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No-Life's Sprites

Seung Lobo

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I've been doing very decently with spriting and I'm satisfied with them. Most of them are just in-battle sprites (no sprite sheets, I can't make 'em; just for show).

Edit: So I may have been spriting for a few weeks back, but take me lightly or you'll just get a sharp tongue. (lol)

Edit (2): All of these are fully custom made. Meaning I used no base in order to make these handmade sprites. End of story.



"I may be young, but I can fight too!" (I tried my best to make a Sword-using Trainee class.)


An altered sprite, just holding a Florete.



"I may not lookit, but I can pack a punch! Hahaha!" (Eh, I think it's better for most of you to see this drawing made by my little sister.)



"... Where is he?" (The class name comes from FFTA2. My favorite class. :3 )

General (without helmet)


"Oh, hai thar! What? No helmet? It's kind of hard to see and breathe in it. Hurr durr." (Truth to be told, he hates the helmet. End of story.)

The Lords


"... So who's my next challenger?" (Looks too much of a Sword Master.)


"Um... Hi?" (Uh... Perhaps she resemble a Shaman?)


"Um, why am I here? I'm on a mission! And why am I a Sage?" (Looks too much of a--Oh wait, he just said it. Derp.)

Promoted Lords (Because I said so)


"I. Hate. Being. A. Royalty. Change me back right NOW!" (I personally like this one the most.)


"Since when can I use a lance? Well... at least I won't have trouble against lancemen, except for..." (Eh, lances are okay...)


"An axe?! Well, I always wanted to hit hard... Perfect! Revenge on those lancemen!" (The hell? I don't think I would be THAT strong to hold it in one hand...)


"Made to be thrown only? Does this thing function like a boomerang? I don't get it... I never like projectiles..." (<-- This.)


"Okay... SINCE WHEN CAN I USE A FREAKING BOW?! Something tells me I'm gonna miss a lot due to my lacking accuracy for these damned things..." (Derp. Dun like bows.)


"I has wings! Which means I'm also a dragon! And... Seung! Put that bow down right now! Or I'll maul you to death!" (I made a sketch of her few days ago.)


"Well... I guess it's not too bad. But I seriously need to get some aid to beat this demon king that is threatening in my world..." (Rowark! You're dah man! D: )

Comment away I guess. Any minor suggestions are fine (but most of the time I won't bother fixing them unless I have an urge to).

Edited by No-Life
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Oh yeah... I forgot to mention that all of these sprites were made with NO bases. Meaning I did not use Ephraim as a base or whatever. And as for the Sword Master and Sage look-alikes, I made them by hand and gave them some personal details, like the black sword with red edge, and giving Rowark (the Sage) a specific hairdo and cape.

Aaaaaand... I can't animate them. Way too tedious. D:

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These ain't too shabby, dude.

They aren't perfect, in my humble opinion, but they're a lot better than what some people come up with. Props for this kind of work. And Animating isn't too bad, as long as they have a purpose.

But really, good effort. laugh.gif

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