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So I'm going to be playing Fe4 and 5 soon.


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I've been meaning to play these two games for a loooong time. I've heard many many good things about them, would any of you care to share some advice with me on just how different these 2 games are from the rest of the series? Characters to go for ect ect, and i'm guessing the lovers deal in fe4 works kinda like the supports in the games I've played?

Also probably if I like these 2 games I'd do drafts on them [seeing as I'm obsessed with those darn drafts now xD]

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As you probably heard, the maps are extremely long, so horses are extremely op due to their large movement. Canto is back so thats good. Yes pairings are what drives the second generation. The ones that are, listed in the site are really.good imo. The ones I used were

Aideen X Midir

Ayra X Lex

Tiltyu X Azel

Fury X Levin

Sylvia X Claude

Brigget X Jamka

These served me really well. It all goes down how you want to do it. Honestly, you shouldn't worry about pairing goes. Just wait it out.

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Since FE4 was covered, it seems, FE5 introduced the rescue command, and also has the fatigue system as well as capturing. A mechanic that makes it different from other games is that everything but HP and LUCK caps at 20. The game is also one of the more difficult entries in the series.

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Make sure you capture enemies early on for swords. On a blind run I ended up getting to chapter 8 or 9 I think and was running out of swords and had no money (didn't get much) for buying swords. And you have a ton of inside chapters were everyone is forced to use swords.

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You can use practically anyone in FE5 with smart item/scroll management.

But I recommend Fin, Dagda, Saphy, and Asvel.

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You can't die in Arenas in FE4, and enemies are finite, so use them.

Don't worry about pairing until chapter 3 or 4, then stick the people who like each other together, like with supports in the GBA games.

In both games, using Canto to attack a group, then run away is usually a good strategy.

Don't take any (gameplay) spoilers about FE5. The best way to play it is blind, like a thriller/horror movie. Use everyone you can, and ditch those that are doing badly. But familiarise yourself with the Capture mechanic, since it's extremely difficult to win without it.

Edited by Baldrick
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As you probably heard, the maps are extremely long, so horses are extremely op due to their large movement. Canto is back so thats good. Yes pairings are what drives the second generation. The ones that are, listed in the site are really.good imo. The ones I used were

Aideen X Midir

Ayra X Lex

Tiltyu X Azel

Fury X Levin

Sylvia X Claude

Brigget X Jamka

These served me really well. It all goes down how you want to do it. Honestly, you shouldn't worry about pairing goes. Just wait it out.

Ok thanks, so that's where Canto originally came from. Also will keep the pairings in mind, probably will do what I normally do when I play a FE the first time and just go with whomever I like based on looks/personality lol

yes play an fe4 draft

you shall soon see the power

It does sound like alot of fun

Since FE4 was covered, it seems, FE5 introduced the rescue command, and also has the fatigue system as well as capturing. A mechanic that makes it different from other games is that everything but HP and LUCK caps at 20. The game is also one of the more difficult entries in the series.

I've heard much about the difficulty, I cannot wait to see it with my own eyes.

Make sure you capture enemies early on for swords. On a blind run I ended up getting to chapter 8 or 9 I think and was running out of swords and had no money (didn't get much) for buying swords. And you have a ton of inside chapters were everyone is forced to use swords.

Good to know. -puts swords as a priority-

You can use practically anyone in FE5 with smart item/scroll management.

But I recommend Fin, Dagda, Saphy, and Asvel.

Thats pretty awesome I'll keep it in mind i'm normally pretty good when it comes to item management, and Fin hmm he is in 4 as well is he not?

You can't die in Arenas in FE4, and enemies are finite, so use them.

Don't worry about pairing until chapter 3 or 4, then stick the people who like each other together, like with supports in the GBA games.

In both games, using Canto to attack a group, then run away is usually a good strategy.

Don't take any (gameplay) spoilers about FE5. The best way to play it is blind, like a thriller/horror movie. Use everyone you can, and ditch those that are doing badly. But familiarise yourself with the Capture mechanic, since it's extremely difficult to win without it.

Oh very nice you can't get killed in Arena's although truth be told I don't really like using them much in the other games, and kk on the pairings

Alright lol i'll go in as blindly as possible then, I sorta looked at some of the gameplay advice given already soooorry

Thanks all of you.

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I didn't read half of this but make two save files for FE4. You can't restart chapters in it. Pair who you want it's more fun imo. Fin is your friend. FE5 isn't as hard as everyone says.

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Ohhh. For FE 5, as I was told, Status it's your worst enemies. They are forever until the chapter is cleared. And apparently status staves are infinite range too (sleep, silence, and berserk). Also, try to use the beginners you get in ch1, they all are awesome,

Forts and Gates give a whopping 10 defense boost to whoever stand on it. So I would train any magic users. Status staves hit whenever mag is over the opposing persons resistance ( in FE5, magic stat is your magic and resistance stat.)

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To lift your burden...

Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right and cancel.

Do gates increase resistance as well?

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Please do yourself a favour and ignore people saying "DON'T SPOIL YOURSELF!" for FE5. Being prepared is perfectly fine, some people just have a dumb hate-on against people being properly prepared.

Not to mention that there seem to be some brutal things that could give you problems if you're not prepared, so make sure you ARE prepared.

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I think that the arena in fe5 is easier than the others FEs because of the scroll, the Crusader Scrolls negates enemies critical so the only thing you should worry about is their defense and HP, so If you want to use the arena use your units that has the highest HP

Capture is one of the most fun mechanic, as it let you capture an enemy and take his items/weapons.

In escape chapters don't bother in trying to kill all the spam of enemies because it's infinity, that's why you need to escape ASAP, but when escaping be sure to make Leaf be last one, otherwise everyone will be considered captured and you won't have any unit to progress the story.

If you want to be way more prepared you could consult the fireemblem.wikia, they even have the crusader scrolls growths.

The Mag stat is for both offensive and for the Mdef of the others FE.



If you don't have a way to open the doors like a thief with lockpick, Unlock staves(they have few uses) or the Door Keys the games are unwinnable, almost fucked myself in my game because I forgot to buy the door keys, thanks to God that I had a Lockpick.

P.S: You think you hated Negal and the others douches a lot? Well, you will learn to hate Cyas, guy is a fucking headache to deal with.

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No, thank goodness gates don't increase resistance a well. That would've been a nightmare. One if the bosses, specifically ch 8x has like over 20 def when sitting on a gate and high attack. It was a nightmare to get rid of him without the mage you start with.

You should also check the requirements fit the gaiden chapters. I'm on my first blind playthtough too and it is a challenge. Unfortunately, I haven't spoiled anything for my self except the audacity ch24x is going to be

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Status staves in FE5 last FOREVER until you Restore Stave them, so wacth out for those.

Well, that was already said so

Promote early in FE5 because stats bar HP cap at 20, so don't worry about getting the max. amount of levels in.

Dudes like Othin,Asvel,Dagda, and others are exceptional in FE5, so use them.

Get into the knack of capturing A LOT of weapons, and sell off broken weapons

Don't over use a couple of units because of the Fatigue, spread around the EXP

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I'm FE4, make sure you have a certain character enter Selesia Castle in Ch.4 or you're screwed. I forgot to do to it and so I restarted the game and I only paired a few people so the playthrough was almost a waste of a month of my summer. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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Please do yourself a favour and ignore people saying "DON'T SPOIL YOURSELF!" for FE5. Being prepared is perfectly fine, some people just have a dumb hate-on against people being properly prepared.

The first playthrough should be blind, because it's more exciting. Before you see a movie, you wouldn't read its plot synopsis on Wikipedia so you can be properly prepared for it, right? And for a vacation, would you rather go somewhere you've never been before, or stay at home, with the doors and windows locked, and a network of scouts roaming the perimeter so you can be properly prepared for anything that happens? Be prepared if you want, I don't mind, but I think you're missing out is all.

You can learn how to master the game from the second playthrough onwards, when you know what's going to happen anyway.

(@OP: Most of the stuff in this thread will be alright, but don't try to plan it beforehand too much, the game never lets you become entirely comfortable.)

Not to mention that there seem to be some brutal things that could give you problems if you're not prepared, so make sure you ARE prepared.

That's the point. Your army constitutes a small rebellion, you're meant to be fighting against seemingly insurmountable odds. If you don't want to be challenged, go play Fe8 Easy Mode.

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hey hey hey now

just because crash is incompetent doesn't mean that this game is impossible without previous knowledge

i didn't find it that hard blind- the only real thing to watch out for is making leaf escape last. everything else can be dealt with by some on-the-spot panic tactics

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It's fine if you want to plan and if it makes it better for you, but for some people it's more fun if they go into it blind.

But they're pushing him to do it blind and speaking out against planning, which is entirely wrong.

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No, it's perfectly fine to want preparation for a first playthrough and someone can want to play a game without wanting nasty surprises. Stop trying to diss planning.

It's fine to want some preparation. It's also fine to not want excessive preparation; you coming in here and insisting that he prepare more is at least as ridiculous as people coming into your thread and suggesting that you not prepare more.

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