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Gold Vanguard

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So far, I think Ubisoft has had the best showing. Sure, they get shit for SecuROM and a bunch of their other previous actions, but you can't deny the relative impressiveness that they've shown of late. Splinter Cell Blacklist looks like it'll be the FE13 of its series, combining the best elements of the previous games into one and adding some improvements (and one step backwards, with no Michael Ironside as Fisher's VA). Assassin's Creed III actually looks like it might finally take the next step of progression that the series needs to. And, if Watch_Dogs wasn't a surprise new IP announcement (and an awesome one at that), I don't know what is.

EA had the typical stuff that you've come to expect out of them. The only remotely good segment, IMHO, was when Michael Irvin came on stage; you never know what he's going to say in any given situation and his comment about Twitter vs. the News at 11 was pretty funny.

And, as usual, Microsoft showcased basically the same stuff as the past few years. Halo 4 looked pretty sweet; 343 looks to have been the right choice to pass the franchise onto. Wreckateer is basically Angry Birds + Kinect, which, along with Xbox SmartGlass, just further shows that Microsoft and Sony can't think up anything on their own and need to resort to pilfering from other companies to get their ideas. Oh, and Black Ops 2... Look, I'm not a huge Call of Duty guy (I'll jam in some social multiplayer if a friend is playing it and I'm there, but I never buy the games myself), but Black Ops 2 might change that; it impressed me that much.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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The game that caught my eyes was the South Park RPG game. Call of duty black ops 2 was meh, Halo 4 looked amazing.

Edited by Defender of the light
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There's already an E3 thread here:


And apparently several of the inquiry threads you make already have the answer in some location that isn't out of place or difficult to spot with a little effort so why don't you try looking for the answer to your questions even if just a bit before asking?

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