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Super Ragefest IV: Trolls & Tribulations Planning Thread


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or be like me and have the same intended submission that's ended up going through both rf2 and rf3 (can you imagine that i've been working on this one-chapter hack for like more than a year now?) so you have some work when it actually starts

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And thus Marc steps through the gates of hell, to face the Spider Mastermind, and confront the fires of self damnation.

We pray for his soul.

I second this

in general the best co-commentators can commentate on anything

just sayin' ~'3'~

I second this statement as well

Anyhow I'd be willing to commentate with you and to keep it short, I should be more available than most people since I... am able to make free time when necessary. XP

Though we may want to do a "practice LP" just to see how it goes, like with Bladehero, except I think it'd be more fun. I'm pretty random and usually have crap to talk about as long as we're not LPing a really boring game (even if it's shitty, that's still something to talk about...). And if it IS boring we can talk about how silly Bladehero is or what's the meaning of life or something ;)

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Anyhow I'd be willing to commentate with you and to keep it short, I should be more available than most people since I... am able to make free time when necessary. XP

Though we may want to do a "practice LP" just to see how it goes, like with Bladehero, except I think it'd be more fun. I'm pretty random and usually have crap to talk about as long as we're not LPing a really boring game (even if it's shitty, that's still something to talk about...). And if it IS boring we can talk about how silly Bladehero is or what's the meaning of life or something ;)

Preferably, we can talk about GameFAQs's topics on Fire Emblem: Awakening, which can all be summarized with this.

So maybe the gimmick of Ragefest IV will be that it's all co-commentaries?

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I am currently familiarizing myself with the content so I'm ready beforehand

oh man this is hilarious

seriously it's shit like this that is annoying yet funny as hell

So maybe the gimmick of Ragefest IV will be that it's all co-commentaries?


Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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So I know this contest hasn't started, but yeah I think Bladehero has won this Ragefest.

Bring on Ragefest V!

On a random note, I look forward to the co-commentary even though my sorry ass isn't qualified just because we have the same name.

I just hope you aren't as quick to slam a gavel on some of the submissions like Klok's. Even considering the minor loophole he gave you with Markyjoe the unit, he did make you cower in corner for quite a while and had some entertaining additions like the Mario Paint stuff. :/

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On a random note, I look forward to the co-commentary even though my sorry ass isn't qualified just because we have the same name.
We have the same real name? If so, that would make for some hilariously confusing scenerios.

Marc: Hey Marc.

Marc: Yes, Marc?

Viewer: *Confused*

I just hope you aren't as quick to slam a gavel on some of the submissions like Klok's. Even considering the minor loophole he gave you with Markyjoe the unit, he did make you cower in corner for quite a while and had some entertaining additions like the Mario Paint stuff. :/

There's a reason why I was so harsh on that one.

I have little faith in my fellow man. If I didn't point out it's flaws, I presumed people wouldn't have noticed them on account of being too focused on the music, and all the fancy shmancy stuff the submission has, and praise it based on those alone, rather than how well designed it was (Which it wasn't. It was one of the most poorly designed). There's a phrase in Mugen Community (Which I'm no longer part of), "Style over Substance". That phrase perfectly describes the submission, and frankly, it probably also describes why some people liked the submission.

That said, "cowering in the corner" strategies aren't bad strategies. The fact that it's so effective a strategy in the submission to the point where it made it boring is a flaw of the submission and not the player. Klok should have planned for it.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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Gahahaha, in a ragefest it's "anything goes if it lets me win", AKA "I'll be as cheap and cowardly as it takes if it means beating this hack easier". XP

you guys should have seen me playing DoF with 3 other people, you'd think that was a bigger ragefest than every hack here but Corruption of Roy...

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you guys should have seen me playing DoF with 3 other people, you'd think that was a bigger ragefest than every hack here but Corruption of Roy...

I know how to design levels hard, but even ch3 was a bitch, so if you were dying on that it's understandable

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you guys should have seen me playing DoF with 3 other people, you'd think that was a bigger ragefest than every hack here but Corruption of Roy...

It's karma. The current public patch is a ruin that ought never be dredged up.

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It's karma. The current public patch is a ruin that ought never be dredged up.

that would explain why the recorded footage exploded and I couldn't upload it

and we should probably stop derailing this thread... oh wait I'm the guilty guy here... /shutsup

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I'm currently writing the rules, awards, and other stuff for Ragefest 4. People will be able to start making their submissions soon.


I have a request.

Could someone make a 500x250 banner for Ragefest 4? I'd like it to reference one of the submissions of Ragefest 3.

Here's the Ragefest 3 banner in case you want ideas. It references an infamous scene in my commentary of Maze of the Troll King by Camtech076.


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I'm currently writing the rules, awards, and other stuff for Ragefest 4. People will be able to start making their submissions soon.


I have a request.

Could someone make a 500x250 banner for Ragefest 4? I'd like it to reference one of the submissions of Ragefest 3.

Here's the Ragefest 3 banner in case you want ideas. It references an infamous scene in my commentary of Maze of the Troll King by Camtech076.


Well... I can't make a banner, but out of curiosity, which submission do you want it to reference?

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Well... I can't make a banner, but out of curiosity, which submission do you want it to reference?

Preferably FELover3's submission, but the artist can do whatever s/he wants, so long as I like it.

what, my ARCHIBAAAAAAAAAAAAALD isn't good enough? :Kappa:

I don't wanna recycle the same banner...

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Recycling is environmentally friendly!

Do you just want the middle image/text to change or the entire thing?

Either one will work. If it's just the middle thing, I can make a similar looking banner that's consistent with the previous one, while being different. If it's change entirely, well that's good too.

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I would make a banner, but don't know how and too lazy to do it. Also, summer school has started and my dad's in the hospital, as to which I hardly have any time on my hands at all.

But, can you give me an idea of what the banner should look like? Should it be like...

*SPOILER* You having bloodshed eyes, hands on the sides of your head with the expression of you screaming "NO! NOOO...!" With screenshots of Felover3's submission on both sides of a fiery spiral background ?KnollRoll.gif*SPOILER*

That's just my idea. That's how I'd do it. If I knew how. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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you'd recycle every element about the previous poster to make something looking almost identical?

forgive me for not being psyched about this prospect

Genuinely sucks about your dad, though, I hope he'll be alright.

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