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The Weirdest Compliments you have ever received


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I get this.

"You have alot of hidden potential, waiting to be released."

From almost every teacher or mentor figure.

When I was in maybe like high school until now, a fair number of people will tell me I'm intelligent, even before they've exchanged more than a few perfunctory words with me. I mean, calling someone intelligent is not an unusual compliment, but I think calling someone intelligent when you barely know what they're like is not.

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I got hit on and felt up by an old man at a gay bar. That's what I get for being such a slut :(

Been there done that.

I've been called sexy by men older than my father, some of whom have even wanted me to have sex with them.

Me: *block*

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I've been told by my classmate that I have a nice voice for poetry even I do not read poetry unless it is for English.

And there have been instances when people stare at my hair because it looks spiky. They ask to touch it and the assumption was that it would hurt so they quickly withdraw their hand. But for those who have touched my hair they have found it to to be smooth, or so I've been told. Other times people ask if I use gel. I don't think my hair is THAT spiky. But, I tell them that I wake up like it everyday. I don't do anything special to my hair.

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For as long as I remember, I have always been the kind of guy who just holds doors for people. Well...Apparently when you do it so often, people start to make a big deal out of it, hence the following compliment I got from one of the girls:

"People say chivalry doesn't exist anymore, but with YOU, I don't believe that anymore."

Get your ink pens ready, guys. I'm going to be the cavalier in your next FE fanfiction. *facepalm*

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How about an annoying compliment? "Wow you're so tiny!! You're so cute!!!!"

This happened some years ago, but we were at an amusement park I think and I was in the restroom... And there was this other girl next to me and she was younger than I was.... and suddenly

"I like your boobs"

".......... Uhh... thanks...??"

The other strange thing about it though is that I don't really have any, but she was little so maybe to her they were good enough to count XD

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I get the eyes and eye lashes compliment all the time

my eyes are sorta green and my eye lashes are longer than my sisters

another weird one I get when I am with my sister and someone wants to know something and happened to ask my sister first and found out she goes to school asks me,

so which grade do you go to?

(basically my sister looks older than me)

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My mom and sis say the same thing about my eyelashes and my eyebrows. :| And the beard. And the 'broad shoulders' which is weird because I don't go to the gym or anything.

In school some guy said my beard looked sexy and started yanking strands out. >.< Weirdly enough someone else said I looked scary with it. >.<

@Blitz: Yeah I think some people think my sister is older than me too. xD I

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Oh yeah, one more.

A classmate of mine in 6th grade once told me after I finished singing a song: "No offense, but when you sing, your voice is sexy, but when you don't, it sounds bad."

Man that was awkward. o.O

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At the International school I'm attending in Tokyo, everybody including students and teachers tell me I have pretty eyes.

The reason why this is weird is that this is how everyone starts up a conversation with me.


Been there done that.

I've been called sexy by men older than my father, some of whom have even wanted me to have sex with them.

Me: *block*

oh you definitely use grindr

I have the unfortunate (only in this case) disposition of being Asian. I cannot help but take offence when old white guys give the impression that they think they have more of a chance with us than they do other guys. what, do we have lower standards or something?!

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More like: ティムさんの目がきれいですから、結婚したい! あなたは一番好きな人てす!

But in all seriousness it's usually just きれいな目。 or something like that.

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Not sure if a compliant or a weird one at that but people tell me they want to talk deeper when they're around my brothers and myself. We all have pretty good low voices and all sound the same. In fact people who only hear us think it's one guy talking to himself and it's great fun to pretend I'm one of my brothers when on the phone.

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You have big feet.

Your hair is lucious.

I want your epeen.

Nice tits.

I like your bulge.

You are as tall as the eastern mountains.

Odin himself guides your hand.

Your writing reminds me of hemingway.

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My mom and sis say the same thing about my eyelashes and my eyebrows. :| And the beard. And the 'broad shoulders' which is weird because I don't go to the gym or anything.

In school some guy said my beard looked sexy and started yanking strands out. >.< Weirdly enough someone else said I looked scary with it. >.<

@Blitz: Yeah I think some people think my sister is older than me too. xD I


Oh yeah, one more.

A classmate of mine in 6th grade once told me after I finished singing a song: "No offense, but when you sing, your voice is sexy, but when you don't, it sounds bad."

Man that was awkward. o.O

nothing this weird ever happened to me though

but there were times when people said "Hola" to us while passing by in USA by cause we look simillar Mexican (and no we aren't Mexicans or Spanish for that matter)

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"I like your boobs"

I get this from a surprisingly large number of women. Apparently my bosom is world-class. Men just..stare at it.

"I wish im as cool as you are when im old(er)!" <--many different people on the interwebz

O___o Umm thanks..OLD??? :(:

"Oh you are so motherly!"

emot-pwn.gif wut.

My uncle said once:

"I so glad you arent one of those girls who dye their hair all sorts of strange colors like pink and green."


to be fair, hes one of the uncles i rarely see and he really didnt realize how old i was. When i told him, his brain imploded.

My mum:

"You are the smartest one." (out of my siblings)

Yeah i actually :smug:'d that one.

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Omg, I forgot, in one of my classes last semester, one of my classmates chased me halfway across campus after to tell me that I'm cool for being native and going to school. I'm not even native, and if I was, I'd be totally offended, ughghgh.

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"I've got my eye on you, next year everyone will be runnning for their money!"

That was after the Geography bee. That was a little creepy. And yes, she did seem to forget that running had only 2 n's.

"You take everything so calmly! I can't annoy or anger you at all!"

Then he proceeded to punch me 3 times.

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