh sorry, I'm allergic to BS.

Also the fact that everyone else seems to be okay with a Manix lynch makes me like it less.

Oh look, he said himself that he didn't like it. Are you even thinking this through, or hell, even reading the thread? I'm really starting to think you don't have real opinions, and are that trying to get me mislynched because you will win.

Also, don't pull your self-vote as any back up. You were in no danger of being hammered at the time.

Oh yes, when most people thought I was scummy, and could have easily hammered me out anyway. YOU. ARE. NOT. READING.

So, with that, Aere is #1 scum right now.

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Mostly didn't really say much early, because of RVS. Meh, no biggie.

Also, what Ive re-read doesn't lead me much to anything. Although, this popped up:

So we are all good and dandy at me not roleblocking manix.

Explain this if you get in here. This is my one and only problem with you right now. Because in the very same post you said:

Assuming no town roleblocker manix is safe. Which leaves.

This is starting to tear at me. Maybe a scumslip? I'm really not sure. Because we showed that there was a town!RB, something isn't right.

He also claimed Vanilla, or something like that.

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Actually, in an intermission; Aere, you claim. The moment you see this. Because be dammed if I'm going to let up on you. Besides, you shouldn't have any problems with claiming, as I already explained here:

Before I forget to address this; There may not even be any need for the mafia to know who to target. A mislynch means they can shoot anyone and they will win. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT ROLE THEY HAVE.

Should we (somehow) manage to lynch mafia, they won't be able to use their hook (see rules, it's there), meaning that they will either:

1) Kill me

2) Kill a more dangerous PR

But here's the thing. Their best option would be to kill me in any case, because I might out them the next day if I'm lucky.

ie: Claiming has no easily noticeable risk to town. That is all.

Feel free to disagree, but know I will argue this (and my innocence) to the bitter end.

So if you really are town, two things

One: You are playing a really bad townie

Two: You should claim.

Also, additional theory: I think that the mafia chose to not kill on N1, just to confuse us. I could very well be wrong, but what do I know?

Also, there's been a lot of vanilla claims and flips already (see: Blitz, Paper, Ether, Shinori). I put doubt somehow on over half the game being vanilla, so I'd pick your claim carefully.

Intermission over: and eclipse doesn't strike me as scum, plus she's been kinda absent, which makes me sad. :(

Most of her posts lean quite town. No apprehension on voting specific people, as long as they were scummy, which she always clearly explained.

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My god I'm disjointed today

After more reading, I'm starting to think that Ether may not be part of the scumteam. I'll keep you posted.

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I see no problem claiming. Town Neighbor. My partner may back that up if he so chooses.

Nevertheless, my vote stands. If by some chance I'm lynched, let it be known that I will not rescind my vote.

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Explain this if you get in here. This is my one and only problem with you right now. Because in the very same post you said:

This is starting to tear at me. Maybe a scumslip? I'm really not sure. Because we showed that there was a town!RB, something isn't right.

He also claimed Vanilla, or something like that.

In a quick response to this, this wasn't a scum slip this was me just stating an assumption. Because when you claimed that you were blocked or that your action failed no one stated townwise that they roleblocked you, so first i assumed mafia roleblocker, safeguard never popped into my head and i still don't think it will be in this game whatsoever.

Second i had to think of a town roleblocker. And i stated that assuming there is no town roleblocker, because i didn't expect there to be two roleblockers in a 9 man player game, that you would have been safe. However with there being a town roleblocker that threw my idea out of the water.

I made an assumption and it was wrong, that's all that was.

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Sure. Fair enough.

@Aere: Hmm. Neighbour isn't the best claim to stop me suspecting you. You do realize that if you flip scum, your partner is pretty much guaranteed to be the second scum?

Given that there is only 2 scum, Neighbours having OC kinda makes me think you still are scum, because they are similar to the mafia.

Also, I found another contradiction: You were opposed to claiming earlier. Why change your mind?

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I'm not opposed to claiming myself, as I don't have a powerful role. You suggested we all claim, which leaves any power roles remaining at the mercy of the mafia tonight, assuming we lynch correctly.

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Except, you know, that I'm target number one if we lynch correctly, because they won't be able to hook me, Hence, town gets a better chance of winning.

I've heard enough. My mind is made up.

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Don't ever hammer that early again.


Need to reply to a few other things.


I suspect we are dealing with a driver.

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Here's what I have for claims:

Aere - Neighbor

Blitz - Vanilla

eclipse - Vanilla (really)

Elieson - ????

Ether - Vanilla

Manix - Rolecop who lied earlier

Paperblade - Vanilla

Rapier - Town Hooker (confirmed)

Shinori - Neighbor

Unless Elieson claims Doctor ASAP:

##Vote: Shinori

No kills N1, and Rapier said he targeted Shinori.

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Don't ever hammer that early again.

Don't hammer less than an hour before deadline? Gotcha.

But really, I wouldn't call that early, anyway. Meh, details.

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##Vote: Shinori

No kills N1, and Rapier said he targeted Shinori.

I had a dog, and his name was Bingo! That's exactly what I was missing to complete my suspicions.

So let's see what this implies.

Shinori claims Vanilla/Neighbour. So, he can't confirm if RB'ed. Fine, but since there was no kill, without Elieson claiming doc, and the fact that I was hooked, implies that Shinori is more than likely to be person who took the kill. Observe the following rule:

- the scum role sent on the NK will not be able to use other actions that night

I was hooked. Meaning that Shinori could not have been the RB, because he would have been blocked, and there should have been a kill in that case, and I should have got information. But, since it didn't...


##Vote: Shinori

I am perfectly happy with this lynch as well. And since you implied a coordination (hi neighbours) with Aere, I think that he is the scum!RB as well.

Nice claim. I told you to think it through, and yet, here we are. I told you I wasn't going down without a fight.

PS: I fully expect to die tonight. Which is fair enough, really.

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And this is why I wanted to wait for you before doing anything, 'Clipsey~! dearest.

Now then, once we get some words from Elieson clearing up the rest of the matter, we'll be good to go.

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Holy crap! A ton of useful info came up while I was asleep.

First off, Eclipse, you nailed it. I didn't claim sooner because I know that Doc gets targetted pretty easily. But now everyone knows, and I see myself getting NK'd now. Yes, Townie Doctor.

Second, the neighbors claim is convienent, but wouldn't mafia already be able to talk using OC, without needing the neighbors ability?

Third, I dunno now if Shinori, Aere, or Manix is the scum. Shinori/Aere seems pretty likely, but Manix has been doing some serious defense. Manix and Aere had that pretty heated debate earlier, and I still can't shrug the thought that Manix is just sleuthing in order to draw attention from himself.

I need to reread some more of D1. Maybe I can figure out what Helios was thinking earlier in the game.

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