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Sigurd figure help

Guy Starwind

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Ebay has everything, try there.

Granted, I want an Ayra figurine but don't want to spend the ridiculous amount of money it'd cost (in the hundreds of USD), so that might not be entirely viable either. What's your price range? Could try to contact some people who bought multiple sets to get Ayra, and thus have extras?

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I've tried ebay and it's kinda a hit and miss. I've seen sets with everyone but like you said they cost a bunch. I hadn't thought of contacting people with multiple sets. I'll try that, thanks.

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I remember a while ago on amazon there was someone selling individual figures for ~$20 each. I had the page to one bookmarked on my PSP but it was on the memory stick that I ended up wiping... Sorry.

EDIT: Found one. It's on a German site though.


I dunno if that'd be a problem or not.

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