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Tier Down Kent and Sain

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AFAIK, Kent and Sain are considered especially excellent due to their ability to promote on LHM with Wallace's knight crest. I believe this is actually a bad strategy. In order to promote Kent or Sain, you have to play lyn's mode more than once. That is absolutely impossible to bear. Playing Lyn's mode is negative utility.

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Playing Lyn's mode is negative utility.

Playing Fire Emblem is negative utility!

We would all have much more efficient lives if we didn't waste so many turns on videogames!

Therefore, ALL characters to bottom tier!

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Clearly the early chapters of every game gives negative utility since the enemies are so sparse and easy.

Chapter skip codes for top tier.NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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its possible to get one to level 20

Doesn't that take actual grinding though? And it means no one else gets EXP. Joining the chapter where Lyn rejoins is a PITA with LHM!Base Lyn.

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Doesn't that take actual grinding though? And it means no one else gets EXP. Joining the chapter where Lyn rejoins is a PITA with LHM!Base Lyn.

maybe 1 or 2 levels need to be grinded to get to 20. chapter 10 boss is great for that.

and you can still give some experience to other units, just not a lot.

also, Lyn has mani katti, she's easy to get back up and running after rejoining (just keep a healer close). not sure why you'd want to though...

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Playing Fire Emblem is negative utility!

We would all have much more efficient lives if we didn't waste so many turns on videogames!

Therefore, ALL characters to bottom tier!

why are you amazing

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Playing Fire Emblem is negative utility!

We would all have much more efficient lives if we didn't waste so many turns on videogames!

Therefore, ALL characters to bottom tier!

this man knows what's up

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No if you actually think about it, this man knows what's down.


touche Nightmarre

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Every time I try to do a Saladin run, Sain gets speed screwed emo13.gif

I had a Sain with above averagge spd and insain str (even more than normal) in my LM so I just saved that one and used it every run I did after a while.

why are you amazing

He is like new member of the year.

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Playing Fire Emblem is negative utility!

We would all have much more efficient lives if we didn't waste so many turns on videogames!

Therefore, ALL characters to bottom tier!


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Sofiya for best unit in the series

trying to use her will make you quit the game in frustration and never return

that's like 130 turns saved right there

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More like make you quit the ENTIRE SERIES and never return.

Sophia has infinite positive utility. She just doesn't save turns. She saves your life!

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