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Goodevening everyone! I want to do a playthrough on Hard mode only using a handful of characters (2-4).

If you guys coulld be help me out with choosing some combinations I would appreciate it. :)

I though of something like Marisa, Joshua and Gerik but I think that would be a bit too easy since Josh and Gerik are monsters and Marisa is very good in her own right.

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I dunno why you think things would be too easy, because thus far you've only gotten 2 actually good characters...

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Looking to be potentially fucked over for this playthrough? Because I have a few suggestions that will melt your brain.

Fighter -> Hero Ross

Cavalier -> Paladin Amelia

Mage -> Mage Knight Ewan

Swordmaster Marisa

Great Knight Gilliam

Sage Artur

Valkyrie L'Arachel


No fliers, no Lords, no dark magic, no Slayer for the monsters, one shoddy defense unit, four mounted units (with one of the three lacking in mobility), and a unit (or two) that constantly needs to be guarded. If you try it, good luck! XD

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