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FE8 run: Forums Choice

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Considering my max stat (Thats all my main file has left to do...) run is becoming more of a chore than a nice distraction, I decided I'll do what some of the other people have done, and have the people of the forums choose my squad for this run.


1) I can only deploy these characters, unless it's forced deployment. In which case those not from this list cannot perform any actions, unless required to obtain someone else from this list.

2) I will be taking the first 12 suggestions that list a final class and unit name. Please remember to do both.

3) I will be taking Ephiraim's Path, Hard Mode.

4) Eirika and Ephraim will be Excluded from the list.

5) Be as cruel or as kind as you like on Class structure.

6) Deaths will not be accepted for members of the list, but accepted for those not.

NB: The results are in, so no more character choices. I will be using

1) Eirika

2) Ephraim

3) Ewan (Sage Path)

4) Tana (Wyvern Knight Path)

5) Forde (Great Knight Path)

6) Marissa (Assassin Path)

7) Lute (Mage Knight Path)

8) Duessel

9) Amelia (General)

10) Ross (Warrior)

11) Colm (Rogue)

12) Gerik (Ranger)

13) Neimi (Ranger)

14) Seth

No heals until my mages promote... No light magic until Ewan promotes...

RNG, be kind? It isn't gonna happen, is it?

When I finish the run, I'll be sure to let you know how it went. And which 3 Chapters gave me the most problems.

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Valkyrie L'Arachel

I'm 85% sure that my pick was the 12th pick.

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Thems the breaks, richter.

Shame too

other guys gave me no heals until later T-T

Made an early start, score post to follow.

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Prologue (3 turns)

Eirika: 2 kills, no deaths

Seth: 1 kill, no deaths

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Chapter 1 and 2 stats:

Chapter 1

Seth: 5 kills, no deaths

Eirika: 5 kills, no deaths

Chapter 2

Seth: 2 kills, no deaths

Eirika: 3 kills, no deaths

Ross: 1 kill, 1 death (before recruitment)

Garcia stole a kill before I could do anything. Damn NPC's

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Chapter 3

Seth: 3 kills, no deaths

Eirika: 1 kill, no deaths

Ross: 2 kills, no deaths

Colm: 1 kill, no deaths

Neimi: 2 kills, no deaths

Chapter 4

Seth: 7 kills, no deaths

Eirika: 2 kills, no deaths

Ross: 5 kills, no deaths

Colm: 2 kills, no deaths

Neimi: 2 kills, no deaths

Lute: 2 kills, no deaths

Chapter 5 next... Goodnight, sweet myrmidon T-T

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Chapter 5

Seth: 9 kills, no deaths

Eirika: 3 kills, no deaths

Ross: 4 kills, 1 death

Neimi: 1 kill, no deaths

Colm: 2 kills (Including Joshua. I don't know how...), 2 deaths

Lute: 3 kills, 1 death

Notes: First, a clarification - the kill count is only from the successful run of a chapter, deaths are cumulative within a chapter. Colm and Neimi reached A support this Chapter. Ross reached Lvl 10 Journeyman this chapter. I will not be using arenas. Tower may be used eventually purely to ensure Eirika will be Lvl 20 before promotion if necessary. Ruins will potentially be used to prepare for the final chapter. Will let you know whether I fought any skirmishes on the way for supplies before a chapter in the notes as well. They will be avoided wherever possible.

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Chapter 5x

Ephraim: 18 kills, no deaths

Forde: 12 klls, 1 death

That went better than expected.

Just as a side note, I'm making Ross a Pirate, and I will be attempting to save the villagers in chapter 6. Expect the next chapter to take me a week -_-'

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and I will be attempting to save the villagers in chapter 6. Expect the next chapter to take me a week -_-'

Need that Orion's Bolt? Damn that guy who gave you Neimi!

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