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Draft Minimafia


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Thinking about it, it might be a good idea for me to do this anyway since it should narrow the lynch pool down to three players (four if you think Rothene isn't obvtown). I'm just worried it'll fuck things up for the person my psuedoclear is on. <_<

Leaving work in 5. I pop in to see what I missed, and Prims' "you dolts don't realize I'm town" attitude is back in full.swing. And this thing I bolded. Is this some softclaiming (that I finally clued in on)?

Prims, do you get that anyone could be a PR this setup, and it in no way based on alignment what role you have?

Asking/demanding for reasons why you are acting scummy like an "oh shoot, what did I do so I can stop" move that I've been taught never to use. But you used it. How does that make you any more town than the rest of us?

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prims, I wanted to lynch you because for a while I was pretty convinced that you were scum. And don't put words in my mouth: being frustrated at your lynch is FINE, but trying to make other people feel guilty/stupid for considering it is just the same as saying that we're really going to regret it, which is kind of a scumline.

Regarding my first sentence up there, I'm not entirely convinced you're scum anymore, but you need to cool it a little. Don't take it personally. Your defensiveness is actually making me feel much more comfortable about you than I was this morning; I was really mulling over

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Prims, do you get that anyone could be a PR this setup, and it in no way based on alignment what role you have?

Yes, but there are certain PR picks that are strong towntells in this game. For example, if somebody very early on the queue picked, like, Amnesiac or Voyeur something, I'd be willing to bet they're town, since neither of those are good scumpicks compared to many other drafting roles. Additionally, if we do indeed have a doctor, then the doctor is obvtown because the scum N1 kill seems to have been made to avoid him, implying that scum are scared of a town doctor. Which actually says a lot about the potential for both scum being Vanilla.

Asking/demanding for reasons why you are acting scummy like an "oh shoot, what did I do so I can stop" move that I've been taught never to use. But you used it. How does that make you any more town than the rest of us?

I asked so I can explain why I did what I did from a town PoV.

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Yes, but there are certain PR picks that are strong towntells in this game. For example, if somebody very early on the queue picked, like, Amnesiac or Voyeur something, I'd be willing to bet they're town, since neither of those are good scumpicks compared to many other drafting roles. Additionally, if we do indeed have a doctor, then the doctor is obvtown because the scum N1 kill seems to have been made to avoid him, implying that scum are scared of a town doctor. Which actually says a lot about the potential for both scum being Vanilla.

Ok cool. You are ignoring the fact that scum could have just as easily picked Doc to screw over the town, preventing us from getting it in the first place, which has been mentioned somewhere around here already.

If we have as many vanillas as are claimed, then there's a hint at the probability of only the superior PRs being picked, thus still being open to either alignment.

And geez, Doc is Obvtown because straw was killed over you or bizz on N1? Is that the argument that you have that a doc exists in the first place? I mean sure, if I were scum, I'd leave the scummier players on the field so they could just get themselves lynched, but you have give out and confirmed yourself as a PR various times, which doesn't stop you from being scum. Hell, you are flaunting your PR like it's an automatic clear for yourself.

Unless you are cop and you found the doc, you are in no way proving that a doc exists. And you knowing someone elses roles doesn't confirm you either.

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Let me further my other statement. If scum has the doc, they can kill whoever they darn well please, but hide their trail better by killing a less vocal player.

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I've already posted why I don't think a doc would be scum right now. All of nobody suspected Levity at the end of D1 so not killing her doesn't mean scum was leaving her alive to get lynched like you were saying. Also, I'm not sure how many people on the playerlist would actually think picking doc as scum would be worth it, given that some of the folks on it are less experienced players.

I don't consider my claim an instant clear but it does explain where a lot of my posts have been coming from.

Let me further my other statement. If scum has the doc, they can kill whoever they darn well please, but hide their trail better by killing a less vocal player.

I don't think this means much because they had the option of shooting one of (me, Levity) and going "whoops I was on the one that didn't die". They'd probably get away with it.

A doc claim isn't confirmed town, but they're very likely to be town based on what we know. I might just be jumping to conclusions but I really don't think we have a scum doc if we have one at all. I'm posting my logic in case I die and there's a doc claim in LYLO or something.

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I'm more irritated at the suggestions of "let's lynch Prims for INFORMATION" because that's bad play.

hi I'm back

I want the Prims lynch for information and because I think he's scum. and in all your posts since my last, your major defensiveness just doesn't feel right. Also, if your role is really as good as it is, remember that there's an Amnesiac in the game. Go on, claim. I'll wait.

Also, Bizz is right in saying I'm softclaiming vanilla. Gung-ho play on D1? Because I'm a vanilla. Town was going to benefit more by losing less if I was lynched. How long did it take to drill this into your skulls? I picked Amnesiac, so I know there's one in the game, regardless of what Rothene said. But whoever it is needs to stay quiet, otherwise they will probably die tonight as well. Which wouldn't be optimal.

ie: There are 3 PR's, and scum should have at least one of them. In other words, one of Bizz, Prims and BBM should be scum, because I doubt the scumteam is two vanillas.

I'm not feeling the Elieson lynch either, just because right now, there are better targets, but I don't think he's that scummy. Would not lynch Proto for the same reason.

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Optimal play would've been for the Amnesiac to become Hooker on N1. If they idled, then they'll have to spend tonight becoming the role after my lynch, and if town loses the game the day after I died they won't even get a chance to use my role.

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Manix, if the scum got bottom draft picks, they can't do anything about that. There is no rule which states that the scum must have at least one PR. Using that of all things to pin suspicion on the people with power roles makes no sense and frankly seems to me like you're scum trying to lynch a PR.

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Optimal play would've been for the Amnesiac to become Hooker on N1. If they idled, then they'll have to spend tonight becoming the role after my lynch, and if town loses the game the day after I died they won't even get a chance to use my role.

Assuming today's lynch is anything but ice cream that is.

Where are the other half of the players!? I want something more from Rothe and Proto. Rothe especially, as he had been exceptionally scarce, and could very well be potential lurkscum.

Also, I won't be able to make huge multi quoted posts for a bit. Apparently I went over my internet limit, and my son is jacked into my computer using an alternate tethered net source, playing on youtube or something.

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Manix, if the scum got bottom draft picks, they can't do anything about that. There is no rule which states that the scum must have at least one PR. Using that of all things to pin suspicion on the people with power roles makes no sense and frankly seems to me like you're scum trying to lynch a PR.

That's nice, but FMPOV, only one of the lower draft picks could be scum(Rothene for lurkscum and bad wagonhopping following Prims). Hence, the other one should have a PR because it has to be one of you, Prims or Bizz. This is assuming they have one vanilla, which for all I know, they could have two PR's, and town is pretty much screwed.

Let me spell this out to you using a list:

Bizz - PR

Prims - PR

BBM- Likely PR

Blitz - Town Hooker

Elieson - Vanilla

Manix - Vanilla

Proto - Vanilla

StSS - Town Redirector

Rothene - Vanilla

Now, my list of town to scum:

Manix (well duh)








Have a look. The only person on my scumdar that doesn't have a PR is Rothene. Hence, scum should have at least 1 PR, and possibly 2 because they could communicate with each other while picking, iirc.

Remember that this is FMPOV, not yours. I hope this clears up why I think scum has at least 1 PR. Have a nice day.

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Hasn't given a lot of opinions, even when asked (this is a big point), isn't terribly notable, wagonhopping all over the place (see: random vote on Bizz last phase for no adequately explained reason). I think that pretty much covers it.

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I have no problem with you thinking that it's likely the scum have a PR. Your original post gave the impression that the scum had to, 100%, have a PR, and you never even said FMPOV. You just said, "the scum should have at least one PR". Also, why are you not feeling an Elieson lynch? I looked at your posts in iso, and the last post of yours that had him in it had you thinking he was scum.

It's annoying when people change their opinions and give no reasoning for it.

Looking back at it, it's quite surprising Strawman landed something as strong as Redirector while 2nd last.

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so I did. ugh, sometimes I wonder why I just post stuff without thinking about it a lot. Particularly when I don't remember much.

So, I got to thinking a bit, and went: Okay, Elieson doesn't look like he has that much to lose, looking at his more recent posts. And, if I wanted to meta him, he acts this way more as town than scum (and there's quite a bit of stuff for scum!Elie in previous games). The vanilla claim is okay, for now.

He's giving me a better impression since the start of the day when I thought he was scummier.

And given how much I remember of my own posts (not that much, because I actually had to iso myself), it just goes that way, I guess. Opinions can change during a day, you know.

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I think Rothene is just a really uninterested townie, to be honest

Yeah, I agree with that.

I'm pegging the scumteam as Elieson+Manix at the moment. Elieson for aforementioned reasons, and Manix is starting to look kinda bad. I'm not sure if he's scummy or just kinda out of it, but he's posting a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense and then taking it back later, and saying contradictory things a lot. I dunno, just my gut. But I'm having a stomachache right now, so eh.

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BBM, a question: If I'm town, and you lynch me, what happens then? I want to see what you think given that situation.

What happens after that? If you flip town, it'll suck, but there's no point berating yourself for a mislynch on someone who behaved scummy. I'll be more suspicious of Prims, who's basically tunnelled in on you the whole game so far. It'll also depend on what happens at night, of course.

Also, come on guys, let's consolidate on something more than 30 minutes before phase end this time.

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I'm keeping my vote on Prims. I don't care if you think i'm tunnelling, because I'm voting for the person who I feel is the most suspicious, regardless of him having a PR.

If he was town, he'd out his results and information for the greater good, even if it put him in nightkill territory, and I'm sure someone as experienced as Prims knows that.

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If he was town, he'd out his results and information for the greater good, even if it put him in nightkill territory, and I'm sure someone as experienced as Prims knows that.

actually, this is a good point. Because if we don't lynch scum today, town is at MYLO. Hey guess what, that means we need as much information as possible, no matter how, and we can only get so much from flips. Because otherwise, town will easily lose. (Which at the rate we're going, it's likely)

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From what I gathered, his information clears someone else, not himself. He's afraid of putting them in nightkill territory. And I think it's pretty obvious who he's pseudo-cleared, and which one of two roles his role would have to be to clear someone in this game.

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