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Fire Emblem 4 hacking?


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Well, basically Fe4 is my favorite game, as such my favorite engine. Thus i'd very much like to learn about how to hack it/ if it's possible no matter how hard and go on to learn it.

So first i'd like to know, with a solid answer (elaborate, no one word stuff please) what all can be done.


-Music hacking happen?

-Map hacking

-Portrait insertion

-Text editing

-Custom animations

Whatever can be done, might i trouble someone to either explain or point me to a good spot to learn how to accomplish any of these tasks. I already know of the binary group or whatever it's called being able to do some of these, but everytime i've ever looked around i've found nothing helpful/ can't read japanese well enough to even navigate the sites or what have you.

Any help will be appreciated,


Edit: Err...i looked at the pinned post rearding most of what i talked about...So instead perhaps a guide or something to help make the learning curve a bit easier might help? If that even exists...

Edit2: Never mind my never mind...Turns out alot of the links there are gone...So i'm back to square one...

Edited by Eriad
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Never mind my never mind...Turns out alot of the links there are gone...So i'm back to square one...

Did you read the beginning post?


In terms of switching around music, it should be easily done with the map editor (for switching different army themes) and text editing should have some op codes for loading different music tracks.

A lot of information for FE4 is documented, and you can find some of it at the upload website in that pinned thread you visited. I don't remember what the archive's name is, or if it's been updated since they moved to the v3 of the uploader. If you can't find it, I have a partial archive of the previous uploader's files, and it should be in there. There's information on how to get custom animations going as well, but, not knowing Japanese is going to stunt you. A member named Shin has done some toying with custom-weapons on units, and you might want to ask the user about it--maybe they'll have some more information.

The map editor has support for editing events of villages, castles, some unit spawns (mostly ones not controlled by events), and map editing. It also includes a few header settings, such as what tilesets to use, music tracks to load, and things like that. This is the newest version of the editor that I have, but I'm not sure if it's outdated.


Here is some programs for documenting/locating event data for manual editing.


On the uploader is a compression program that supports the three SNES Fire Emblems--you can use this for getting custom graphics in the game for things like animations and character portraits. The information I mentioned before had a list of offsets which would point you directly to data like this, so it'd probably be a good idea to snoop around for those documents, if you have the time and courage :p

For text editing, I assume you're wanting to edit in English? Pukachi made a small patch which changes the text to use ASCII, or something like that, years ago. The user popped up a bit ago in the Elibean Nights thread, so you might be able to ask them about that patch. I said it's outdated because the person managing the translation patch posted an updated version recently, which can be found in the part of the forums about the older games--and Pukachi's patch is probably incompatible at this point. Twilkitri may have made his tools for dumping/inserting the script public, so a little snooping there too would be a good idea.

If you have a basic idea of romhacking, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting started with this information.

Edited by Celice
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This isn't the huge info archive I mentioned, but it does have various things about inserting graphics and constructing custom animations. If you or anyone comes back to this topic looking for info about custom graphics, and the file has been deleted and reuploaded, you should be able to find it by looking for 'バグフォグラムズ資料' on the uploader page.


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