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runs in, places random vote, runs back out, has contributed nothing since then.

town leader or not, how is that not even a little scummy?

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Wow, stuff has happened. Let's see:

Rapier has got himself into a mess again. He's buddying another player- that's not acceptable townie behavior. Why are you defending someone who seems to be inactive int he first place? Bananaboy needs to work his arse off if he wants to play this game, although he's probably busy with another one of those drafts. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

##Unvote Sorry Aere, BBM spoke the truth. We wanted to get a reaction off you.

Bizz I don't understand you. A few pages ago you said you were getting scum vibes from Aere. Care to explain why? Because a little while later you semi-defended him when it came to 3 votes stacked on him. I dunno, it looks a bit confusing. Also Shinori has been quite active on OC, I can say that much Maybe Shinori is waiting for all claims so he can decide on something.

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marth, i said i learned new information and therefore i don't think aere is scum.

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As for Aere: scum reads due to reactions, manner of posting, and the way I was addressed in PM, plus some other things I did not want to share.

Just to clarify, Bizz, but this is what your original basis for thinking Aere was scummy was, right? It's not your current opinion?

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Apparently, he's Town Leader because his role is Town Leader, and apparently a cop scanned him, and verified him. Though, I don't know what kind of cop scanned him, and how to prove it other than Shinori going "I was scanned, I'm clear, on behalf of the cop"

He's been cleared by the po-po and no one is counterclaiming sooo yeah.

Using the Cop's silence as verification is stupid. That goes under the assumption that the Cop investigated Shinori for no reason except that he asked him to. Which is dumb. If you were a Cop, would you investigate whoever asks for an investigation without hesitation? All we have is Shinori's claim that the Cop investigated and cleared him. You guys are acting like the Cop MUST have successfully investigated Shinori, an assumption with no solid basis. And that's not even considering the possibilities of Godfather, Safeguard, etc that could ruin the plan even if the Cop did investigate Shinori.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Shinori is Mafia or anything, but I just don't think he should be treated as cleared. He is very likely to be Town, but imo there's not enough decisive evidence to let him be trusted enough to have everybody's roleclaims.

I dunno, it'd be hard to believe that anyone with Max as their role character would be anything other than Town though, IMO

Mafia can get fakeclaims, and there's no reason to assume that all the main characters are in the game. In Golden Sun Mafia, for example, I had Isaac up as a fakeclaim.

Also, I doubt Shinori is gonna die today. Voting anonymously means that the Mafia can start a bandwagon while nobody has a clue about it. They can get away with an easy mislynch. Essentially, his death will improve the chances of a mislynch, and if I were Mafia, I'll want to exploit that much later on in the game, since the odds of a mislynch early on are already high enough.

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Also, I doubt Shinori is gonna die today. Voting anonymously means that the Mafia can start a bandwagon while nobody has a clue about it. They can get away with an easy mislynch. Essentially, his death will improve the chances of a mislynch, and if I were Mafia, I'll want to exploit that much later on in the game, since the odds of a mislynch early on are already high enough.

If his claim is true, then why wouldn't they? Just because a mislynch is more likely early on doesn't mean they can't get more of an advantage out of it by triggering it early. Why would you wait? There is no reason to.

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If his claim is true, then why wouldn't they? Just because a mislynch is more likely early on doesn't mean they can't get more of an advantage out of it by triggering it early. Why would you wait? There is no reason to.

There absolutely is a reason to. One more person voting the same as scum could cause a mislynch later on. At this point, they'd need to use the easy mislynch on someone who's quite scummy anyway, instead of killing off a better target. Besides that, his death may well give the town less info later, if people don't go back and re-read, which I think they often don't.

What on earth happened to Kay?


Can anyone confirm that those 5 are at least participating in OC?

I am. Ask Shinori for confirmation.

Those are all roles that can harm the town, yes, but all of them (Except Millers, I forgot about it, and I can see why you bolded it. Maybe Silencers/Kidnappers too, but they can idle.) can also help the town. PGO/Bomb/Vigilante can kill mafia guys as well, and Safeguards can protect townies from mafia rolecops or something. I just can't see any way in which Shinori's role could help the town.

Beloved Princess and Hated Townie, too.

Shinori's cop request was weird, but when I talked to him on N0, he made enough sense that I think he's probably town.

##Vote: Eclipse

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Eclipse? What? She got kidnapped/silenced. I mean, it's possible the mafia are setting her up to look more credible for Day 2 and beyond, but shouldn't we at least wait for her to get here?

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There absolutely is a reason to. One more person voting the same as scum could cause a mislynch later on. At this point, they'd need to use the easy mislynch on someone who's quite scummy anyway, instead of killing off a better target. Besides that, his death may well give the town less info later, if people don't go back and re-read, which I think they often don't.


okay, I see the point. Conceded.

##Vote: Eclipse

Curious, why? She can't defend herself, because she's kidnapped. Is there something else that we don't know?

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Okay I'm currently missing two claims plus eclipse. And one of those two people has been online and has responded to me in my pm and needs to claim.

Other than that I have the majority of claims now and I'm gonna talk to a few people and get some stuff straightened out.

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But, really, just because one person makes a move doesn't mean others will make the same move. Really, if any mafia members were in sfmm2 as well, you'd think they would argue against letting one of their members do that because they might not get away with it this time (also it's an absurdly worthless move to risk anything). And, even if you say that, there's also the possibility that you're mafia and targeting a "scummy" person you know is town so you can guarantee a town lynch and still look clean, right?

Eh, but once something happens that you don't expect like that, it makes you realize your scum hunting has some holes and you had better look out for scum trying to play the noob!town card. Its not for sure, but it'd be silly to not pay attention to stuff like that.

On the topic of Rapier. ##Vote: Rapier Hmm, unless you were reaction testing on Bizz, I think your reaction was pretty anti-town. Attacking other people's play styles doesn't have any in game relevance, at all and doesn't really count as relevant discussion. :/

And then about what Proto said: I see what you're talking about but I'm more inclined to believe him off his claim. It seems like a mostly dumb role for mafia since they'd basically want that guy to die and seems like a bad fake claim because it would become suspicious if he didn't die or have have at least something happen to him. I dunno, and it seems like a risky move that someone might just pull in order organize the town. Granted, we don't and won't have the actual cop come in here and tell us because that would be silly and skepticism is understandable(since I've got some myself), but it would also be silly to hinder what could lead to town organization.

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I'm kinda tempted to vote for Bananas after that stunt. I would like to see some defense from him though before I vote for him.

But either way, voting for the confirmed town leader is kinda silly. :/

Haha, I only did it because I was half asleep and got him and aidos mixed up.


##Vote USER adiosToreador

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Haha, I only did it because I was half asleep and got him and aidos mixed up.


##Vote USER adiosToreador


sigh. When Bizz sees this...

Tip: she's not a threat. Did you miss that part?

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Answer these questions when you get a chance. Phase ends tomorrow at like 8:30 am so its like 30 hours from now. That should be enough time for people to see this.

1. Who do you find the most scummy currently?

2. Who do you find the most town currently?

3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?

4. As a cop who would you target tonight?

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sigh. When Bizz sees this...

Tip: she's not a threat. Did you miss that part?

Of course. And we can totally trust someone just because they say they aren't a threat, right? :rolleyes:

1. Who do you find the most scummy currently?


2. Who do you find the most town currently?


3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?


4. As a cop who would you target tonight?


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1. Who do you find the most scummy currently?

2. Who do you find the most town currently?

3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?

4. As a cop who would you target tonight?

1. SB, because of the vote that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

2. Aside from Shinori, I'd probably say either Kay or Proto, honestly. But to be fair, it's a bit hard to tell right now.

3. If not Shinori, probably one of Kay/Proto. I really don't know. It'll be one of the productive town members, that's for sure.

4. I'd say Bizz to clear her, but there might be other options that present themselves later.

this is liable to change at this point.

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Of course. And we can totally trust someone just because they say they aren't a threat, right? :rolleyes:

If you had actually talked to her, maybe you'd know. She did say to contact her about it if you wanted to know, so yeah.

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1. Who do you find the most scummy currently?

serious bananas (also everyone else to an extent)

2. Who do you find the most town currently?

shinori maybe I GUESS, not entirely sure on anyone else

3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?

no idea, probably someone vaguely active that a lot of people put in their most town field

4. As a cop who would you target tonight?

adiosToreador or Serious Bananas

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