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Lyn's regional age change...


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In the Japanese version, Lyn is 15. In the American version, she is 18. Do you think that's because of statutory rape not wanting to be promoted, or what?

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I think that because she's a major character, and therefor has love interests, they wanted to boost the age up. Nino's was left there because while she has love interests, Lyn has a potential ending that explicitly states she had children while appearing to be the same age. So yeah, staturatory rape.



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I always felt that Jaffar/Nino was really, really creepy, because Jaffar looks like he's 20-something, but OH WELL IT'S JAPAN: anything goes as long as it's over 13.

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Jaffar's age is never stated, so who knows how old he really is? (I read somewhere that he was 16, but I don't remember where and I don't know if it's true.)

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Jaffar's age is "unknown", just like Renault, Athos, and Nergal. And for the record, Nino didn't give birth until she was 21. Let's not beat that dead horse into the ground any further than it already has been.

As for Lyn's age being changed, I don't think statutory rape has anything to do with it, especially considering 16 (Lyn's age throughout most of the game) is legal in many regions in North America. Also note that her personality is depicted differently in localized version of the game. NoA probably felt that a strong-willed woman would have been more well-received by North American audiences.

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As for Lyn's age being changed, I don't think statutory rape has anything to do with it, especially considering 16 (Lyn's age throughout most of the game) is legal in many regions in North America. Also note that her personality is depicted differently in localized version of the game. NoA probably felt that a strong-willed woman would have been more well-received by North American audiences.

Now this I didn't know. where is yo source, I wanna know more about this.

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Considering that they forgot about their change by the time they translated the KentxWallace convo, I doubt they had a particular strong conviction for the change. Probably just something they did on a whim.

Anyway, I initially didn't like Lyn at all because of her immature behavior. She was a lot easier to tolerate once I learned how young she actually was.

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Yeah. For me, localization changes are annoying. It ruins the integrity of the original artist's work in my opinion.

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Personally, I don't have any issues with Lyn's age change, though I rather like her stronger personality in the localization. She is one of my favorite characters in the series. That aside, I think it was more of a cultural thing than anything else. This does include statutory rape as previously mentioned (even though I like to joke that she and Florina are a couple), but also the idea of a fifteen year old who lost her parents and has been living alone for some time. Having a minor whose parents were killed can be a touchy subject in American media, especially when aimed at younger children. NoA might have felt it necessary to increase her age to make things better suited for younger gamers.

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I would laugh so hard if we were reading way too much into this, and the real reason for Lyn's age change was simply because some localization staff member had clumsy fingers at the keyboard.

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Lyn doesn't look 15 to me at all anyway. 18 suits her more.

Yeah. She acts like an 18 year old who thinks she knows everything too. At least in the NOA version. I cant imagine what she was like before localization because....she was at times rather insufferable in the localized version. If she was more...reserved...she would seem even stupider.

Not a fan of Lyn here. Notice? :P:

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That would be pretty funny, since the Sol Katti animation was added for the English version.

Which makes me wonder, who asked for it to be added in the first place? Did NoJ leave it out of the final build and had it ready for the English version? Or did NOA ask NOJ to program it in because it might feel wrong for Lyn to not have a special animation?

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That would be pretty funny, since the Sol Katti animation was added for the English version.

Which makes me wonder, who asked for it to be added in the first place? Did NoJ leave it out of the final build and had it ready for the English version? Or did NOA ask NOJ to program it in because it might feel wrong for Lyn to not have a special animation?

Most of the cases like these, the developers wanted to include the feature but didn't for some reason, usually time schedules as they near release dates. International releases would get the extra features, and then the game would sometimes be released back in Japan with the included features that didn't make it during the first cut. Final Fantasy VII is probably one of the better-known games that had this happen.

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That would be pretty funny, since the Sol Katti animation was added for the English version.

Which makes me wonder, who asked for it to be added in the first place? Did NoJ leave it out of the final build and had it ready for the English version? Or did NOA ask NOJ to program it in because it might feel wrong for Lyn to not have a special animation?

Didn't she have her Beta Durandal animation, though? Wouldn't they just use that if Lyn needed a special animation? (They could just make her Prf something more... Broadsword-y. Eliwood's actual Durandal animation makes Lyn's beta one look like just a thick sword, since it's nowhere near as long as the Durandal in Eliwood's final animation.)

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Didn't she have her Beta Durandal animation, though? Wouldn't they just use that if Lyn needed a special animation? (They could just make her Prf something more... Broadsword-y. Eliwood's actual Durandal animation makes Lyn's beta one look like just a thick sword, since it's nowhere near as long as the Durandal in Eliwood's final animation.)

That was removed in the final Japanese version, and the NoA team likely didn't know that it existed in earlier builds of the game, so they wouldn't think to ask for it assuming they were the ones who chose to do a Sol Katti animation. Consider also Eliwood's prototypical Durandal animation, where the blade is very similar to the one from Lyn's prototypical Durandal animation, and Eliwood's animation was obviously modified for the final build.

As to just making the Sol Katti a broadsword, assuming for a moment that the NoA team was fully aware of and had access to the prototypical Durandal animation, that would've been entirely possible, yes. Such a change would be simple to accomplish, but a pointless (if not unheard of) endeavour, and as the partner of the Mani Katti (which was depicted in in-game artwork as a katana-like blade) one would expect it to be similarly katanalike. Of course, everything could be changed to account for this, but it'd be pretty silly.

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It'd be easier than making a full new animation, I promise :P But yeah, they probably didn't know it existed. Never thought of that. I wish they would've just used the betas and just let Lyn and Eli fight over Durandal. I like them better, and chances are that in a playthrough, at least one of them will be stat screwed or unused :P

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The odd thing about the prototypes is that Lyn still can't actually use the Durandal in them under normal circumstances. The Durandal animation definitely exists as we all know, but is normally inaccessible as the Durandal is still locked to just Eliwood, like so (from build 0219). It's rather amusing in a way.

When you think about it, really, the Sol Katti animation is comparatively pretty static, with almost no smooth motion (like practically the only thing that isn't like this is the breastjiggle and that's what six pixels shifting on the same pose) and heavy use of motion blurs, simple rotation (her backflips) and Swordmasterish flash-stepping to a degree that puts Swordmasters to shame. It doesn't really work against it as it's still a pretty okay animation to observe, but still, it does smell sort of like a relatively rushed job to throw into the international release, and you can sort of see some resources from Lyn's other Blade Lord sprites being reused in it.

Actually, now I think about it...


Maybe the prototype animation wasn't quite as forgotten as I assumed?

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