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How do people feel about Alvis


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So Alvis. Was he really a bad guy? What do you think of him? Is he an irredeemable monster for killing Sigrud or is he a total badass for killing someone as badass as Sigrud? Is he a tragic villain or just a fool? Did his acts justify his intentions and why can't the Emperor Class use light magic? So let me hear your thoughts, feelings and opinions in regards to Alvis and the role he played in the story.

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Alvis is a poor soul. He'd rather do the right thing, but Manfloy had other plans.

Also, Emperor is a buffed Baron, and Barons aren't one of the four classes that can use light magic, so

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Pretty much what TE already have said and Manfloy was going to plan to off him in the end after he's served his purpose.

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A master manipulator who got out-manipulated in the end. Brought a man's missing, amnesiac wife in front of him, bragged about how he's totally tapping dat ass, then incinerated him with a fireball. Upon realising he couldn't possibly top that in terms of douchebaggery, became a good guy, and redeemed his sins in chapter 10.

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I think that Alvis is a tragic character, but he's not entirely symphetetic. He was being manipulated and he did do a lot of stuff for his ideal world, but he was far to willing to get his hands dirty.

Showing Sigurd his wife to taunt him was also unnecesary cruel.

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I think that Alvis is a tragic character, but he's not entirely symphetetic. He was being manipulated and he did do a lot of stuff for his ideal world, but he was far to willing to get his hands dirty.

Showing Sigurd his wife to taunt him was also unnecesary cruel.

Is it me thinking, or is Alvis' related characteristic much like Hardin's and Zephiel's? I'm thinking that his characteristic is supposed to be of them story wise. He was put in despair in the end that he'd ended up doing good deeds and doing the honors of handing Celice the Tyrfing to end to his mistake.

Edited by アイネ
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Is it me thinking, or is Alvis' related characteristic much like Hardin's and Zephiel's? I'm thinking that his characteristic is supposed to be of them story wise. He was put in despair in the end that he'd ended up doing good deeds and doing the honors of handing Celice the Tyrfing to end to his mistake.

He does have a similar class too even if he does use it for magic.

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I liked him. But, he's not, like, an exclusive personality in the series. "Tragic" characters are part of the games, and so however cool he appears in the story, it kinda gets dragged down a notch knowing that the same thing is being explored in other games. He ranks in a class of equivalency, rather than standing out any longer :/

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All in all? Sympathetic. Even in gen 1 he had noble intentions and he then spent the rest of his life watching the utopia he hoped to build disappear and finding himself emperor of hell on Earth. By the time gen 2 comes round he's prepared to do pretty much anything to fix the mess he's helped make. He was also completely manipulated by Manfroy and despite Barhara I still find it hard not to feel sorry for him.

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"1 good deed isn't enough to redeem a lifetime of wickedness"

Still hate him, he can't do anything to redeem Killing Sigurd. Good book by giving me the sword then permaninantly on the bad list for killing Sigurd.

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I honestly must be a horrible person because I don't like him at all, the only thing I'm glad he did was giving Celice his Tyrfing, rescuing the children and being thr father of Yuria, otherewise burn in the hell.

For some odd reason I liked Trabant way more than this douchebag, must be because he showed Diadora as his waifu to Sigurd after killing him and most of his army, that was really a douche thing to do, and didn't know she was Sigurd's wife?Well, thanks to her's and Sigurd's reaction now he knew or at least suspected, got me right in the kokoro.

Yeah, there was the problem of being a Lopt descendant, but what proof Manfloy had?They didn't had the DNA exams to prove it, and Alvis is a descendant of one of the Crusaders, was acting as a nice guy before and C'mmon, I know that judging by the looks is a mean thing to do, but I would be pretty suspicious about how the lopt mages wear their clothes.

Besides, why he didn't try to kill Manfloy before the birth of his children?At least Diadora would still be safe in case things went wrong because they wouldn't want to kill her before her giving birth, and he could organize a squad to hunt them.

There's also the amount of suffering he caused for good people, civilians, royalty, geez...I heard about the "Sacrifices must be necessary to reach your goal", but he dirtied his hand so much by spilling the blood of good people that the bitch karma would come after him, that's for sure.

Now for Trabant, I know that he was also a douchebag and holding Altenna hostage was a bitch thing to do, beside the whole Corpul hostage situation too, killing Cuan and Ethlin, my favorite character was algo a negative plus, but I blame Thracia 776, you can see how harsh is the enviroment to everyone, how to survive they need to be mercenaries or bandits and they're still hungry....Geez, he even said that he's going to hell, but it would be damn worthy if Thracia recovered, the difference between him and Alvis is that Alvis succeded while Trabant didn't. And Thracia had a a bad enviroment since ever...

It still feels satisfying to kill Trabant with Leaf or Fin, but it felt way more better killing Alvis with Celice.

But I'm ok with people liking Alvis, he gets you a shiny Silver Sword, and I like that sword.Besides, I'm really shallow, so the fact that you can forgive this bastard makes you awesome.

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For some odd reason I liked Trabant way more than this douchebag,

Totally agreeing with this lol. I don't hate Alvis anymore after chapter 10, but that doesn't mean I like him.

Travant actually had a more solid reason for acting like a bastard he was compared to Alvis. What drove Alvis to do what he did is his own perceived utopia and his fear for his heritage. Grandbell's condition was actually pretty stable aside from the Isaac invasion and people like Langobalt or Leptor was roaming on the land. So it was merely an ambition, not a necessity unlike Travant's reasoning.

For all horrible stuff that Travant had done, he done it for the sake of Thracia's survival. He knew he was a bad guy and he didn't care as long it was done for his country, in that sense he was an extreme case of what Eltoshan could be (as if Eltoshan wasn't extreme enough). Jugdral likes to give its villains a Freudian Excuse.

Actually I treated him like I did to Alvis, stop hating him but didn't like him either. Until Thracia 776 that is. I started to like this guy after I saw glimpses of him being a father to both Althena and Arion. He might killed her real parents, he might took her for his own gain, but the guy did love Althena as his own daughter. I believed Althena herself loved Travant as a father before the whole revelation and all honestly maybe even after that, 17 years of memories are hard to forget just like that after all , she wanted to help him, to make him proud and she looked up to him. They even have father-daughter bonding time like they did in chapter 9 of FE5. Travant might be a monster to some/most people, but you can't deny he also a good father to his children.

Not that I'm saying Alvis is a bad father (he is just not the best or/and a lucky one), but to love the child of your enemy as if they are your own is pretty amazing. : D

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Totally agreeing with this lol. I don't hate Alvis anymore after chapter 10, but that doesn't mean I like him.

Travant actually had a more solid reason for acting like a bastard he was compared to Alvis. What drove Alvis to do what he did is his own perceived utopia and his fear for his heritage. Grandbell's condition was actually pretty stable aside from the Isaac invasion and people like Langobalt or Leptor was roaming on the land. So it was merely an ambition, not a necessity unlike Travant's reasoning.

For all horrible stuff that Travant had done, he done it for the sake of Thracia's survival. He knew he was a bad guy and he didn't care as long it was done for his country, in that sense he was an extreme case of what Eltoshan could be (as if Eltoshan wasn't extreme enough). Jugdral likes to give its villains a Freudian Excuse.

Actually I treated him like I did to Alvis, stop hating him but didn't like him either. Until Thracia 776 that is. I started to like this guy after I saw glimpses of him being a father to both Althena and Arion. He might killed her real parents, he might took her for his own gain, but the guy did love Althena as his own daughter. I believed Althena herself loved Travant as a father before the whole revelation and all honestly maybe even after that, 17 years of memories are hard to forget just like that after all , she wanted to help him, to make him proud and she looked up to him. They even have father-daughter bonding time like they did in chapter 9 of FE5. Travant might be a monster to some/most people, but you can't deny he also a good father to his children.

Not that I'm saying Alvis is a bad father (he is just not the best or/and a lucky one), but to love the child of your enemy as if they are your own is pretty amazing. : D


Lol, while Altena is Cuan's daughter Trabant said that she looked way more like Ethlin, I guess he couldn't kill someone that looked like his crush right? XD*headshot* Ok, ok, I'm kidding

But as far as it go, I love to hate these guys, well, Alvis make me more annoyed, but Trabant is cool, I honestly don't know what else he could do to improve his country as the north(or south)? Wasn't welcoming with their trade taxes

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Looks like my next thread should be How do people feel about Trabant. Or alternatively I could declare this topic to now be named How do people feel about Alvis and Trabant.

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He tries to redeem himself in chapter 10, but there's not much an excuse for acting like such a douche in chapter 5. He could have just come out, declared Sigurd a traitor, and killed the entire army. No need for all the taunting and theatrics (including showing him Diadora, which I'll reiterate was ridiculously unnecessary).

I agree ten times over with the whole post about Trabant being far more sympathetic.

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I feel a little conflicted on Alvis. Part of me cannot forgive him because of everything that happened at Bahara. But then part of me feels kind of sorry for him for being manipulated as he was. This pity is not enough to make me forget how much of a jerk he was in chapter 5 though, so I guess I lean towards disliking him. But I can see how people would like him due to the silver sword and chapter 10.

And Trabant. I used to really hate him the first time I played the game. But after playing seisen again and then playing Thracia, I though a little more about him, and realized that at least he had a reason for doing what he did. At least he realizes that what he is doing is wrong, but he doesn't care as long as Thracia survives; he is thinking like a king for his people. I still don't love him, but I clearly don't hate him now.

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