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Fredrick from the start was obviously a Jagen, but now with the growth rates and depromoting, I'm wondering how great this knight really is. (no pun intended)

I've heard that great knights have downsides in stats, the tradeoff being they can use everything in the weapon triangle. He may be an experience hog in the first chapters, but after that, do you think he would get better?

Edited by Melonhead215
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It doesn't actually seem either is true. Fred's personal growths are very close to Kroms, trading off 5% spd and 30% luk for 5% def and 15% hp with everything else being the same. I also took a look at GK class growths and it didn't seem to be any lower overall compared to the other classes but rather just have the usual tradeoffs (ie less spd more def kind of thing) so it's probably just the RNG.

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He definitely gets better. Infact for me he was ahead in levels and stats than every other character up to about chapter 15(and was MVP or joint MVP for almost every one up to this point and none after). At which point most unpromoted characters I used atleast caught up or passed him.

It's mostly due to how the EXP formula works with reclassing, for lv.1-20 he'll beat everyone(and actually gains EXP quite at a decent rate to begin with). Then when he gets to 20 Great Knight and Reclasses he either has to go to an unpromoted class for half decent EXP gain(at the expense of the class base stats being lower) or an extremely slow EXP gain as a promoted unit.

Edited by arvilino
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He definitely gets better. Infact for me he was ahead in levels and stats than every other character up to about chapter 15(and was MVP or joint MVP for almost every one up to this point and none after). At which point most unpromoted characters I used atleast caught up or passed him.

It's mostly due to how the EXP formula works with reclassing, for lv.1-20 he'll beat everyone(and actually gains EXP quite at a decent rate to begin with). Then when he gets to 20 Great Knight and Reclasses he either has to go to an unpromoted class for half decent EXP gain(at the expense of the class base stats being lower) or an extremely slow EXP gain as a promoted unit.

So the stats when Demoting are the base class stats+Unit growths.

If he was brought back to a cavalier, he would essentialy be a a level 1 cavalier with the stats of a level 21.


Still, this guy looks good.

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So the stats when Demoting are the base class stats+Unit growths.

If he was brought back to a Dracoknight, he would essentialy be a a level 1 dracoknight with the stats of a level 21 dracoknight give or take few points.


Still, this guy looks good.

fixed and yes

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It is worth noting that the game stores half the levels from whichever class as internal levels when using a Change Seal, up to a certain amount depending on the mode. So if you have base Frederick use a Change Seal to become a Dracoknight, he'll be counted as a LV1 unit with the stats of a LV21 unit (but lacking promotion gains), but he'll gain Exp like a LV11 unit.

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I guess demoting him ASAP sounds like a good idea. Or maybe as soon as he gets Luna.

It feels strange how you don't get a single Paladin in this game, but two Dark Mages. I wonder if Henry can be called the Est of this game.

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I guess demoting him ASAP sounds like a good idea. Or maybe as soon as he gets Luna.

It feels strange how you don't get a single Paladin in this game, but two Dark Mages. I wonder if Henry can be called the Est of this game.

Um, no. That's quite pointless, and would only serve to forfeit the contributions his promotion gains make to his high base stats, especially important on the higher difficulty levels.

The children tend to all serve Est-like roles, really, more so than Henry.

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Having him start off as a Great Knight is pretty nice for reclassing. You can grab the skills you want from that class, and not have to worry too much about weapon changing when you reclass. Of course, early in the game, it's not too big of a deal, but it's still less hassle.

I'm thinking I might aim for a Dracoknight with Luna B)

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The really nice thing is, he can reach LV10 promoted easily enough to access promoted classes directly. I reclassed him to Dragonmaster shortly after he reached LV10 on my HM run, but I hadn't actually been using him a whole lot and he had fallen behind by then, so I stopped using him.

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The really nice thing is, he can reach LV10 promoted easily enough to access promoted classes directly. I reclassed him to Dragonmaster shortly after he reached LV10 on my HM run, but I hadn't actually been using him a whole lot and he had fallen behind by then, so I stopped using him.

Now, an upper class version of something cannot have access to the lower class version's skills if they have never been that class, correct? As in, if I promoted Frederick directly to Dracon Master, I would miss out on the Dracoknight's Ride Fast skill, right?

.. I'm still a bit fuzzy on skills, as i've never had much experience with them.

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Now, an upper class version of something cannot have access to the lower class version's skills if they have never been that class, correct? As in, if I promoted Frederick directly to Dracon Master, I would miss out on the Dracoknight's Ride Fast skill, right?

.. I'm still a bit fuzzy on skills, as i've never had much experience with them.

Barring starting with the skill, this is correct. Frederick could drop down to Dracoknight any time later to get Ride Fast, though.

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