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Sprite thingy :B

Thor Odinson

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I'll finish Sairi eventually but

for now


I fucking swear the people who designed his armour did it to troll fanartists

Omfg. Just...omfg THOR! Hnnnnnnngghhhh! asgdajsgdjasjg! Everything about this is wonderful. I dont have anything to point out to critique or anything. Dat hair...dat beard...

Wait..there is something...but it could be just me. The left side (our left) on his chest armor on the top seems uneven but...yeah it could be just me. Fuuu thats amazing.

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Quite the lovely sprite. But, one of the arms is bugging me:


This arm gives the impressive that the inside of his elbow joint is pointed straight at us. But that piece of armor on his forearm looks like it would line up with the top of his hand. If you try to make the pose in your sprite with your own arm you'll probably find it difficult.

I found a picture with a pose pretty similar to yours to show you how the angle might be fixed: http://www.disneydre...sworth-Thor.jpg

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Fair, though the ref's bending inwards and I want to keep the arm out (which I had no problem doing with the elbow on the right side) so I'll have to look at something else. But nice catch.


Okay I'm kinda lazy to upload to tinypic so you guys can have a puush

cleaned up left side and hopefully fixed elbow (I reffed my own arm which, sadly, isn't nearly as buff as Chris Hemsworth's but I think joints should work the same theoretically)

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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I like the elbow before. Despite the fact that it could be seen as going out instead of it, I saw it as going in and liked the fact that Thor's armor was being stretched by his ridiculously manly bicep. I guess it's more I'd like it if his armor looked tighter at that spot I guess.

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Well it was actually supposed to be a bend there since I wasn't really thinking when I sprited that part at like, 4 am last night, and I see it myself as that.

Thor's biceps are huge, but he needs some room to flex too yaknow :B

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Will do with the face. Dunno what you're talking about with the palette, since I didn't change the palette, though it's probably just puush fucking my colours up again or something.

Okay so I asked AK and she's confirmed that puush fucked over my colours so remind me not to be lazy next time

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Well that's just awesome, Lumi. His facial hair doesn't look so great(feel silly critiquing facial hair when I suck at it myself) and I'm not sure about the placement of the gauntlet, but other than that it's just awesome.

Edited by Phoenix
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I agree with honeyBADGER, I think it's the torso shape, but he looks rather feminine. It looks like he's pushing his chest out, as a woman would give off that look due to her breasts. I assume it's to give the illusion of pecs, but they're just no there.

If he didn't give off the femininity, I would be nerdgasming over this xP

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