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Changing a character's mug mid game.


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A while back I had this thought.

Is there a way to change a character's in game mug during the game, i.e. after a forced promotion. I know that it would be easily worked around in the dialogue, but I mean the in battle mugs.

To give an example:

If I were to (hypothetically) make a GBA version of Path of Radiance, and I reached a part where Ike promotes from the Ranger Class to the Lord Class. In the actual Path of Radiance Ike's in game portrait than becomes the Lord portrait.

So is this at all possible/has someone done this already?

Let me know if I'm not being clear

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be a pain in the ass imo, spriting extra mugs and whatnot, but yeah. I had an idea to do it for the "tutorial characters", so say I promote Lyn_t, then load Lyn after that, and assign them different portraits. Couldn't really be assed to test it though.

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Is there a way to change a character's in game mug during the game, i.e. after a forced promotion. I know that it would be easily worked around in the dialogue, but I mean the in battle mugs.

i was actually working on that three hours ago

dan beat me to it

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Well at least it is possible and Cam does seem to share the ASM coding he discovers, i.e. the personal music and force promote everyone.

Is it still being worked on? I wouldn't need to know how to this for a long time in my hack but having it possible makes things easier.

EDIT: Did not see Cam's response. So yes it is fairly recently being worked on. Cool.

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a) i'm not discovering it, i'm creating it

b) i have yet to code an actual routine but it's definitely doable. the solution is just hacky as hell

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a) i'm not discovering it, i'm creating it

b) i have yet to code an actual routine but it's definitely doable. the solution is just hacky as hell

Creating, my mistake (I honestly have no idea how ASM works)

And its not like I would need this anytime soon for my hack, I'm working on Chapter 3 and stuff like this would happen late 20's early 30's

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If you happen to be using FE7 as a base and if you don't mind losing a character slot (and only need it for one character), you could make use of Nils and Ninian's slots for the same character with different mugs. Granted, you'd still need to call the routine that transfers the stats and items from one character to another like it does in vanilla FE7, but it'd be a possible solution until Cam's done with his thing. (Well, I don't know if it works for weapon levels too or not, but the premise is there...)

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That would be good but I plan on doing it for numerous characters and might exceed the slots already.

And either way at the pace I'm moving Cam could make the routine from scratch three times over before I could consider using.

EDIT: Read your post horribly wrong

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If he's doing a forced promo w/the mug change he can just set up dialogue to match when each character promotes to have the new mug.

At least that's what I'm doing.

That would be the plan provided the in battle mug changing becomes a reality

@Jubby: I misread Lord Glenn's post horrifyingly wrong.

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Creating, my mistake (I honestly have no idea how ASM works)

discovering means that the code was already there and we just didn't know about it

creating means that i am writing the code from scratch


i feel like now is a good time to say that i claim no liability for any bugs/crashes/whatever that come as a result of this patch (whenever it's released)

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i feel like now is a good time to say that i claim no liability for any bugs/crashes/whatever that come as a result of this patch (whenever it's released)

I'm filing a lawsuit if it ruins my ROM

As you should. It's all experimental. Even so I won't need this for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

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If you happen to be using FE7 as a base and if you don't mind losing a character slot (and only need it for one character), you could make use of Nils and Ninian's slots for the same character with different mugs. Granted, you'd still need to call the routine that transfers the stats and items from one character to another like it does in vanilla FE7, but it'd be a possible solution until Cam's done with his thing. (Well, I don't know if it works for weapon levels too or not, but the premise is there...)

Problem with this is that I think if you replace Nils' portrait then in the status screens it will "push" his portrait up, as Nils' portrait is too short for the status screen.

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Problem with this is that I think if you replace Nils' portrait then in the status screens it will "push" his portrait up, as Nils' portrait is too short for the status screen.

Give Nils' character slot a different portrait slot then. Another unit will be hampered with the problem of shifting portraits, but that should solve the issue of using the slots for something like Ike's FE9 promotion.

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