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My Pokemon Trainer Sprites


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Not a bad sprite, but you could've just put it in your sprite topic. XP And you really should host your sprites in something like photobucket (or imgur if you're lazy like me and don't want to make an account).

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First: http://photobucket.com/

Sign up and make an account; upload pictures there. It's easier and you can keep them archived better.

Second: The leg outline should be a consistent color. Since she has some clothing on her leg, use the black. I only use the brown outline for when there is bare skin. The left (Her POV) hand is incomplete-looking; finish it with some outline near the top. Right now it looks like it's fading away. Her shoes look like they should have heels. That's just me, but right now her feet look awkward the way they're standing. You can also afford to use the darkest hair color for the hair's outline. Since her hair's light, it doesn't need the black outline.

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