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Is this game JP only or will it come to the west?

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FE13 was a no-show in the main conference. Wouldn't want it to get in the way of showing off Nintendo Land and three different Mario games for 3DS, after all. They're doing a more expansive focus on 3DS titles tomorrow, so there's definitely still that.

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Definitely tomorrow. With how little 3DS stuff they showed today (3 Mario games) I don't think FE had any chance of showing up today. They wouldn't show FE over Mario in a million years.

Tomorrow or bust, it seems...

Edited by L95
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I wouldn't entirely give up on the game after tomorrow. While they may be putting a lot of emphasis on the game in Japan, the series isn't quite as "big" over here. If they planned on including the bundle, it would likely be tomorrow. With a European release all but confirmed, I wouldn't give up until the end of the year, or the EU release, whichever comes first.

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The last chance for E3 to pull itself out of the gutter is tomorrow, the 3DS is the only chance for something from this year to be good aside from Watch_Dogs.

Considering there's an hour to fill tomorrow and they don't have to pander to the casuals, I'd say there's a decent chance we might see something worthwhile on FE13

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Tomorrow or bust, but at least tomorrow seems like the most logical time for an announcement.

Meanwhile, a particularly bland E3 for all of the Big Three. One or two big announcements each, then a majority of the show dedicated to each company's respective casual sector.

...I just realized I have no reason to tune into Nintendo's roundtable conference now that Pikmin 3 has finally gotten a proper reveal.

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So someone got the passwords to Nintendo's E3 press kit site (username: Nintendo ; password: E32012), and they have a self-admitted partial list of upcoming 3DS, DS and eShop titles. Despite being fairly long, FE13 isn't among them. Hm.

Are there any currently unannounced games on that list? Everything I recognize has already been announced or is a given for release (Pokemon).

There's still the fact it's only a partial list. Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised that FE13 will be announced at a later date (probably whenever they finally give a release date for the EU release) as it's not really a "big game" for the west. (A lot of stuff on this list is junk though, so who knows.)

Can't see them localizing it and only releasing it in one region when the localization process tends to be most difficult.

Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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Its tomorrow or bust for me. I hate this waiting. I would like a confirmation of weather its coming here or not.

Basically this. This E3 was so downright disappointing..

Now i'm just biting my nails, hoping for FE13... After Monster Hunter Tri G supposedly being ditched for the West, losing this game as well would really let us all down.

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Honestly, this is probably one the better E3s that I can remember. I can't remember the last time there was a legitimately "good E3," though. The one where Shigeru Miyamoto went on stage with the Zelda sword, whenever that was, probably.

I skipped Microsoft's conference though, I heard it was absolutely awful, so I don't have that dragging my opinion down. Definitely too much pandering to the casuals overall, but that's how you get money these days. It's either pander to the casuals or lose them to smartphones.

I'd have to say that there's been some really neat stuff so far, Beyond - Two Souls, Assassin's Creed 3, Arkham City Armored Edition and a few others.

Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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So someone got the passwords to Nintendo's E3 press kit site (username: Nintendo ; password: E32012), and they have a self-admitted partial list of upcoming 3DS, DS and eShop titles. Despite being fairly long, FE13 isn't among them. Hm.

do you really think that literally the only first party 3DS titles nintendo has to show off are three mario games they already showed off and a game they showed off the wii u version for already

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Even if they don't announce a release for FE13, I think that it will get some kind of mention at least in the 3DS section of Nintendo's conference. A lot of people are hoping for it and and with it being a NEW game rather than REMAKE, it would sell better than FE11. It also has the casual mode for players new to the series so it would be a great game to pick up new players with. It is also one of the better 3DS titles and hell, it's freaking amazing on it's own so I'm sure Nintendo will say something about it. And even if they don't, They could announce it later in the year and release it by the winter holidays or in spring next year.

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Tomorrow. They announced nothing new for the 3DS at all today. One more day before you can start up the petitions :p

So there's another conference waiting to happen, or are my eyes weirding me out? XD

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So there's another conference waiting to happen, or are my eyes weirding me out? XD

There's something 3DS-focused tomorrow, yeah.

FE13 as Nintendo's first game with paid DLC and probably the best at it also makes sense to emphasize there.

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