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Why hello there everyone!! I'm new here

Gold Vanguard

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Hi there. This is my first time here and am honored to meet you all. I love Nintendo games and i've played Fire Emblem 6,7,8,9,10, and 11, 9 and 10 are my favorite.

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Damn bro, you've played pretty much all of them! I think you ought to try giving FE5 a try too though, it has the Capture system and is still very similar to the GBA and later console games in terms of gameplay, while FE4 is also similar but has a lot of unique systems about it too. There also exist english translation patches for both of them, so, yeah!

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Go to My Settings -> My Profile. Under Profile Information is a text box where you can change your member title from "Member" to something cool. Type something in there, hit Save Changes, and have fun.

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