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Rate the Unit, Epilogue!

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Dat Rules

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard 2 Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. Also, if your vote is already a 10/10 or greater than 9 and you give a full point of bias, The score may not exceed 10!

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Each ranking phase ends from 2100 to 2200 EST.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "He Comes with a Free Ridersbane" as an argument.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.

Complain about all the ratings of each character here. Bitch, Moan and Cry... Point is, This RTU is done....



Est: 0.65

Maria: 1.05

Tomas: 1.08

Arran: 1.19

Radd: 1.31

Lorenz: 1.33

Samson: 1.36

Dolph: 1.40

Vyland: 1.67

Matthis: 1.87

Bantu: 2.02

Etzel: 2.06

Rickard: 2.34

Darros: 2.45

Linde: 2.60

Ymir: 2.60

Elice: 2.70

Roshea: 2.88

Astram: 2.89

Tiki: 3.00

Gordin: 3.11

Caesar: 3.50

Gotoh: 3.64

Midia: 3.70

Nagi: 3.98

Jeorge: 4.00

Roger: 4.35

Bord: 4.37

Navarre: 4.66

Cord: 4.87

Horace: 5.02

Catria: 5.45

Castor: 5.54

Merric: 5.58

Boah: 5.81

Palla: 5.90

Wrys: 5.92

Marth: 6.33

Minerva: 6.45

Sedgar: 6.57

Wolf: 6.67

Julian: 6.60

Jagen: 6.98

Draug: 7.12

Jake: 7.13

Beck: 7.42

Ogma: 7.56

Athena: 7.95

Xane: 8.10

Hardin: 8.70

Abel: 8.76

Cain: 8.90

Wendell: 8.92

Lena: 9.26

Barst: 9.40

Sheeda: 9.89

Edited by Folgore Purple
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Est is way too low. She's the best, what the hell.

And thus concludes another RTU. Good job Narsh, and anyone else who put up the threads. And hopefully this won't spiral out of control like FE9's.

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Julian and Wolf should be switched, number-wise (unless it's a typo).

*insert Skittle arguments here, despite the fact that they have no business in a serious list debate*

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Well, we were close to an average of 5. This means that ratings probably aren't that skewed. I thought they would be during inputting with all the low ranks, but I guess not.

I'm shocked by Jake and Beck being so high, and Dolph>>>>>>>>>>>>Macellan.

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I'm surprised Tiki is so low, she always ends up awesome with little trouble for me.

Lots of people vote based on LTC. She costs 4 turns and doesn't make them up, so they hold it against her.

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I'm still not getting the Wolf/Sedgar averages. I understand why there's a problem with these two, it's just the justifications for low ratings I read I didn't find very reasonable. For example, low bases aren't an issue when you can reclass into General or Hero, and low move (as a General) doesn't hurt much when there are plenty of chapters where they can still tank hits without slowing the party down or wait for reinforcements.

They'll probably never be boss killers during an efficient run, but there's quite a bit of unique utility to be seen from them beginning with the next chapter after they join regardless (screw Horsemen bases).

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He is on H5, but I think he's probably better than like Est and Tomas on H2...

Low bases are definitely an issue, even with reclass. They start out barely being able to hurt anything at all, their low move makes it hard to get to enemies in time (look at Ch6, you need to move kinda fast), low durability stops them from attacking within enemy range ever unless they take a KO, if they miss they are in very much trouble, etc etc. It's not that bad in H2 as it is in H5, but in H2 you get mostly people that can plow through enemies while being more self sufficient. You don't need a 25 Def tank to take hits, you'd rather have the extra movement.

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Est can scoop up a couple ridersbane kills somewhat easily and get awesome promotion bonuses reasonably quickly and be a filler flier at best, while macellan can be a slow general with lacking stats or a better class with no weapon ranks or stats at best.

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Most of it I do have to agree with..

Some not so much, like Cain>Abel, and Gordin<Caesar..

But I guess there are reasons.

Oh yeah, and Mac is seriously that bad. At least Dolph has good(er) growths.

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I feel like Cord's score is much too low. Should've gotten a 7 at the least. And I can understand Vyland < Matthis, but Roshea > Matthis?

The FE11 RTU got taken over by the LTC crowd, so growths units like Cord, Merric, Sedgar, and Wolf all scored poorly. Not to mention this is the only time I've seen people not only propose but agree on Wolf > Sedgar and Palla > Catria, with the reasoning being marginally better bases > better growths.

Edited by OrangeCrush
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The FE11 RTU got taken over by the LTC crowd.
So? What does that have to do with Cord getting two thirds of what should be his score? Or Roshea getting a score that's better than Matthis's? For instance, the only notable differences I'm seeing with Cord and Barst is the 3 point Strength difference, a 4 point Health difference, and one Axe rank difference. Considering that Barst got a 9.4 with those advantages, I would have figured that Cord would have gotten a at least a 7 or a 6.5. Edited by Little Al
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